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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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This people's religion commands them to kill women and children and unborn babies every time their terrorist army get their butt kicked by men. The Jewish people are simply evil and cannot coexist with humanity. They start threatening everyone with measures and ultimately murder/genocide once you seriously resist the Jewish occupation. You can't have peace with these pyromaniacs.

Ministry of Health|

- Large numbers of serious injuries piled up on the floor in the emergency department

- The majority of the martyrs and wounded of the Maghazi massacre were children and women.
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On a side note, does anyone know how to get an avatar?

Your post is highly informative, indicative of an intelligent person with critical thinking ability. I look forward to learning more from you.

It pleases me to know that this man was taught by Iranians. He is the most cunning man in the region, perhaps surpassing the late general. This is the power of Iranic intellectual tradition and Iranic strategic capability. From the fearless Scythian archers that became the terror of Eastern Europe and Greece, to the grand Persian Empire which spanned the whole known world, to the masterful yet deadly dance of our esteemed foreign ministers and commanders on the battlefield. The blood of the Yamnaya conquerors flows through our veins.

He's a Pajeet? I knew it. He is LARPing as an Ashkenaz-ra"el"i because 99% of Pajeet goblins are hideous and look like elephants or baboons, or even orcs from Lord of the Rings, and smell like them, that they dream day and night of having lighter skin and slightly better features, so they can sleep with white women and have white babies, and become honorary whites. Such is the due of a nation that cannot shake the colonized imprint.

The NY Post is bankrolled by zionist lobbies. It's the most racist, foul publication in mainstream news. It's nothing more than a tabloid for racist working class stiffs that vote for the same Republican criminals that rob them dry and tell them the problem is black people and Mexicans. Those dead women and children were gunned down by the IOF a couple days ago trying to flee to the South. I used to think that it was antisemitic to say that Jewish people lie. Not all Jews do, especially not Jews that don't take their religion seriously or even follow it at all. But religious Jews, zionists, fanatics of all sorts- they are the most dishonest people around. In this war alone, they killed their own and said Hamas did it. They killed Palestinians and said Hamas did it. Their tired excuse of "Hamas hides missiles in schools" has been debunked- why hide anything in a school when you have a veritable city of tunnels immune to bombs underneath? They are masters of the lie, of the Kohanic charm, of the swindle. Have been for thousands of years. Why? Because their Talmud tells them of goyim, that we are mere animals and cattle, to be used for the benefit of the chosen. It's a poisonous, vile creed that instills a certain sociopathy in all who follow it. No different than Takfiri scoundrels and Branch Dravidians. One person I know likened zionism to Mormonism. The differences aside, the unreal level of brainwashing and detachment from the world in both groups is similar.

Imagine calling for help from "Hashem" so you can slaughter toddlers and teenagers. This Brooklyn hipster piece of shit looks more like he would rather drink a foul-tasting poisonous artisanal IPA from that ram's horn than go to battle. These people are non-believers in their countries of origin, having sex out of wedlock, doing weed and hashish, maybe even sucking their friend's dicks in a steam room and all manner of Western degeneracy, many have trust funds too, and they come to Palestine to take pictures of themselves engaging in these cringe theatrics for likes while their planes bomb and kill civilians. Ashkenaz-ra"el" will crumble and out of its ashes will arise a multi-ethnic country run with respect for all peoples and the dignity of the Palestinians will be restored, and the Jews who stay, provided they did not kill or harm anyone during the occupation, will live and prosper with Arabs as brothers. Those who have blood on their hands will be taken to court like the Nuremburg trials and sequestered away in prison for the rest of their lives.

But it also pleases me that most "Jewish" intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, Gabor Mate and Shlomo Sand and others have realized how poisonous their creed is and absolved themselves of it. If all of these Khazar converts would undo the calamity that led to Europe dumping them on West Asia to deal with, it would be a gift to human kind. If they absolve their selfish, arrogant, racist Talmudic ways and accept they are human like everyone else and all are loved and protected by the creator, if they disown their faith and especially their form of Nazism, also known as zionism, this would be a boon to humankind. One can only hope.

The first is correct. It pleases me to see a European, a Greek especially, understand this. Now pressure your government to grow a pair of balls and stop letting AIPAC-America push them around. Because if Turkey wants to push you around, they will, because Turkey is more important to NATO than you are. Also, maybe consider a flag color change, because Isra"el" has pissed and shit all over blue and white color for the next century thanks to their genocidal behavior. I think the same Hellenic design but maybe in green and blue would look nice.

Says the same type of piece of shit as those who say "there are no civilians in Gaza" and "kill their mothers and children". What do you think groups like Hamas are composed of? Foreign implants? No, that's you. Militant groups in Palestine and the greater Levant are composed of people who lost everything because of Isra"el". They are composed of orphans debilitated such by trauma that all that is human in them has gone and is replaced by an immeasurable lust for revenge and vindication. This is a monster you created. In the West Bank, IOF and settlers rape, kill, steal, and torture Palestinians daily, and their land has been shrinking by the day- and this is with a "peaceful" comprador government of that vagina of a man, Mahmoud Abbas. Like all of your kind, you have high verbal IQ and a congenital manipulative tendency, rendering words and logic meaningless so as to stupify whoever listens to you into a state of accepting your bullshit.

Do not forget the gargantuan oil and natural gas reserves they found off the coast of Gaza. Isra"el" knows America is fading in power and wants to ensure it can enrich itself without sucking on the teet of Lady Liberty and the dick of Uncle Sam. Isn't it such a coincidence that this bounty was found and now is the time they decide to liquidate Gaza? Why do you think America is supporting this genocide? Why do you think Chevron is involved? Follow the money.
This is slowly changing into holy war ..............good luck.

MBS is a pyschopath with low self esteem. So of course he has Western approval to be the leader of Saudi Arabia. Just like the rest of his junk Al-Saud family. There are many bigger and better tribes with great respectability in Saudi Arabia. They are the ones that need to be in power. From what I understand from the ahadeeth, Al Mahdi will be a person from one of these tribes that is made leader after infighting between Al-Saud and honorable Saudi tribes. Hopefully this happens so we can finally have a great leader in the Muslim world.
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To save their life, women children and elderly are not useful to win a war.
If Egypt opened up the border I am sure the Palestinian women and children would leave, but Egypt are refusing to.
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this is a very old video, that MP died in 2017

I understand that. This is the 2nd time someone has called me out on "old" clips and I suppose rightfully so but I think I made it clear with my included comment. In both instances, my point is that we're seeing a lot more of these types of posts on social media now more than ever before, hence the awakening that seems to be much more prevalent this time around. I'll try to make that clearer next time.
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Saudi is disgusting. Mecca needs to be a independent nation state as saudi is no worthy to govern the holy city.

I disagree. It's their country. But the Al Saud family does not have the honor to rule the country. I can't even comprehend how this junk family got in power. There are much better tribes in Saudi Arabia like Qahatani , 3otaybe , Anza , and more.

If Egypt opened up the border I am sure the Palestinian women and children would leave, but Egypt are refusing to.

Remember the border is a commercial crossing too. To let in aid trucks and for commerce. We do not want the border open for people to leave. Because indeed that is what Israel wants. Empty the whole place and annex it. It's ethnic cleansing under guise of allow people to flee.
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