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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Why to cede our territory? Never. Sinai is Egyptian and we pay with our blood to defend and to protect from our enemy.

Wasn't Gaza also part of Egypt until Israel occupied it in 1967 war. Egypt can easily make a deal with Hamas and co to take control of Gaza again and bring peace so Israel doesn't attack and slaughter the innocent.
This is slowly changing into holy war ..............good luck.
It was always a holy war but that term was kept hidden from public so the opponents would not have bipartisan support from the common Muslim across the globe. Occasionally, there were Freudian slips hinting at the concept. Now it has become difficult to hide.
There's a better way to look at the concept of UAE. Almost every region of the globe has these small little states that act as safe hubs for regional black money. Macau for East Asia, UAE for South Asia, Cayman Islands for North America, Monaco/Isle of Mann for Europe, Cyprus for Mediterranean, etc. City of London is the global hub.
What you describe as safe hubs for regional black money, some economists call Havens for Capitalism. It is where economic freedom and liberty wants to burst out of control and restraint. Though we may consider them unpleasant from moral perspective, they serve an important function as a lubricant in market economy. Take for example UAE. It is all that has been described. But, for Pakistan. which does not have trading relations with India, it furnishes a window through which they can import essentials like medicines. Without this arrangement, they would be paying much higher price importing from Europe etc., Hong Kong and Singapore have played a vital role in the development of China and Southeast Asia.
Wasn't Gaza also part of Egypt until Israel occupied it in 1967 war. Egypt can easily make a deal with Hamas and co to take control of Gaza again and bring peace so Israel doesn't attack and slaughter the innocent.
Egypt taking control of Gaza, means the end of Palestinian resistance forever. Egyptian government would be forced to disarm everyone there, and people there will not take it lightly, i.e. Egyptians would have to fight Hamas and PIJ to disarm them.

Sure they would be safe now, but they would also lose Palestine for good. That would also never be accepted.
If you Egyptians had supported them like you should have the Palestinians wouldn't be in this dire position now. Open up the border with Gaza for food supplies and weapons, the Egypt -Israel peace treaty was not for the massacre of 2 million Palestinians.

Why is Egypt so scared to open the border with Gaza? Gaza is not Israel. Egypt just needs to make a deal with hamas to allow it to take security control and moved their armed forces in. None of Israeli or USA business.
If we opened up the border, Gazans will never return and then it will be a second nakba.
That's what I thought as well. But if you're faced with this (2nd Nakba) versus complete annihilation of Gazans, don't tell me you'd choose the latter option.
What are the odds of that rumor that Eygpt was offered a plan that would clear its debt with the IMF in full in exchange for taking in Gazans?

True? and if so, do you think they'd agree to it?
Egypts total public debt to multilateral institutions (such as IMF, European Investment bank, African development bank etc) sits around $52bn (per dec-22).

Its IMF debt is around $22bn (per Dec-22), lets say its gone to $30bn now with overall public multilateral institution debt sitting at $70bn for argument sake. If the deal was to clear the IMF debt that equates to around $14,000 per Gazan. For $14k per Gazan how will Egypt house, feed, find jobs and support such a large population (2.1m) in the Sinai. It would be the worst deal in history unless Sisi is looking to pocket it all for himself.

Even if we assume the US will clear all the debt so lets say $70bn - that is $33,000 per Gazan. That money will run out quicker than you can blink to support such a large population, add to the fact the Gazans wouldnt want to live in the Sinai and then you get unrest. Also Sis has said there will be war if Egypts territory is affected.

I personally think this is just a rumour with little merit and reality.
Hebrew sources: Two Kornet missiles were fired at a large force of the occupation army in Kissufim, east of the Gaza Strip, and reports of a large number of deaths among their ranks.

Explains why Israeli opinion is turning against the war in Tel-Aviv, it is becoming a disaster for Israel and could mean the end of Netanyahu just like Serbian Milošević (another war criminal and mass murderer). Netanyahu should be arrested and turned over to the Hague for crimes against humanity and the Americans should shut up or join him:-

After resigning from the Yugoslav presidency in 2000 amidst demonstrations against the disputed presidential election, Milošević was arrested by Yugoslav federal authorities on 31 March 2001 on suspicion of corruption, abuse of power, and embezzlement.[9][10] The initial investigation faltered, and he was extradited to the ICTY to stand trial for war crimes.[1
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