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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Lmao you are a somali, literally the lowest of the low. Just chew some khat and clean toilets

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Please look at the crap this crazed Hindu is posting. He needs to be silenced.

Its Pakistanis that are white skin worshippers..which is why you didnt give a **** about Rohinyas and sold Myanmar weapons, didnt give a **** about Ulghurs, but for Palestinians you hold rallies, break tv sets and even empty coke bottles :lol:

Israel did nothing to you, you should have some self respect and not give a shit about this conflict.
Don't generalise , it is the ruling class, not the general people.
Wow! Even in Dagestan!
Israelis should REALLY fear if the Imam of Kaaba and top Shia Clerics give a Global Jihad Call. No Christians would come to the Holy Land to die for Israelis but large Muslim militias would breach Israel's borders from all sides, from faraway places, to literally slaughter every Jew.
It is a real possibility.
This is extremely dangerous for jews if it spread in muslims countries and Israel not stop the invasion on Gaza.

Again, why this charade when you already have decided that Israel is a lesser evil despite numerous UN resolutions, Amnesty International articles and dozens other reputable NGOs against Israeli war crimes, illegal settlement and inhumane treatment of palestinians.

Hamas or no hamas, Israel has been doing this forever but this doesn't matter to people like you.

When you say muslims which muslims ars you talking about? Because i know for a fact that most muslim countries talk about two state solution. You can find many comments from Muslims here at well who didn't mince their words to criticize hamas's action on Israeli citizens.

So, why not just accept it that you love seeing unarmed kids getting slaughtered in hundreds because afterall the same nazi blood continues to flow in your veins.
Stop your black and white thinking that anyone who is not a die hard palestine fan is some nazi.

Dozens in this thread hoped for syrian/russian intervention.
The same syrian government that was a 100 times more brutal. A russian government that is doing 20 times the nakba in ukraine.

Its just a massive double standard.
And it took 10,000 Indians to make 93000 of your bangled soldiers surrender. Here are some of them getting their *** spanked like a child.


I wouldnt gloat too much about mumbai, in response to that our proxies have committed like a thousand attacks and made you a bankrupt failed state. Kulbushan yadev single handedly fucked you up and made Balochistan and KP a warzone, not a single week goes where your soldiers are not hunted by the Baloch or TTP. All you can do is cry about Indian consulates and RAW. Now we are hunting down kashmiri terrorists within Pakistan all you can do is whine and cry.
Why are you even here?

@waz @LeGenD requesting your assistance here.
Stop your black and white thinking that anyone who is not a die hard palestine fan is some nazi.

Dozens in this thread hoped for syrian/russian intervention.
The same syrian government that was a 100 times more brutal. A russian government that is doing 20 times the nakba in ukraine.

Its just a massive double standard.
Talk to me what i said not what others are saying. Too difficult for managing your rhetoric, eh?
1948; Tantura massacre

Watch carefully how he is laughing. It is nasty.

2010; Mavi Marmara massacre

No one fire arm was found in none of the ships. Moreover one of the murderers was awarded and after some weeks he was found selling looted things from the assassinated activist in internet.

2022; murdering of Shirene Abu Akleh, journalist

She was wearing helmet and bulletproof vest, but a IDF shooter killed her with a shoot in the neck. The atrocities continued after her killing, attacking her funeral, even trowing the coffing to the ground.

I can continue during days describing the National Psycopathy of Israel. None of the murderers has been charged or even questioned. Moreover many of them are considered national heroes.

Israel, your time is over. Only US is backing your mass murdering!
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