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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There was an idea about alternative block to OIC comprised of Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan. Imran Khan worked on it but went on backfoot when Saudis threatened him. Maybe now Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia can form a customs union like EU.
It was supposed to be Malaysia - Iran - Turkey - Pakistan bloc initiative pitched by Mahathir Mohamad but ground realities of the world order dawned on all soon. Not on keyboard Mollahs though.

Indonesia is a sensible country in comparison to most.


I wonder why they're expecting it to die in the senate...encouraging news.

Because Republicans don't want to fun the Ukraine war and Republicans don't want to fund the IRS tax reforms while the Democrats want those two items and yet both parties want to unconditionally fund Israel.
Go figure!!
Israel-USA killed around 10.000 civilians in Palestine instead of HAMAS

Iran-Russia killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria instead of ISIS

same criminal terrorist states Israel-USA or Iran-Russia without moral ethics and sensitivity towards civilians
Lol, so your masters are good and we are bad.

Jews and Muricans are lovely and good masters, I can understand your love toward them.

Such a good slave.

Also we will kill terrorists only. Your lovely masters lied to you.
The blood of thousands of children killed in Gaza is on your hands

HAMAS-İRAN attacked civilians in Israel
and USA-The UK,Germany,France backed İsrael destroyed GAZA and killed around 10.000 innocent civilians

Israel is millions of times better than Iran

One of the top 5 countries that killed the most Muslims


Jealous shit IRAN used HAMAS to destroy normalizing ties between Israel and Turkiye,S.Arabia,etc

Iran killed 10.000 civilians in GAZA for shitty persian interests
Palestinians are under occupation they have a right to resist you cant blame Hms. Behave yourself and becareful who you listen to they probably are sellouts aswell
Urgent| Firing Kornet and mortar shells towards positions and settlements of the occupation army on the Lebanese border with Palestine


I wonder why they're expecting it to die in the senate...encouraging news.
Because Republicans want to take it out of IRS budget.
Mohammad wanted an Arabic version of Abrahamism. To me, Islam is the Arabic version of Judaism. The enmity between Arabic Muslims and the Jews of the region is largely because the Jews did not accept Mohammad as a prophet.

Stop the BS!
Yes Quraish were pagans, Christians split in multitudes of denominations, Persians in their own dogmas. Yet a small minority beyond all of the above mentioned didn't accept Muhammad(Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him), right?

None did!
Jews were in fact the least of any concern. THEY DIDN'T EVEN POSSESS AELIA!

Everyone with a mouth has an opinion but that doesn't mean, you just let that hot air out. I know you somehow try to reconcile your position in order to live with YOURSELF!
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Some Respected Members are saying that Jews have claim on that Land and they can settle there and that Claim was given to Jews from UK that was given by UN because Uk at that time conquered that land so if in future if the Muslims take that land by fighting than they should not have any problem with it by the logic of force.
sir @PanzerKiel @Tps43 how much and longer HAMAS can resist Israel army from Taking GAZA and how this conflict will END? will it lead to regional conflict or died after some time?
In the context of the wars in the Middle East, Malaysia and Indonesia are mostly irrelevant. Let them be at peace where they are. Lucky they to be so far removed from the cursed Eurasian Continent!!!!
Even Pakistan is a bit peripheral player and so is Afghanistan when it comes to the Palestine conflict.

How can you say Indonesia irrelevant ? The largest Muslim troops outside Palestinian and Lebanese troops in conflict zone aka Palestine and Lebanon are Indonesian troops. After Indonesian troops guard South Lebanon, no Israeli bombardment, it already pretty peaceful for a decade

This is in Lebanon- Israeli border

I hope these Zionists beasts experience the most painful death, I just don't understand how the Islamic countries are tolerating the most evil genocide.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un​

I want to cry when I see such pictures. I have a son who is 2 and I remember him very well at that aage. How can anybody see this as self defence, this is hatred similar to what the nazi had for the jews.

May all the martyrs recieve the highest levels of junnah and these tyrants be humiliated and in anguish for rest of their lives on earth.
How can you say Indonesia irrelevant ? The largest Muslim troops in conflict zone aka Palestine and Lebanon are Indonesian troops. After Indonesian troops guard South Lebanon, no Israeli bombardment, it already pretty peaceful for a decade

This is in Lebanon- Israeli border

Well, I didn't mean in a disrespectful way and I think you are lucky to be farther from the ongoing conflict. But having UN 'peace keepers' is not the same as having geographic proximity. Pakistan was/is the largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping deployments in regions far from Pakistan but Pakistan was irrelevant there. Those are facts of geography. Enjoy your relative geographic distance from the cursed Eurasian Continent, friend!!
Pakistan, even if at some distance, is brought up again and again by Western analysts as a potential player due to Pakistan's nukes. Why so? Because Pakistan is the only nuclear Muslim power. AND Pakistan has the geographic contiguity to send thousands of warriors into the Israel-Palestinian conflict zone.
As I said, enjoy your distance. I wish Pakistan is where Indonesia is, geographically speaking.
Some Respected Members are saying that Jews have claim on that Land and they can settle there and that Claim was given to Jews from UK that was given by UN because Uk at that time conquered that land so if in future if the Muslims take that land by fighting than they should not have any problem with it by the logic of force.
sir @PanzerKiel @Tps43 how much and longer HAMAS can resist Israel army from Taking GAZA and how this conflict will END? will it lead to regional conflict or died after some time?
Ground realities.

Those who want to use force to reshape the landscape, sure (go ahead). But why cuss on others for not partaking in the initiative? This is not how the world works.

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