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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Patrons of Zionism(including Herzl) and Communism(Marx), later Bolsheviks, who later migrated to Israel were all only cultural jews and functional atheists.

Still what that has to do with Atheism if Zionist Atheist did any action as individuals? I condemn all such actions and I would have opposed them if I were present in that era.

Even today ex-Muslims or atheists have nothing to do with Israel, but these are mainly religious Jewish fanatics who dream about greater Israel while their god promised it to them. Please don't tell me that Netanyahu is not a religious person but an atheist.
Still what that has to do with Atheism if Zionist Atheist did any action as individuals? I condemn all such actions and I would have opposed them if I were present in that era.

Even today ex-Muslims or atheists have nothing to do with Israel, but these are mainly religious Jewish fanatics who dream about greater Israel while their god promised it to them. Please don't tell me that Netanyahu is not a religious person but an atheist.

These are not the "chosen people", they are devils..
Jews suck new born baby penises
It helps to say bachabaaz or homos instead of pedos, then. Bachabaaz are clearly homo rapists who do it without consent. By making it about pedos you play into the hands of puritan white christians (who themselves are idiots).

The Israeli military says two mortars were launched from southern Lebanon into Israel​

Retarded beyond belief. Palestinians have to pay for others deed? Where in international law does it state this. Lumping every muslim and tarring them with the same brush, typical colonial mindset.
Have you even understood my post?
Have you understood that I accept that the creation of Israel was wrong?
Have you understood that I asked this question that many such wrong things happened in the PAST, but we are not living in a 100% perfect world, and we have to accept the ground realities, like the existence of PAKISTAN itself, which was created by the colonial British Empire without the consent of the MAJORITY of the local Indian population?
Have you understood my question about Nagorno Karabakh?
Have you understood my question about Turkey and the genocide of Armenians and Eastern Armenia being part of Turkey today?

Why did you neglect all these questions and directly start making accusations against me?

What do you want now? Destroy the whole of Israel and expel all Jews?

I tell you what i will come round your neighbourhood, rob your house, rape your wife, kill your kids and kick you out. Then say well your neighbours did this before so you cant argue against this


Your Muslim ancestors committed these actions against non-Muslims for 14 long centuries.
Do you really want to continue with this mindset?

That is why I told you only secularism can bring peace to this area, not religious fanaticism.
Even today ex-Muslims or atheists have nothing to do with Israe

Your entire focus is on a theological debate in this thread. It's offtopic! I concur with you that there is less tolerance for dissent, especially about religious matters, in the Islamic world but all that--and even discussing the historic debate about Israel's creation and subsequent 'peace talks', now don't apply.

This is a conflict closely tied with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the budding China-Taiwan conflict, and probably more. Humanity is going to decide, in its savagery, what is going to happen.
So please take your theological debates elsewhere! Start a new thread, otherwise you are just adding to the noise here.

Western young people are commonly leftists.

And Western leftists are commonly pro-palestinians, it's funny because Palestinian people are not pro-leftists :lol:.


I dont know if it's evilness, idiocy or both things:

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