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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

After 50 days or so of Zionist animals genocide of Gaza, the bastards are not faring well either militarily or politically. Their child killing military despite billions in new US weapons is having a hard time coping with a few hundred superhuman courageous Palestinian youth. The Zionists have just lost a RORO ship to the Ansarallah in Yemen and it may be carrying South Korean weapons. The aerial heliborne capture of the Zionist ship is a testament to Ansarallah courage and professionalism. On the global front the Zionist savages are turning even western populations against them. In the US 85% of Jews support the genocide of Gaza while only 32% of general population. It again confirms that all Jews are Zionist child killers. BTW, Hamas has been capturing a lot of Zionist weapons and can continue the resistance for a long time.

Yes, for sure AnsarAllah is doing it. CNN mentioned the cargo ship might've been sailing under an Indian name, either it was Indian or like you said South Korean with more weapons sailing under an Indian flag. We'll find out more soon enough when more information comes out.

My only worry is where are the US carriers and it's not a question of if but when they end up sending 600 sorties of F/A-18 Super hornets and just go Vietnam on Yemen. And where are the B-52s stationed ATM? We know the B-2s can be dispatched from Missouri within an hour and head to any destination around the world. Last thing we need to see is the US unleashing its brand of wrath, and on Yemen. Who knows how far the US is willing to defend this demonic entity? Let's hope & pray the worldly awakening that's clearly happening as you said is putting enough pressure on the US for its despicable support of this genocide that it actually tempers it from unleashing its own wrath on also another poor but super brave country.
Yes, for sure AnsarAllah is doing it. CNN mentioned the cargo ship might've been sailing under an Indian name, either it was Indian or like you said South Korean with more weapons sailing under an Indian flag. We'll find out more soon enough when more information comes out.

My only worry is where are the US carriers and it's not a question of if but when they end up sending 600 sorties of F/A-18 Super hornets and just go Vietnam on Yemen. And where are the B-52s stationed ATM? We know the B-2s can be dispatched from Missouri within an hour and head to any destination around the world. Last thing we need to see is the US unleashing its brand of wrath, and on Yemen. Who knows how far the US is willing to defend this demonic entity? Let's hope & pray the worldly awakening that's clearly happening as you said is putting enough pressure on the US for its despicable support of this genocide that it actually tempers it from unleashing its own wrath on also another poor but super brave country.
That is my understanding too. The US public is turning against the holocaust of Gaza and I believe the US knows full well that attacking Yemen will bring in Hezbollah and Iran. The US is hardly in a position to fight a three front wars from Palestine, Ukraine to Taiwan. They are again focusing on "destroying Russia" and printing billions to wage that Jew fanned war and now with the resistance forces standing tall despite absorbing the the heaviest conventional bombardment in human history, the US has nothing to gain by being dragged into a morass with a deadbeat economy. The Zionist cowards have put the Palestine issue on the forefront of global agenda. PALESTINE CAN NEVER BE ERASED. I have attended a lot of pro-Palestine rallies in my lifetime, but nothing like the support from western populations, including children these days. The hubris laden Jew child killers are digging their own graves.

Every decent human being should wear a T-shirt or bumper sticker with:
Israelis complaining about the dead soldiers in Gaza who happened to be women. 🔥🔥

I look at these silly Instagram & Facebook TikTok iPhone generation "look at me in red lipstick" and the crazy tattoo trending is just too much for this guy's old-school upbringing right, and it always reminds me of when we were fighting these devil-possessed demons back in 1973, they were nothing like this pansy generation. They were also demons, no doubt about that but they were much stronger demons than all this phony baloney sorry excuse of land-thieving Jackboot dingalings. I've ran out of adjectives man, but I'm sure you get what I mean. Back then they were true demonic jackboot thug pigs. Hence why they're losing bodies left and right. Hard to properly train a TikTok generation how to fight in a war against the ultimate bravery. Imagine if the Palestinians actually had tanks and fighter jets and were on equal grounds to the ZDF lol. How much crying would be seeing then?
Egyptian Foreign Minister: Israel’s policy of obstructing the entry of aid into Gaza is systematic and aims to push the Palestinians to leave the Strip

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The displacement of Palestinians will threaten peace, security and stability in the region and the world

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The strong Egyptian and Arab position rejecting the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza was a red line
Egyptian Foreign Minister: Israel’s policy of obstructing the entry of aid into Gaza is systematic and aims to push the Palestinians to leave the Strip

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The displacement of Palestinians will threaten peace, security and stability in the region and the world

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The strong Egyptian and Arab position rejecting the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza was a red line
Egyptian role in supporting the Zionist bastards holocaust of Gaza is perhaps the worst treachery in Islamic history. Egypt can easily open the Rafah crossing or turn a blind eye to support and weapons for the resistance, but they have totally blockaded Gaza. I have never seen a single Egyptian at any pro-Palestine rally anywhere in the world either. There are always Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Iranian, Turkish, Bosnian, Algerian flags and supporters. Not a single Persian Gulf corrupt puppet ever offers any support to the brave Palestinian people. It is embarrassingly shameful. The Egyptians are the worst of the lot.
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Successful indeed. I call that a demon steel obliteration lmmmaaaaooo! That infamously invincible Mercrapa got sent to smithereens hell wow. Last time we've seen a tank get pummeled like that was way back in WW2 in ironically a Nazi Panther II for goodness' sake lol. Not even the Russian T-72s & T-80BVs in Ukraine and Syria were obliterated like that, and everyone knows the record for the longest turret flight was set in Ukraine and still that tank didn't go to demon hell like this one lol. Let's hope the Mujahideen either got out of the building fast enough before the trailing Mercrapa fired that shell, or they just fired at a random building that wasn't the source before they retreated probably with soiled pants after seeing the demonic obliteration that just happened in front of their demon eyes lol. Great video and good spot.
Ya Basha, Merkrapa, indeed, all of these war toy are nothing by shelling indiscriminately when they don’t encourage combat on foot face-to-face. Israeli tanks are being ambushed with hand implanted explosive devices and Al Yassin RPG. I think the IDF are Israeli diaper army. Also the footage of destroyed turret in Anna clip by Jaish al Hurr East Ghoute
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Ya Basha, Merkrapa, indeed, all of these war toy are nothing by shelling indiscriminately when they don’t encourage combat on foot face-to-face. Israeli tanks are being ambushed with hand implanted explosive devices and Al Yassin RPG. I think the IDF are Israeli diaper army.
I agree with Erdogan when he said that so-called Israel is a terrorist state. The Zionist bastards despite almost half a TRILLION dollars worth of weapons from the US and the west have proven to be the worst cowards on earth. They are only good at bombing hospitals with JDAMS and killing babies. If Turkey and Iran unite and leave all the sad political bickering aside, can destroy the Zionist child killers in less than 48 hours. The US despite all its boasts will never confront a united Turkish-Iranian front. If I were Erdogan or Raisi, I would move beyond ego and get on a plane and seriously discuss a combined military action. There is so much anger in both countries that the people would welcome it. The Zionists are running out of manpower just fighting lightly armed Palestinian FREEDOM FIGHTERS, let alone large battle tested militaries like Turkey and Iran with centuries of illustrious military history. As Sayyed Nasrallah wisely said, THE ZIONISTS ARE WEAKER THAN A SPIDERS WEB.

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