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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Oh yeah. The Israelis want as much Palestinian territory as possible. This whole moving out of 1 million Palestinians is meant to steal the land.
Think about it,they leave. Not all,but most of them. The IDF bombs the entire Gaza making it uninhabitable. They take out as much of Hamas as they can. They go like "Refugees can return to Gaza freely,they can come back if they want."
But there isn't anything to come back to. The houses are all destroyed. The infastracture,the public services,their property has been demolished. They have no money to rebuild. The UN is not allowed in,the Red Crescent is not allowed in,other Arab countries are not allowed in. So what happens? They live. So they have kicked them out of Gaza. Then they can turn to the West Bank and continue to oppress them by taking more land and properties. Then they can turn to their Sunni Arab friends and say "Iran has been bothering you,let's take it out together".

But of course...if Russia makes a comeback,they can stop them.

You stupid faggot. Mind your own business.
Why are you angry now?
I'd like to see a surprise USAF attack on Hezbullshit. Total and complete annihilation in one go. I think it's possible. The USAF can do it easily.
Jewish JDL terrorist , cunt, didn't Ben Shapiro say Israel fights and wins its own wars and doesn't need America? The annihilation will happen against your Netanyahu Nazi regime.
That's a generalization. There's millions of Jews. One could say "Oh look,Muslims hate everyone! They hate Christians,the hate Jews,they hate Hindus,they hate Buddhists! They only care about other Muslims!"

Don't be so close-minded. And trust me,I'm not a leftist or anything,but it's illogical to think like that. I've seen Jews who are extremely open to others.
Its their believes,
They learn it from their religious teachers.

We don't have problem with Christians or jews.
LOL Christian Bible thumpers.

"Two disbelieving groups fighting each other."
If you erase all the religious stuff, these two men seem to present "U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East for Dummies". That might help explain why this Gaza war has morphed from Israel-Hamas war to Israel + USA vs. Hamas war. In reality, we have to add a dose of seasoning of post 9/11 national psychology too. That acts as the yeast to convert grape juice to vinegar.
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