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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If a Israeli Jewish man who is a journalist asking for empathy and prayers for Gazan children is attacked and forced to hide in his home because of concern for his and his family safety from other Israeli loonatics then what hope is there for anyone else. What happened to free speech and democrasy???, his only asking for empathy and is getting attacked.

The vile people attacking him are the same ones I am against, these digusting people celebrate slaughter of children in Gaza or because of their racist attitude dont value any innocent life unless its an Israeli Jew.

If a Israeli Jewish man who is a journalist asking for empathy and prayers for Gazan children is attacked and forced to hide in his home because of concern for his and his family safety from other Israeli loonatics then what hope is there for anyone else. What happened to free speech and democrasy???, his only asking for empathy and is getting attacked.

The vile people attacking him are the same ones I am against, these digusting people celebrate slaughter of children in Gaza or because of their racist attitude dont value any innocent life unless its an Israeli Jew.

It's believe of all jews.
Jews believe they can kill women, children, innocents,... Without consequences.

Because they are choosen peoples.
Palestinians are the Semites. Palestinians are the descendants of the Jewish Christians from the First Century that remained in Palestine during the Eastern Roman Empire.

Jews have less Semitic Hebrew DNA than Palestinians.

These killings in Palestine are between genetic brothers - sons of Abraham. This is why I support a one state solution of Jews and Palestinians living together. The conflict is Jews that did not accept Christianity or Islam vs the Judeans that did follow the newer Abrahamic religions of Christianity and later, Islam.

While Jews say there are Arabs in Palestine, this is only partly true, most of the Palestinians are Levantine Hebrew descendants speaking Arabic. Compare this to the "State of Israel" being filled with Khazar Turks that speak Hebrew (This is proven by DNA testing, yet the Jewish lobby censors the DNA companies from exposing that most Russian Jews are Khazars). Netanyahu is a Khazar Turk.

This is a repeat of the Greek vs Turk. Most of the Turks from Turkey are Greek Muslims, such as Dr. Oz from the USA. Greeks and Turks (from Turkey) need to get along since they are genetic brothers.
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The hugely popular Christian president of Chile, Salvador Allende, was prevented by USA from becoming president by financing corrupt Chilean generals.

The hugely popular Christian president of Domenican Republic, Juan Bosch, was ousted and replaced by a dictator in coup lead by the USA.

What happened there? They didn't have the great White Anglo Saxon Protestant ideologies?
So that means that Muslims are getting a free out of jail card?
Middle East was part of the barbarian = non-greek world.

South western asia never was greek, but was invaded by greeks.

Now Greeks realize they are a weak force, and are in their country, but Cyprus will have to be returned to Turkiyeh, i hope greeks thinks long term and bow to Turkiyeh the island.
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