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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What an incredibly coward Arabs.

Arabs are not cowards; they're indeed brave people. The problem is the European and Western powers have chosen monarchs and dictators who only care about staying power and not the well-being of the Arab people.

The British empire invented fake borders where the people are separated from one another. These fiefdoms are classified as "nation states" and the sickness of nationalism, restricted to that fiefdoms, have been planted into the people's consciousness. For instance, if Arabs and Muslims in Yemen, GCC, or North Africa want to join the jihad in Gaza or in the West Bank, we have these fake borders where govts of each state would reject anyone crossing their border.

I honestly don't believe some of the leading families in Arab countries are Arabs themselves. The infiltration may have happened long ago where the leaders of some of the Arab countries are Zionist Jews masquerading as Arabs. I was once debating a Jewish man in a public forum, and he told me you (Muslims) will never defeat us or it will be difficult for you to come together because some of your leaders are us (Jews).
Until how many more decades you Iranians realize that what you are doing in nurturing Hamas just destroying Palestinian people and also Iranian economy ?

Do you know anything about the nature of the Isra"el"i project? Did you know about the Nakba in 1948, the actual admissions of people like Ze'ev Jabotinsky about intent to colonize and displace? Do you listen to the genocidal comments Isra"el"i officials make? I guarantee you can write something on par with Mein Kampf should you compile said quotes and policies. I suggest you read about Plan Dalet and what the word genocide means. It is of supreme ease for you to live in Indonesia, far away from West Asia and thus conflict of genocidal nature, and not subject to Western vitriol and racism as your land is not worth the land in West Asia. Only when you begin to pay attention to the facts on the ground and not the Western media will you absolve yourself of your painful idiocy. You're the ilk of the "Imam of Peace" who licks the corn-ridden shit off the arse of white people.

So what do you propose? Let the Palestinians die, be wiped like American Natives or Australian Aborigines? Do you realize in the West Bank, under a comprador government of veritable vaginas like Abbas, that the Palestinians are being murdered and displaced there as well, by both the IDF and settler death squads? Every year, Isra"el"i government promotes Jewish settlement on Palestinian lands so that a two-state solution is unworkable, so that Palestinians don't live as free and dignified individuals, and such that eventually, they cease to exist.

In "Indos" book of abject retardation, if the Palestinians "stopped resisting", they will be seen as equals in the Isra"el"i society and they will live happily ever after. A quick perusal of the history of that cancer will show you that is not the case, for it was always the intent of Ashkenaz-ra"el" to kill these people. Iran is the only Muslim country with the testicles to provide them a means of fighting back. The Palestinians know they will likely die. They fight for the little they have left, and to not be under the yoke of racist and sadistic Mosaic scum in their own land. Mind you, survivors of the Nakba are still alive, it wasn't something consigned to history books to collect dust. Did you know 3/4ths of militants in Palestine are orphans whose families were murdered by these Khazar usurpers? Yes, militant groups expressly recruit orphans, who have been pushed to such a point where cowing down and losing hope is burst aside by an all-consuming desire to inflict the pain they have endured under the white Khazar yoke. If you cannot grasp how profoundly saddening it is that these militants are orphans and most are still 17-20 years old, that whatever normality they may have had as a healthy teenager has been replaced by a soul full of nothing but rage, then you are a psychopath without the part of the brain responsible for basic empathy.

It's hard for me to fathom the level of isolated, coddled privilege that goes into statements like these, an abject lack of empathy or perspective-taking. You're probably not even Indonesian, just another hasbara scum masquerading as a Muslim to give the impression that the Muslim world has moved on from the Palestinian genocide. You, are aiding and abetting genocide. You are genocidal. What you're doing is akin to helping a rapist by holding his victim down and muffling their voice. You are just as culpable. You don't deserve to open your mouth and vomit forth anything other than "I'm sorry, I am a bitch". If I could eject you from the Muslim community, I would do so myself. I would grab you by your large and flappy Khazar ear and give you the greatest kick in the arse you've ever experienced, swiftly out of any sphere of discussion with importance.

The evil, child-killing, settler colonial enclave aka Israhell resorts to massacring and bombing the civilian population and civilian infrastructure whenever Palestinian resistance defeats their invading ground forces. 👇

Throughout hostilities I've been amazed at how decrepit and amateur the Lie-DF has been. This is because they are a bunch of comfortable and privileged dual nationals that think war is a game of Call of Duty. They are terrible at war, only good at killing defenceless women and children. If you have the likes of Hamas and PIJ running circles around you, you're not an army. You're neighborhood watch with a dose of genocidal intent.
my ignorelist grows fast.
Same, I've noticed an uptick of people with hasbara talking points and a limited understanding of the region that betrays that they are dual nationals getting paid a sum to spread these narratives and harass concerned citizens.
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They can do minutes silence for Israel and players post openly supporting Israel, but not the other way around. Another Western hypocrisy in display.

