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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

True Iran is bigger threat to house of saud then Israel

It's common sense

Same is true for sisi as well

All dictators have to worry about their throne first
Same is true for the Iranian Mullahs as well. All of them are dictators who crush every uprising to their rule. Iran is no exception.
Israhell killed one of captured jews

photo of the Israeli soldier "Foul Azai Mark Assiani" who was killed in the bombing of Gaza on 9/11/2023.
Same is true for the Iranian Mullahs as well. All of them are dictators who crush every uprising to their rule. Iran is no
Same as usa fake democracy, anyone who challenge fakeness of it would be crushed and eliminated,
The Saudi monarchy fear a religious revolution which topples them more than anything else, so countries like Iran, Egypt with muslim brotherhood and any other muslim country which tries to lead from a religious perspective irks and bothers the Saudi's. Israel has never been seen as a threat more a nusance.
Yeah but so too does Iran, its also a religious ruled dictatorship where no disent to the Mullah led Government is allowed(just look at how many Iranians were killed/massacred/sentenced to death and imprisoned for protesting and rising up against the Mullahs recently) led by the Mullahs. They are not any different from the other dictatorships in the region. The only thing is that Iran has tried to build its own version of Islam with them at the centre and leader of that brand where they can influence other Arab countries in the region and pull them into their orbit. Iran has worked hard to build its brand and pole of religious regime and followers. Since unlike KSA who has defacto being a pole and centre of Islam and recognised as such globally since they host the Mecca which is revered by Muslims globally and being the country from which Islam originated in the first place from where they expanded and conquered/spread to the entire region(Iran included) and other far away lands plus being the country from where the revered prophet of Islam Muhammed hails from etc etc. All this means KSA has defacto alot of influence and has been regarded as the leader of Arab world for some time now. So KSA doesn't need to do much to have such influence and pull over the region unlike Iran who had to work very hard to try and build its own pole.
In this regard, I will.say the Mullahs have actually done a good job . Gotta give credit when it's due.😁
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Same is true for the Iranian Mullahs as well. All of them are dictators who crush every uprising to their rule. Iran is no exception.
We don't have dictators in Iran. Your jewish masters are dictator.
Poor westerners like you are just servent of jews.
Your government don't even dare to ignore the orders of the Jews.
You know that he is history. You know that they where windows of opportunities opened to solve this in the past .

The main reason i was always against him , is that his rise to power was him using the Fact that Hamas was blowing up buses , to gain popularity after the Oslo accords.

But this is history now , we will not solve a conflict that has been going on for 70 years in a few months. Right now what we can do is somehow stabilize the situation , and enable the two potulations to co-exist until a permanent peace solution can be found,

In Israeli it is true that we are devided on how to solve it.

But if you can give people assurances that their security would be guranteed , than people stand would shift again , and we will have a majority to try another peace process, This is the only way to do it in a democracy,

With Hamas it is a diffrent situation. It is not a democracy and there will be no shift in ideoligy .He has made it clear their intention is to destroy my country, They also made it clear they are willing to to exteme messure , at all cost to achieve that.

So again i ask , how can you gurentee this does not happen to us again , in a year or two , as long as Hamas rules Gaza ?

How can you expect people in Israel to gamble on another peace process when you can not gurentee this does not happen again , not to mention would most likely happen again if we fail to take action.

What comes first? The chicken or the egg? Have you ever heard this phrase?

