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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

now you are shifting goalposts, you asked for proof about zionist involment in genocide and i provided it in my reply, there is no antisemitism in asking for abolishment of zionist entity, hack even the millions of jews want that.
So where is the proof? A statement without evidence? So what about Israel being a UN recognized state? So what about legality of other countries if UN ruling is not respected?

You have your viewpoint but no need to push it. Focus on this conflict and do not try to open new and new lines of debate that is no value to the topic on hand. This is already a controversial topic. Co-existence is the only way forward. Like this or not.
Like they say. This is a war between Christianity/Judaism and Islam. All you need to do is read the opinions of Western experts.
Christians can side with Islam against Judaism and corrupt leftism.

Saudi Prince Condemns Hamas Attempt to Block Kingdom’s Normalization of Relations With Israel

The move came after Saudi Arabia reportedly tabled a US-backed plan amid the ongoing war

Published 10/20/23 06:25 PM ET|Updated 4 hr ago
Bruce Golding


A member of Saudi Arabia's royal family publicly accused the Hamas terror group of attempting to block his country from normalizing relations with Israel, according to a report Thursday.

Prince Turki Al-Faisal issued the stinging criticism in a statement that also faulted Israel, according to Israel's Channel 12, which called it an "extraordinary message" from the former Saudi intelligence chief.

The comments were the first by a senior official in Saudi Arabia to condemn Hamas after the Oct. 7 attacks.

"We condemn Hamas for its attempt to prevent normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and condemn Israel for allowing the transfer of funds from Qatar to Hamas in the Gaza Strip," Al-Faisal said, according to Channel 12.

Saudi Arabia reportedly tabled US-backed plans to normalize ties with Israel last week amid the ongoing war between the Jewish state and Hamas, which launched a devastating surprise attack from the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7.

Al-Faisal's mention of fund transfers apparently referred to a Monday report by Reuters that said Qatari aid to Gaza — which is run by Hamas — passed through Israel, citing an unidentified source familiar with the process.

It goes to show what a disgusting people these Saudi royal family is.
muslim world is weak because it doesnt have any unity nor come to each others aid like the west

until this issue of unity and helping each other is resolved, we will remain weak
Christians can side with Islam against Judaism and corrupt leftism.

Yet many Christians are more loyal to Judaism than Jews themselves.

muslim world is weak because it doesnt have any unity nor come to each others aid like the west

until this issue of unity and helping each other is resolved, we will remain weak

Exactly. Unity and a bloc. Until these two aren't in place the Muslims will be picked in one by one.
So where is the proof? A statement without evidence? So what about Israel being a UN recognized state? So what about legality of other countries if UN ruling is not respected?

You have your viewpoint but no need to push it. Focus on this conflict.
NAKBA, well established fact,.
in which borders, even if i grant legitimacy of un to grant land which does not belong to the jews.
un ruling is not respected by anybody who is strong enough, i think you are smart person to figure it out already.

you can apply same advice for yourself and avoid trying to explain to people what the "antisemitism" is while atrocities are done day and night by zionists, it is somehow grey position, at least to say out of the respect to your moderator position.
NAKBA, well established fact,.
in which borders, even if i grant legitimacy of un to grant land which does not belong to the jews.
un ruling is not respecting by anybody who is strong enough, i think you are smart person to figure it out already.

you can apply same advice for yourself and avoid trying to explain to people what the "antisemitism" is while atrocities are done day and night by zionists, it is somehow grey position, at least to say out of the respect to your moderator position.
I am alluding to conversations about Jews that have nothing to do with Palestine.

I have already pointed out history of Zionism and its aim to create a Jewish state that was the British mandated Palestine (this is in the records). My point is to discuss Palestine - Israel issue and not bring other nonsense into the discussion. Why so much focus on what a Jewish nutcase had to say in America - this too in an edited video hosted on YouTube? WE do not have its context and original tape to understand what is right in the case.
So it comes down to how to settle this dispute:
1. One State Solution
2. Two State Solution
3. Iranian Solution (Wipe out Israel)

The one state solution is what Iran is advocating. It is no different from the ousting of the apartheid regime in South Africa. That too required Resistance rather than resignation to what seemed like an overwhelmingly superior power.

This isn't merely Iran's proposal, it's what Palestinians themselves are opting for. Iran is not giving orders to Palestinian Resistance movements, they are autonomous in their strategic decision making and they enjoy wide backing from their people.
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I am alluding to conversations about Jews that have nothing to do with Palestine.
it is hard to separate it always especially in times like this but i support and understand intention, generalization and fragments of past are not helpfull to the palestinian cause, we should focus how to provide them military support and all possible aid in their struggle.

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