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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Don't worry. They will come and claim that ''losing Gaza'' was always part of the strategy.
Who are those that will claim this? Just asking to understand better.

Because logically, losing Gaza can't ever be considered a strategy when it is the ultimate RED LINE. Gaza will never be lost, and definitely not to Israel- the time for that to happen is long gone, Karma has instilled a new reality in the region.
So much so for the 'Hamas Command Center' in Al Shifa Hospital. Even NY Times is starting to question that, but very carefully! See the bolded parts!!

Israel Displays Tunnel Shaft at Gaza Hospital and Says It Will Let In Some Fuel​

The discovery at Al-Shifa Hospital did not seem to settle the question of whether Hamas has been using the complex to hide weapons and command centers, as Israel has said.

the discovery of the tunnel shaft at Al-Shifa did not seem to settle the question of whether Hamas, the armed Palestinian group that rules Gaza, has been using the hospital to hide weapons and command centers, as Israel has said.

That claim is central to Israel’s defense of its military campaign in Gaza, which has killed more than 11,000 people, according to Gazan health officials. Israeli officials say that the loss of life has been caused in part by Hamas’s decision to hide its military fortifications and command centers inside civilian infrastructure like Al-Shifa.

Despite the fact that the Israeli military has yet to show incontrovertible proof of a vast tunnel network, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that the military had found proof of its allegations about the use of Al-Shifa. There were “a lot of terrorists there,” he said in a National Public Radio interview, but “they fled as our forces approached the hospital.”
Iran will fight on behalf of Gaza, just not directly, so that means military action by regional resistance factions against western targets, specifically US and Israel- HEzbollah, Iraqi resistance and Houthis surely have received Iranian instructions or support or confirmation to launch attacks against Israel. Iran will enter direct conflict with US or Israel when either of them crosses violates Iranian security in a serious and direct way. Different actions for different conditions or scenarios, that is what is happening now. What people say is no more than 12% of human communication- talk dont mean crap, its never the full picture/ comment by certain regional and global civil and military leaders.
Iran will fight on behalf of Gaza, just not directly, so that means military action by regional resistance factions against western targets, specifically US and Israel- HEzbollah, Iraqi resistance and Houthis surely have received Iranian instructions or support or confirmation to launch attacks against Israel. Iran will enter direct conflict with US or Israel when either of them crosses violates Iranian security in a serious and direct way. Different actions for different conditions or scenarios, that is what is happening now. What people say is no more than 12% of human communication- talk dont mean crap, its never the full picture/ comment by certain regional and global civil and military leaders.


Tanzanian student taken hostage by Hamas confirmed dead


The Tanzanian government has confirmed the death of a student taken hostage in the Hamas attack on Israel.

Clemence Felix Mtenga, 22, was one of two Tanzanians taken by the group on 7 October. It is unclear how he died.

The country's foreign ministry said it was in touch with Israel over the other Tanzanian hostage, Joshua Mollel.

More than 240 hostages were taken in the assault by Hamas, and at least 1400 people killed.

The hostages - which were taken from Israel to the Gaza Strip - come from 25 countries, including one South African who is yet to be identified.

Approximately 260 Tanzanians study agriculture in Israel, and both Mr Mtenga and Mr Mollel had been in the country as part of an agricultural internship programme, Israel's foreign ministry said on X.

The pair had only landed in Israel in September, and were due to study there for 11 months.

Mr Mtenga had been living on Kibbutz Nir Oz and working at a dairy farm in the afternoons, a friend and fellow student told the BBC.

When news of his kidnapping broke last month, his sister said his whole family were worried about him, but remained hopeful he would be rescued.

She said: "He should be courageous where he is, know that we love him and that we pray for him day and night, hoping that he will be back soon."

Tanzania's foreign ministry said Mr Mtenga's family had been informed, and that officials were liaising with the Israeli government to send his body home.

Mr Mollel's situation is currently unclear.

Before it was confirmed that he had been taken hostage, his father told the BBC he could not eat or sleep because he was desperate to know what had happened to him.

The last words he said to his son before he disappeared were: "Be on your best behaviour because you're somewhere new, and make the most of the internship you're there to do."

A total of four hostages have been released so far, with another freed by Israeli forces.

Hamas - considered a terrorist organisation by the UK, the US and some other countries - says it has hidden the hostages in "safe places and tunnels" within Gaza.

probably killed by IDF

jews are anti black
The number of martyrs increased to 5 as a result of the bombing of a house in Balata camp. Nablus

Look at what Elon Musk is saying now:

The guy is spineless. He is already caving in. Why act tough if you can't hold the line? People are facing genocide for standing up to Zion in Palestine, and this guy with his endless billions can't standing up to a few companies pulling their ads. What a coward.
Iran and Hezbollah are helping Palestinians?
yes, why is that confusing to you?
Clearly you do not know Middle Eastern politics very well do you?
and you do? when you said Saudi Arabia was supporting its national interests by watching Israel genocide Gaza, i knew you were an "expert" in Middle East politics...lmooo
Since when was Shia Iran helping Sunni Muslim causes? Let alone the Palestinian cause? :disagree:
When i said much earlier on this thread that some people would call Iran sectarian for helping Sunni Palestinians, you were one of the people i was talking about...
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