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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I normally don't condone such language but intentionally spreading misinformation in relation to the massacre of 1000+ civilians is truly risible behaviour.
Agreed, these kind of genocide supporters should not be welcome here or anywhere else. Let him spam his american war machine propaganda else where, maybe on his Kluklux clan forum where he will be greeted with open arms.
If that were to happen, the Saudis would be the most hated nation on planet earth.
You have to understand that the current ruler of saudia is M.ben salman not the old Salman.

This boy is breastfed by the west, his closest partner is Turki al-sheikh. Those two turned a lot of places in saudia to disneyland literally with night clubs.

Their dream to establish that city NEOM and cooperate with the israelis about it.

they have their agents all ovet arab defense forum especially
Arab-defense.com , few years ago they used to ban any israeli sympathiser now the forum is full of it with no action against them.

We are in a new era.
While we watch, our brethren in Gaza have been slaughtered right in front of us. This Umma needs miracles. Condemnations, denunciations, protests, and online chitchats will not remove the shame we have on our back. They will not erase the tears on our mothers' cheeks and on our youth's, and they would not stop the world of Freemasonry from the carnage that they unleashed on us.

Not sure if many of you understand but this carnage was unleashed on our Palestinian brethren because Freemasonries want to build the Solomon Temple. To build it, the goal is to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. But before they do that, they want to kill every Muslim and every other decent human being who rejects their evil. Arabs and Muslims in Palestine are paying the ultimate price for that goal.

Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: The Prophet (ﷺ) got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them.
Now you are in mental breakdown as you fell from your high moral horse.
You pretended for long time but you are nothing more then nazi and genocide supporter.

I’ve said from Day 1 that Hamas brings death and destruction to Gaza, no different than the German Nazis or Imperial Japan upon their own nations. You reap what you sow
There needs to be repercussions here. This brutality cannot go unpunished. Unless all of the Islamic nations don't unite to take action nothing will happen. Enough is enough. These barbaric baby killers need to be brought to justice.
Egypt is the first that should take action.

That fag dwarf we have is coward
Considering this is 10th day and no other country has shown much enthusiasm in joining the war, I think any such call may be ineffective. Individual actions by non-state actors will quickly be labelled as terrorism and may draw harsh response from Israel with no ability by the affected countries to respond. It is best to leave war making to states.

Actually, ANY action against Israel--even kids throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers is already called 'terrorism'.
'Harsh response' from Israel?? What's next, nukes??
I think you have a little too much respect for Israel's military capabilities; if Israel was that strong, then there wouldn't be the American AC Carriers rushing to help Israel. Israel is extremely vulnerable to cheap rocket fired from multiple sides--it will destroy Israel's economy. How many hills Israelis going to carpet bomb?
Here, an article on NY Times to open your's and other's eyes about the 'real danger' to Israel. The NY Times article is behind a paywall and I am only posting a little bit about the network of fighters that Iran has built--something I had already suspected Iran was doing--more than just training and arming Hezbollah, Iran kept taking hits from Israel in Syria and elsewhere but had kept its eyes on the ultimate battle.

For Hezbollah and Israel, the Stakes in Any Broader War Are High​

The fighting between Israel and Hamas has raised fears the violence will spill into Lebanon as a wider conflict with Hezbollah. Given the strength of Hezbollah forces, that would pose a real danger for Israel.

Such a war poses great risks to everyone involved, experts say. Israel, which appears poised to launch a ground invasion in Gaza, could struggle to fight on two fronts and defend itself against Hezbollah’s skilled guerrillas.

Changes in the Middle East in recent years have made it more likely that violence in one place could ignite violence elsewhere. That’s because Iran has worked to knit anti-Israel forces in different countries into an increasingly tight web.

Armed groups in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen that once largely fought separately now see themselves as being on the same team. Many of their commanders have received similar training from Iran or Hezbollah and their members share knowledge on how to increase the firepower of rockets and to surveil their enemies with drones.
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