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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You keep bringing up hamas, I told you I am man enough to admit any innocent life lost is deplorable so why do you call it collateral damage. Open your eyes friend 8000 lives lost is not collateral damage it is a massacre. Also in my previous post to you I answered the objectives what they were and how they were met. What are Israel’s objective? Also what if I say what Hamas did was collateral damage ? Lol it’s not like Palestinian blood is blue and only Israeli blood is red.
Paktoad, the military diferential of India and Pakistan is not the same as the population differential. 1971 war for example was 1 million strong Indian army against 500,000 strong Pakistani army, yet your got a spanking despite being in a defensive posture. You unofficially spend like 10% of your budget on the army, we spend like 2%.

You people bootlick for Palestinians despite having nothing to do with them. No bootlicking for rohingyas or ulghurs, but yea, for Palestinians you will go in phull sapport mode. You have nothing whatsoever to do with this conflict yet you have spend your time hating Israel. The only reason India supports Israel is because you support the Palestinians, this is schoolyard rules.
Your countrymen have been sentenced to death for spying for Israel in Qatar - let that sink in. Spying for a third party and risking and having their lives taken. That’s more than bootlicking - that’s serious head in the white anus.
Yep we do have passion for lives of children being taken in Palestine - it’s wrong to sit by the side line and watch genocide and war crimes being committed.
Better than showing phull shapport for the mere fact someone is white.
Indians like to yes please sorry please let me lick your rectum. Your countryman have a horrible reputation of being vile dirty smelly white skin worshippers - god you’d do anything to be close to the white man.
Muslim and non Muslims are having their lives cut short by genocide and you and your countrymen are more concerned about Hamas killing a dog - ffs man have some self respect.
The US can’t win this war. Even with a false flag event, the US is not powerful enough to win this war on such a global scale. The reason why the US won in WW2 was because it was the undisputed industrial power of the world, that is no longer the case. Also many young Americans are very demoralized about these continuous wars and the images and videos coming out from Gaza showing up on TikTok has significantly boosted pro Palestinian sentiment among American youth and have them questioning the govt.
US didn't win 2nd world war, it was the world that won the 2nd world war, all the countries that sacrificed their soldiers and people to fight the Nazis.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas founder says Hamas will be defeated

This is an example of the bankropsy of the kaffir ideology.
This guy sold his deen for basically hellfire.
I swear that inside he feels more terrible for been used as a propaganda tool by desperate crazy hasty angry christians who are so desperate to refute the proof of islam using a useless this piece of shit.
Anyone could easly see through him. He sold his deen for a greencard and some few dollars.
He probably lives alone and cries at night for not being the star he was back then when he first declared apostacy... Sad very sad indeed.


A New Message from Son of Hamas Leader To The World

'Hamas Opened Up The Gates Of Hell' - Mosab Hassan Yousef Tells Piers Morgan​

He probably eats sh!t, doesn't mean we all should eat sh!t.
Your countrymen have been sentenced to death for spying for Israel in Qatar - let that sink in. Spying for a third party and risking and having their lives taken. That’s more than bootlicking - that’s serious head in the white anus.
Yep we do have passion for lives of children being taken in Palestine - it’s wrong to sit by the side line and watch genocide and war crimes being committed.
Better than showing phull shapport for the mere fact someone is white.
Indians like to yes please sorry please let me lick your rectum. Your countryman have a horrible reputation of being vile dirty smelly white skin worshippers - god you’d do anything to be close to the white man.
Muslim and non Muslims are having their lives cut short by genocide and you and your countrymen are more concerned about Hamas killing a dog - ffs man have some self respect.

Its Pakistanis that are white skin worshippers..which is why you didnt give a **** about Rohinyas and sold Myanmar weapons, didnt give a **** about Ulghurs, but for Palestinians you hold rallies, break tv sets and even empty coke bottles :lol:

Israel did nothing to you, you should have some self respect and not give a shit about this conflict.

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