I hope he gets a multi million dollar contract in Saudi. He is no mug, he has EPL experience for several years.

Do you know anything about the nature of the Isra"el"i project? Did you know about the Nakba in 1948, the actual admissions of people like Ze'ev Jabotinsky about intent to colonize and displace? Do you listen to the genocidal comments Isra"el"i officials make? I guarantee you can write something on par with Mein Kampf should you compile said quotes and policies. I suggest you read about Plan Dalet and what the word genocide means. It is of supreme ease for you to live in Indonesia, far away from West Asia and thus conflict of genocidal nature, and not subject to Western vitriol and racism as your land is not worth the land in West Asia. Only when you begin to pay attention to the facts on the ground and not the Western media will you absolve yourself of your painful idiocy. You're the ilk of the "Imam of Peace" who licks the corn-ridden shit off the arse of white people.

So what do you propose? Let the Palestinians die, be wiped like American Natives or Australian Aborigines? Do you realize in the West Bank, under a comprador government of veritable vaginas like Abbas, that the Palestinians are being murdered and displaced there as well, by both the IDF and settler death squads? Every year, Isra"el"i government promotes Jewish settlement on Palestinian lands so that a two-state solution is unworkable, so that Palestinians don't live as free and dignified individuals, and such that eventually, they cease to exist.

In "Indos" book of abject retardation, if the Palestinians "stopped resisting", they will be seen as equals in the Isra"el"i society and they will live happily ever after. A quick perusal of the history of that cancer will show you that is not the case, for it was always the intent of Ashkenaz-ra"el" to kill these people. Iran is the only Muslim countries with the testicles to provide them a means of fighting back. The Palestinians know they will likely die. They fight for the little they have left, and to not be under the yoke of racist and sadistic Mosaic scum in their own land. Mind you, survivors of the Nakba are still alive, it wasn't something consigned to history books to collect dust.

It's hard for me to fathom the level of isolated, coddle privilege that goes into statements like these, an abject lack of empathy or perspective-taking. You're probably not even Indonesian, just another hasbara scum masquerading as a Muslim to give the impression that the Muslim world has moved on from the Palestinian genocide. You, are aiding and abetting genocide. You are genocidal. What you're doing is akin to helping a rapist by holding his victim down and muffling their voice. You are just as culpable. You don't deserve to open your mouth and vomit forth anything other than "I'm sorry, I am a bitch". If I could eject you from the Muslim community, I would do so myself.

Throughout hostilities I've been amazed at how decrepit and amateur the Lie-DF has been. This is because they are a bunch of comfortable and privileged dual nationals that think war is a game of Call of Duty. They are terrible at war, only good at killing defenceless women and children. If you have the likes of Hamas and PIJ running circles around you, you're not an army. You're neighborhood watch with a dose of genocidal intent.

Same, I've noticed an uptick of people with hasbara talking points and a limited understanding of the region that betrays that they are dual nationals getting paid a sum to spread these narratives and harass concerned citizens.

The problem in the Muslim world is the Madhkhali mentality is spreading. "Muslims must listen to the leader" and wait for things to happen. And what is their leader doing? Hosting Shakira concerts and shooting down missiles for Israel.

Besides, Muslims does not have a Caliphate any more. So the Madhkhali ideology does not even makes sense. All Arab countries are monarchies, not Caliphates.
They can do minutes silence for Israel and players post openly supporting Israel, but not the other way around. Another Western hypocrisy in display.

I hope he gets a multi million dollar contract in Saudi. He is no mug, he has EPL experience for several years.

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That was a beautifully worded statement.

The West has lost all credibility going forward.
Tutle, in your disdain for the Russians you’re exaggerating their anti-Islam activity compared the barbarity of the Israelis.
I don't think I'm exaggerating at all. And besides, I'm quite fond of the Russians. I had Russian GF until recently.
Leaving aside history, in recent times the Russians fought a war against Chechnya, but once the war was over they rebuilt Grozny and now it’s like Dubai. Compare Grozny to Gaza.
Ok let's leave last 200 years of oppression and genocide of so many ethnic groups. I can name 20 muslim nations that have been genocided by Russia in the past 200 years. But since muslim lives dont matter all that much let's just give Russians a pass and wipe the slate clean. Who cares about crimean Tatars, or Circassians. What have they ever done for us?

