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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Have you even understood my post?
Have you understood that I accept that the creation of Israel was wrong?
Have you understood that I asked this question that many such wrong things happened in the PAST, but we are not living in a 100% perfect world, and we have to accept the ground realities, like the existence of PAKISTAN itself, which was created by the colonial British Empire without the consent of the MAJORITY of the local Indian population?
Have you understood my question about Nagorno Karabakh?
Have you understood my question about Turkey and the genocide of Armenians and Eastern Armenia being part of Turkey today?

Why did you neglect all these questions and directly start making accusations against me?

What do you want now? Destroy the whole of Israel and expel all Jews?

Your Muslim ancestors committed these actions against non-Muslims for 14 long centuries.
Do you really want to continue with this mindset?

That is why I told you only secularism can bring peace to this area, not religious fanaticism.

How would someone born and raised in Brooklyn...where his family has lived for generations...feel about the situation if he was awakened in the middle of the night by men with guns and told to get out because the gunmen's family lived there 3 thousand years ago and their god says they can have it back?
Western young people are commonly leftists.

And Western leftists are commonly pro-palestinians, it's funny because Palestinian people are not pro-leftists :lol:.


I dont know if it's evilness, idiocy or both things:

It's the failure of main stream media, alternative sources, setting the narrative

Even the Israel supporters know their hasbra and propaganda is failing and going forward we can build upon that
Difficult to point just 1 as to be fair - all are questionable.

Perhaps the one crying about a dog being shot?
Perhaps the ones ignoring the fact that Israel is an occupier?
Perhaps the one asking you to condone innocent children targeted?
Perhaps the ones asking why is Israel committing genocide on a daily basis?
Perhaps the one that you wont accept war crimes are being committed?

Bombing a hospital and killing babies was the lowest of the low.
THEN you say - look we supplied 300 litres of fuel and they wouldnt accept it - that would have lasted 20 minutes - utter disgraceful.

How do you live with yourself young man? Internationally - Netanyahu has degraded your citizens to the point of you lot now being known as the lowest form of human.

Anything else ?

Anything else ?

When you don’t have an answer to anything - this is the standard response of a Zionist. Don’t you have an answer? What you going to when you realise you’re on the wrong side of history? How do you sleep at night knowing that Netanyahu and Hamas have between them made an enemy for your kind on every street corner. Only a matter of time - sleep well


IDF : Hamas firing RPG from Gaza City hospital

According to the Israeli military's statement, "the soldiers identified a terrorist squad with two RPG launchers amongst the civilians. During the exchange of fire, civilians were seen leaving the hospital building, and other terrorists who came out of adjacent buildings hid among them and joined the attempted attack."The terrorists are said to have returned into the hospital after the clash.

It's the failure of main stream media, alternative sources, setting the narrative
Even the Israel supporters know their hasbra and propaganda is failing and going forward we can build upon that

Israelis know well their propaganda has failed and Israel stands exposed in front of the world. But as long as Israelis have the American govt. in their pockets, they don't care much and would hope that once this conflict dies down, the world will forget--and sadly, the world is likely to forget or at least go back to 'business as usual' dealing with Israel.
This is not Israel's first rodeo of brutality.
But look at this statement:

View attachment 1011056
That account is a private account owned and operated by an ISPR fanboy. It is not an OFFICIAL account in any capacity.

Kindly refrain from posting misleading and irrelevant posts on this thread.


When you don’t have an answer to anything - this is the standard response of a Zionist. Don’t you have an answer? What you going to when you realise you’re on the wrong side of history? How do you sleep at night knowing that Netanyahu and Hamas have between them made an enemy for your kind on every street corner. Only a matter of time - sleep well
Have you condemned Hamas today? 😂
No need, only if the idiots here would stop replying to him. I don't understand why they do. Just fecking put him on ignore and they won't see his trash posts. That's as good as a ban.

I will have agree with you on this , some of those who reolied to me are indeed idiots.

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