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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Join yellow jackets... join that mob of rage.
You yearn for the empire, rule Algerie, get sent to the far corners of the world as a mercenary to colonize for the material gains. But yes, you don't want anyone from your formerly or concurrently occupied or destabilized nations to end up in La France.
Very cute ideals,
fraternite, egalite, liberte... Israel?

You're only here to vent your frustration, play with emojis and ridicule Palestinian deaths?
The palestinian deaths came from Hamas.
As said by Biden, Macron, Sunak, the pope... : ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF.

I believe that sisi has already accepted to relocate gazans to sinai, first because sisi is their puppet and he can't say no to his masters, second Egypt economy is struggling and they’re desperate for financial assistance wherever and however it comes and america offered to pay its debts to the IMF im exchange for allowing Palestinian refugees into the sinai.

Sinai?? That will be even worse for Israel because a large Palestinian population moved a few dozens miles out of Gaza would be in the Egyptian territory with much more access to weapons and fighters. The next rockets will go farther than today's.
As long as a sizable Palestinian population remains in and around Israel/West Bank, Israel will not be able to have peace.
But that we are not obligated to keep paying hamas-isis, a terrorist group that just murdered western citizens on 7-10????

Payments to UN and other palestinian organisations are ongoing by the way.
(Which is already much more then what muslims ever gave to non-muslims mind you….)

…typical hasan al somali…begging for money while cursing the hand that feeds you…
We ain’t accept the Zionist fascist to settle, steal and arbitrarily occupy Palestine on the land they colonised, nor do expect anyone else to retaliate. The entire UN is corrupt and useless and has no purpose other than to serve the US-EU dominates the "Security Council" because ‘the international community’ is just a Ponzi scheme. It The was known that the Europe were the former colonizers of Africa and that they would be punished for their crimes also in Gaza just like we sent your Swine back in body bags.
yemenis lauch a bunch of waterpipes that dont even reach their target. Lets be realistic US and joos are laughing at them and their supporters

On the contrary, Israel is quite worried because even the relative remoteness of Eilat is not safe. I don't know how much the Yemeni missiles cost but I bet they are a LOT cheaper than the Arrow interceptors AND Yemenis have forced Israel to move warships way down south in the Red Sea--making those vessels easier targets.
No country can win a war on so many fronts in an asymmetric war by widely spread militias. Israel is extremely vulnerable to such type of warfare. As I said before, Israel is not throwing stones living in a glass house--Israel is throwing stones living in a fishbowl!
"History will not be kind to all the rulers and governments that participated or showed their inability and lack of resourcefulness in the face of the unprecedented war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza."

May Allah (swt) destroy the Muslim governments who could do something here and instead chose not to. They watched the massacre of their fellow Muslims and extermination of an entire people. Some of them are allies with the forces who are massacring and who have been massacring Palestinians for over 75 years. Some of them issue bogus statements which are crocodile tears. And some of them blame the victims.
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