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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Gallant's nonsense has been busted by that rocket rain on different cities in Occupied Palestine. What is also odd is how can he make that claim when they're losing at least 10 tanks in a given day in Gaza plus the death many soldiers? It seems their rhetoric reflects on their control of information getting to their people than the actual reality on the ground.
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: The Rafah crossing is open and has not been closed at any stage, and Israel is the one obstructing the entry of aid
Hamas is slowly being driven out of Gaza. Where is the entire islamic world? Where are the Arab countries? Where is hezbollah?
Who said? Their tanks and armour can only pound buildings and civilians, they cannot fight street to street without heavy casualties. This is a quagmire. If hamas can find a way to resupply this conflict will last many months if not years
Correct. Israel never had and never will willingly allow a viable Palestinian State. Why? Look at the geography of Israel. It is a tiny, mostly arid country surrounded by millions of hostile people who live in much larger land areas. Now, IF Israel was a large fertile land with plenty of space to accommodate the Palestinians, it might--just might be--be a different situation in the 'Holy Land'.
This is just as much a conflict about religion as about resources.
Surely any dimwit in the hierarchy must know the USA can’t be sugar daddy forever - Ukraine and Israeli hand outs are crippling their economy - and eventually the dollar will dry up. So what becomes of the parasite state?
The lashing of innocent victims - already surrounded by hostility isn’t going to wash and eventually the inevitable.
The Jews had had history with their existence - this one I’m sad to say will end up with anarchy and destruction - 5 10 15 20 years who knows?
Your trolling is anoying. Time to school you as you seem to have come out from under your bridge.

Netanyahoo describes himself as secular, right now your secular buddy is carrying out a genocide.

Lets look at secular Europe.

France became secular in 1905 in the 1940-50s they killed over 1 million algerians. They even detonated nuclear bombs in Algeria with no regard to the health consequences of the people living there. The french massacred thousands of people in Madasgascar 40,000 estimated, in Cameroon over 400,000 killed. Secular France was arming Hutus in Rwanda where atleast 800,000 tutsis were massacred. Chad, Morroco, Sengal thousands killed, all this happened by Secular france.

Secular Germany killed 6 milion jews as a starter, their countless massacres go off the charts as well.

Secular Britian killed tens of thousands in the Malayan uprising, killed or tortured over 90,000 kenyans, they were involved and responsible for causing anarchy in many lands like in Indonesia which led to upto 1 million people killed. They helped topple a democratic government in Iran which led to lots of instability in the middle east including 10 year Iran-Iraq war which saw hundreds of thousands killed.

Secular China 1940s - Mao was responsible for millions of deaths in China, Russia become secular in 1997 didnt stop them committing mass genocide and killings in the caucus, invading Ukraine, Georgia. Before that atheist Stalin was wiping out millions.

You make a nonsense argument trying to pit religious/Islam against secular/athiest idologies. The reality is athiests in the 20th century killed more human beings than any other ideology did in human history. Secular governments continue to supress, destablise and subject millions of people around the world to the lowest of living conditions by supporting and arming dictators, kingdoms and other bad leaders to push ahead their agenda and greed.

Dont preach your nonsense to us, we know reality much better than your delusion.

Which one of these from Netanyahu, Colonial France, alleges Secular Germany (i.e. Hitler whom you claim to be Secular), Colonial Britain, Secular China (according to you claim), and atheist Stalin is our Role Model and Hero whom we wish to follow?

Name any of their Oppression which we defend.

Name any of their crimes that we have not condemned.

But do you have the courage to condemn the crimes of your Muslim ancestors, who killed captive men, raped women and girls, enslaved even all small children, and looted even the last penny?

Your Muslim ancestors brought 100% destruction upon non-Muslims. They were more cruel than colonial Britain, which abolished slavery from all its colonies, and didn't rape women, or enslaved small children.

The problem with the majority of Muslims is, they think only they have morals, while non-Muslims are nothing. Please come out of this indoctrination.

Secularism is the system of Humanity. And Humanity stands above all things, including all religions.
You have to accept Netanyahu has no intention of allowing the Palestinians to live - he vegetated his thoughts in 2019 saying Hamas has to be continued to be funded because they don’t ( like his ideology) want a 2 state solution.
So by removing and Hamas - there is room for a 2 state solution.
By bombing and massacring innocent kids and women without regard for their safety AND the lives of the kidnapped Israeli shows us the intent he has.
Wiping out - uprooting 2 million Palestinians is simply unacceptable - letting them live and governing over them is a no. You have to accept treating them for decades as prisoners I. Their own concentration camp has had unintended consequences which has played into the hands of extremists from both sides.

You know that he is history. You know that they where windows of opportunities opened to solve this in the past .

The main reason i was always against him , is that his rise to power was him using the Fact that Hamas was blowing up buses , to gain popularity after the Oslo accords.

But this is history now , we will not solve a conflict that has been going on for 70 years in a few months. Right now what we can do is somehow stabilize the situation , and enable the two potulations to co-exist until a permanent peace solution can be found,

In Israeli it is true that we are devided on how to solve it.

But if you can give people assurances that their security would be guranteed , than people stand would shift again , and we will have a majority to try another peace process, This is the only way to do it in a democracy,

With Hamas it is a diffrent situation. It is not a democracy and there will be no shift in ideoligy .He has made it clear their intention is to destroy my country, They also made it clear they are willing to to exteme messure , at all cost to achieve that.

So again i ask , how can you gurentee this does not happen to us again , in a year or two , as long as Hamas rules Gaza ?

How can you expect people in Israel to gamble on another peace process when you can not gurentee this does not happen again , not to mention would most likely happen again if we fail to take action.

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Which one of these from Netanyahu, Colonial France, alleges Secular Germany (i.e. Hitler whom you claim to be Secular), Colonial Britain, Secular China (according to you claim), and atheist Stalin is our Role Model and Hero whom we wish to follow?

Name any of their Oppression which we defend.

Name any of their crimes that we have not condemned.

But do you have the courage to condemn the crimes of your Muslim ancestors, who killed captive men, raped women and girls, enslaved even all small children, and looted even the last penny?

Your Muslim ancestors brought 100% destruction upon non-Muslims. They were more cruel than colonial Britain, which abolished slavery from all its colonies, and didn't rape women, or enslaved small children.

The problem with the majority of Muslims is, they think only they have morals, while non-Muslims are nothing. Please come out of this indoctrination.

Secularism is the system of Humanity. And Humanity stands above all things, including all religions.
They are your secularist role models. I didnt even get started with secularist US. There are many crimes which are not condemned and continue not to be so your double standards dont work.

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