Trust is zero on both sides. You make out in your statement as if I’m some sort of spokesperson with solutions.
Arabs have historically not been the sharpest people in the world saturated with brain cells and are not predictable - they lack leadership and are more interested in self preservation.
Israel on the other hand have shown us to be hell bent on treating Palestinians as 2nd class citizens. They have been trampled on and treated with disdain over the last 70 years.
Sammuel it’s their land - their life and their history. Taking land - building illegal settlements and apartheid has been evident.
You need an independent body or person to act as judge and jury - both parties accepting the decision - both parties to abide by criteria.
Both parties won’t get exactly what they want but it would be a start to accept both parties existence.
You can say Netanyahu is history but right now as we speak the bastard is creating more war crimes - the hounds of Baskerville need to be called off immediately - tell me I’m wrong?
Yeah but so too does Iran, its also a religious ruled dictatorship where no disent to the Mullah led Government is allowed(just look at how may were killed and imprisoned for protesting and rising up against the Mullahs recently) led by the Mullahs. They are not any different from the other dictatorships in the region. The only thing is that Iran has tried to build its own version of Islam with them at the centre and leader of that brand where rhey can influence other Arab countries in the region and pull them into their orbit. Iran has worked hard to build its brand and pole of religious regime and followers. Since unlike KSA who has defacto being a pole and centre of Islam and recognised as such globally since they host the Mecca which is revered by Muslims globally and being the country from which Islam originated in the first place from where they expanded and conquered/spread to the entire region(Iran included) and other far away lands plus being the country from where the revered prophet of Islam Muhammed hails from etc etc. All this means KSA has defacto alot of influence and has been regarded as the leader of Arab world for some time now. So KSA doesn't need to do much to have such influence and pull over the region unlike Iran who had to work hard to try and build its own pole.
The ruler of your country is an old dictator who is the servant of the Jews.

Also, your shit country has been one of the most evil and tyrant countries in the history of world.

So you should shut up.

Also Iran have elected government by people unlike your shitty government.
WHO says Gaza's biggest hospital becoming a cemetery


  1. Gaza's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, is "nearly a cemetery", the World Health Organization warns, with bodies piling up inside and outside
  2. Dozens of premature babies and 45 kidney patients needing dialysis can't be treated properly due to a lack of power, a spokesperson from the UN health agency says
  3. Fighting has been raging close to the hospital in recent days, with severe fuel shortages impacting treatment
  4. Israel has accused Hamas of having a command and control centre under the hospital - which the facility and Hamas deny
  5. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees meanwhile warns its humanitarian operations in Gaza will "grind to a halt" in 48 hours when it runs out of fuel
  6. Israel began striking Gaza after the Hamas attacks on 7 October, in which 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage
  7. The Hamas-run health ministry says more than 11,000 people have been killed in Gaza since - of whom more than 4,500 were children
What a example of bravery is to put the bomb in terriost Israeli tank barrel.

That's incredible footage. Is it in Gaza or from October 7 outside Gaza? On October 7, the Gazans were able to do a lot of damage to IDF rather freely.
Surely any dimwit in the hierarchy must know the USA can’t be sugar daddy forever - Ukraine and Israeli hand outs are crippling their economy - and eventually the dollar will dry up. So what becomes of the parasite state?
Israelis are certainly on a clock--not just a clock about the ongoing Gazan war but also a clock about the Settlement activities in the West Bank. Netanyahu knows Israel needs to fully secure the West Bank to assure the residing and future Jews to stay or move to Israel, or Israel itself is finished. Israel is a very sick 'nation'.
Same is true for the Iranian Mullahs as well. All of them are dictators who crush every uprising to their rule. Iran is no exception.
And many Americans on January 6, 2021 were rioting on the US Capitol against the 'stolen election' and the Democratic party 'dictatorship'. Many still believe Biden is a usurper. Of the 75 MILLION votes that Trump got, many, if not most, think Biden is a dictator, a tyrant, a usurper sitting in White House. Heck, my WASP wife is one of them and I have to hear her say that every day!!
How would someone born and raised in Brooklyn...where his family has lived for generations...feel about the situation if he was awakened in the middle of the night by men with guns and told to get out because the gunmen's family lived there 3 thousand years ago and their god says they can have it back?

Yes, it is injustice. The creation of Israel was wrong. But once it is there, what to do now? Destroy the whole of Israel? What is your roadmap for the solution?

But what about the injustice which was done by Muslim Ancestors, when they killed the fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons during the daytime, and then had sex with the captive women and girls the same night? Who enslaved even small children for their entire lives, although they had no role in wars. Have you ever thought about this ZULM and do you have the courage to condemn it?
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