Least just focus on Chechnya. They killed about 10% of heir population or about 100,000 in 1993 and 1999. Before that in 1946 the killed about 30% of the entire population who they deported them all to Siberia.

And they basically banned islam from 1918 to 1991.
Also, someone here posted a list of mosques in Israel. There are only 25 for millions of Palestinians, proving that building mosques is not allowed. The Jews seem to have a particular habit of bombing mosques, having bombed dozens of them in Gaza.
I think russia bulldozed about 99% of all mosques from 1918 to 1991.

And then bulldozed all mosques belonging to all islamic peoples they have genocided. How many mosques in Sochi? Bagacasaray? In fact, how many tatars in Crimea?

Sochi is one big mass grave.
I would caution all of us against minimizing the utter barbarity and savagery of the Israelis.
They barbarity is significant. But pales in comparison to Russia. They would literally have to kill all 7 million Palestinians to come even close to Russia.
Do you know anything about the nature of the Isra"el"i project? Did you know about the Nakba in 1948, the actual admissions of people like Ze'ev Jabotinsky about intent to colonize and displace? Do you listen to the genocidal comments Isra"el"i officials make? I guarantee you can write something on par with Mein Kampf should you compile said quotes and policies. I suggest you read about Plan Dalet and what the word genocide means. It is of supreme ease for you to live in Indonesia, far away from West Asia and thus conflict of genocidal nature, and not subject to Western vitriol and racism as your land is not worth the land in West Asia. Only when you begin to pay attention to the facts on the ground and not the Western media will you absolve yourself of your painful idiocy. You're the ilk of the "Imam of Peace" who licks the corn-ridden shit off the arse of white people.

So what do you propose? Let the Palestinians die, be wiped like American Natives or Australian Aborigines? Do you realize in the West Bank, under a comprador government of veritable vaginas like Abbas, that the Palestinians are being murdered and displaced there as well, by both the IDF and settler death squads? Every year, Isra"el"i government promotes Jewish settlement on Palestinian lands so that a two-state solution is unworkable, so that Palestinians don't live as free and dignified individuals, and such that eventually, they cease to exist.

In "Indos" book of abject retardation, if the Palestinians "stopped resisting", they will be seen as equals in the Isra"el"i society and they will live happily ever after. A quick perusal of the history of that cancer will show you that is not the case, for it was always the intent of Ashkenaz-ra"el" to kill these people. Iran is the only Muslim country with the testicles to provide them a means of fighting back. The Palestinians know they will likely die. They fight for the little they have left, and to not be under the yoke of racist and sadistic Mosaic scum in their own land. Mind you, survivors of the Nakba are still alive, it wasn't something consigned to history books to collect dust.

It's hard for me to fathom the level of isolated, coddled privilege that goes into statements like these, an abject lack of empathy or perspective-taking. You're probably not even Indonesian, just another hasbara scum masquerading as a Muslim to give the impression that the Muslim world has moved on from the Palestinian genocide. You, are aiding and abetting genocide. You are genocidal. What you're doing is akin to helping a rapist by holding his victim down and muffling their voice. You are just as culpable. You don't deserve to open your mouth and vomit forth anything other than "I'm sorry, I am a bitch". If I could eject you from the Muslim community, I would do so myself.

Throughout hostilities I've been amazed at how decrepit and amateur the Lie-DF has been. This is because they are a bunch of comfortable and privileged dual nationals that think war is a game of Call of Duty. They are terrible at war, only good at killing defenceless women and children. If you have the likes of Hamas and PIJ running circles around you, you're not an army. You're neighborhood watch with a dose of genocidal intent.

Same, I've noticed an uptick of people with hasbara talking points and a limited understanding of the region that betrays that they are dual nationals getting paid a sum to spread these narratives and harass concerned citizens.
What the heck these Muslim who have already been run away to Western countries try to talk big like this ?

I support any defensive strugle but dont support any offensive in this matter, let alone supporting Muslim group that killed civilians people. The nature of this conflict is clear, Israel is a strong military power while Hamas is only a militant that can only fight with guerilla style, hit and run. Not comparable force to IDF, let alone IDF + USA

Your country bring weapon and money to Hamas but dont want to take responsibility when Israel respond with their butchering style.
The British empire invented fake borders where the people are separated from one another. These fiefdoms are classified as "nation states" and the sickness of nationalism, restricted to that fiefdoms, have been planted into the people's consciousness. For instance, if Arabs and Muslims in Yemen, GCC, or North Africa want to join the jihad in Gaza or in the West Bank, we have these fake borders where govts of each state would reject anyone crossing their border.
Correct. Watch a little part of this video where this Indian blogger Shehkar Gupta is analyzing the forces arrayed in the Middle East, especially discussing the Houthis of Yemen. Imagine if Youthis are allowed access to Israeli border. I hear the Houthis leadership have even offered the Yemeni capital Sanaa to the Saudis if the Houthis are allowed the access! Just look at their military capabilities and ponder how much damage they can do to Israel and don't get surprised when they sink Israeli warships in the Red Sea.

Throughout hostilities I've been amazed at how decrepit and amateur the Lie-DF has been. This is because they are a bunch of comfortable and privileged dual nationals that think war is a game of Call of Duty. They are terrible at war, only good at killing defenceless women and children. If you have the likes of Hamas and PIJ running circles around you, you're not an army. You're neighborhood watch with a dose of genocidal intent.
Scott Ritter is absolutely disparaging about the IDF and full of praise for the Gazan fighters.
They can do minutes silence for Israel and players post openly supporting Israel, but not the other way around. Another Western hypocrisy in display.
It is quite simple: AIPAC tells the US Congress what to do. The US Congress / American govt tells the American vassals in Europe what to do. There is no 'West' here! In fact, NY Times was running a front page news yesterday that the public opinion is so much against Israel that Israeli supporters/Jews are finding 'solace' in Fox News!!!
When one does not have any argument, then he comes only with rants.

You don't have any argument left about your injustices and why you don't give equal human rights to non-Muslims when you demand for yourself equal human rights.

The world has started hating you for your double standards, and this hate will only increase if you don't reform yourself. We have already seen this rise of hatred against Muslims in India. With your present behaviour, you will hand over secular Europe to far-right forces too.
Please reform yourself, and give equal rights to all so that we all can live peacefully with each other without wars and killings.
The same goes for Israeli Jewish fanatics too.

Listen Sap... Argument ‽
Get Lost... you have single handedly hijacked this topic and somehow made it about YOU!
it is about a known cause and suffering of a people who are still suffering under colonial rule.

So, stop seeking meaning in your otherwise meaningless existence, here!
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I don't think I'm exaggerating at all. And besides, I'm quite fond of the Russians. I had Russian GF until recently.

Ok let's leave last 200 years of oppression and genocide of so many ethnic groups. I can name 20 muslim nations that have been genocided by Russia in the past 200 years. But since muslim lives dont matter all that much let's just give Russians a pass and wipe the slate clean. Who cares about crimean Tatars, or Circassians. What have they ever done for us?

Least just focus on Chechnya. They killed about 10% of heir population or about 100,000 in 1993 and 1999. Before that in 1946 the killed about 30% of the entire population who they deported them all to Siberia.

And they basically banned islam from 1918 to 1991.

I think russia bulldozed about 99% of all mosques from 1918 to 1991.

And then bulldozed all mosques belonging to all islamic peoples they have genocided. How many mosques in Sochi? Bagacasaray? In fact, how many tatars in Crimea?

Sochi is one big mass grave.

They barbarity is significant. But pales in comparison to Russia. They would literally have to kill all 7 million Palestinians to come even close to Russia.
There is probably no country in the history of the world that has murdered as many Muslims as the Russians. Although America's efforts in the last forty years have brought it closer to it, they are probably still far behind the Russians. However, since the majority of these Russian massacres were Turks and Caucasian Black Sea Muslims, it is not a topic worth talking about.
What the heck these Muslim who have already been run away to Western countries try to talk big like this ?

I support any defensive strugle but dont support any offensive in this matter, let alone supporting Muslim group that killed civilians people.

Your country bring weapon and money to Hamas but dont want to take responsibility when Israel respond with their butchering style.
It is a sign of utter weakness and cowardice to suggest laying down like a lamb and watching yourself suffer, bearing your neck to have it sliced by the Isra"el"i butcher who killed your friends, siblings, parents, grandparents. They can defend themselves, "but no offense"? This comment betrays your complete lack of understanding of the military, of history, of even basic human psychology. They really need to hire more intelligent people for your role, you are very easy to humiliate.

You know nothing of me, so your assessment of my "talking big" is worth nothing but a particle of shit in the wind. I will talk as I want, when I want, and if you have a problem, go suck on a pacifier like the infantile scum you are.

These people would be slaughtered anyway. If you read a book, ever, in your life, you would have known that. If they fight back, at least they buy time for their people. At least they can create an inkling of hope that the regime they live under will crack and fall under the weight of its own murderous barbarity.

How can you justify a bunch of Europeans, imbued with typical European racism and genocidality, kicked out of their continent, have the right to not only settle and take homes from people who have lived there in peace for centuries, but to actively kill them off such that they'd cease to exist in 50 years?

If this is "kosher" for you, then you can't call yourself human.
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