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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Terrorist Jews Savageness

perhaps even in Greece.
Yes,we had a considerable Jewish minority in Greece. In my city especially,there used to be a thriving community. For example,the Dassault family has roots from Jews from Thessaloniki (if I'm not mistaken Sephardic). A girl that was killed in the events last Saturday,had origins from Thessaloniki as well and used to come here often,they said on TV.

What happened to this community? Largely exterminated by the Germans in WWII. Many Jews were hidden and protected by Greek families and Greek Orthodox clergy. So there are still families left,but nothing like the big community of the past.
Palestine is holy land, remember that if you can't rationalize it. This will go on until the last day or until Muslims conquer it back. It's just the reality and the way it is.

No it is not, and the reason why Muslims are a failure because they mainly think that the fight is for that mosque, and not for the rights, freedom of Palestinians and against the Zionist oppression.

Our Jerusalem is Mecca. The place that has been peaceful and safe per Ibrahim's prayer and not a region with the worst bloodshed every now and then.

Muslims in all fairness should return that property back to Jews, it was never our's in the first place. Jews are the rightful owner of that place. By Jews I mean Jews and not these LGBTQ supporting Zionists.

Even the coming or appearance of Mehdi is a fairy tale, he is another reason for our failures, because 99.9% of Muslims are waiting for a person who will never appear.
Because my friend,Israel's reprisals on Palestinians is the "standard". It's what we know. We all know that every time something happens,they bomb and kill more people. We all know about the Israeli oppression and mistreatment of Palestinians. That's why I say that Hamas gave them the best excuse again.

Look I'll tag these guys here too @HGV @Mehdipersian @RescueRanger @Sineva and try to explain some things again,
although I really don't have to. I can just say "who cares what they think about me?" and just leave,but I've been trying to make you guys understand.

Once upon a time,this was my room when I was studying.

The flag didn't say up much,but anyway,it was given to me by my Palestinian teacher who taught me Arabic,when I asked him for one.

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These are some books that I had bought back then,in the 2000s,when I was interested in Arabic history,language,music and documentaries.

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From left to right: "The Arabs in recent and modern era,History of the Arab peoples,The Crusades from the point of view of the Arabs,Jihad the Holy War(by Gilles Kepel),Israel-Palestine One Land,Two Nations 1948-2002,Israel-Palestine,Iran's Awakening(by Sherin Ebadi). I have Greek documentaries in Palestine in the early 2000s from when Arafat was still alive. I have documentary "Death in Gaza" on original DVD. I've had friends from Palestine...well mostly girls,one in USA and one in the West Bank. My Palestinian teacher comes from the West Bank as well.

When I was young,I was so disgusted by all the oppression and abuse of the Israelis. I thought,man these people are so arrogant,so cold-hearted. But little by little,growing up and reading more,I started seeing things a bit from the other side too. They too have suffered a lot. The Palestinians too have responded with hatred as well. They too helped the Jews dislike them even more. It was a circle.

I remember,in a greek documentary about the Six Day War,near the end,the reporter asked a Greek Jew who had fought in Jerusalem back then,if he would give up Jerusalem for peace. He said "Yes,I would do that. As long as it is a gentlemen's agreement".

The end of the documentary in Palestine had scenes of the aftermath of attacks with victims on both sides and their relatives and friends crying,while this song was playing:

As the credits were rolling,one scene stayed in my mind all these years. A Jewish paramedic on the scene,holding the head of a wounded (or dead) baby. Just a tiny baby,in blood. He was either praying or desperately asking the baby to stay in life.

My point to you guys is,they are people too. You are Muslims and many of you see this as some kind of an extreme obligation to support Palestinians,supposedly even more than others. But sometimes it blinds you to see that the other side,is just human too.

Israelis are people too. Sure,many are jerks. But many are brilliant and good people who want peace. Palestinians have a lot of jerks too. But they also have some amazing people.

I understand your point of view. Yes Israelis are also humans with feelings. We can understand that.

What your missing is that Israel was on purpose created by the British empire to cause havoc in the Middle East. The western world had Christian crusaders fighting for Jerusalem and finally after the Ottomans fell, by using UN they created a zionist state on Muslim land. If they really cared about the Jews as claimed, they should have created one in the USA or Canada, they have plenty of land. Israel state is a extremist racist state, we all know they don't represent the Jewish people but are only using it for politics, just like ISIS and others use Islam for politics.
This problem will never be resolved, even if a Palestinian state is created because Israel wants to expand its borders. Look at the UN, they created Israel and funded it to be a powerful state with nukes but left the Palestinians stateless and weak. Its done on purpose. Israel is also continuing to expand via new settlements, it shows there true colours.

This fight will continue till the day of armageddon.

Look at these photos, these same people are now killing the Palestinians who gave them refugee, calling Palestinians as animals, bombing their homes, slaughtering their children.
After only a few days of conflict with a tiny militant group in a besieged enclave that has no air force, no navy and no army, and despite already receiving $4 billion of military aid from the US every year (plus many billions more in ad hoc aid), Israel has already asked for military aid from the USA (and received the first tranche) and now from Germany also.

They are not using much of the naval ammunition, this just another move to get something for free, like always.
Someone puts a sign out " Please I am hungry " the other " I suffered the Holocaust, let me get payed infinitely "
This is by far the best post I have not only read in this thread, but on this entire forum. This post is personal, poingent, and above all, it speaks 100% of the truth only. Thank you for speaking the truth.
Bhai,I don't know what to say,thank you! 😯

Unfortunately,no reply by @Mehdipersian and @HGV They probably didn't like what I said.

I did manage to find some old scans from my "college" books back in the mid-2000s. My friends @Gomig-21 and @Ghostkiller will probably laugh for the random stuff I used to decorate my books with back then,but they can translate it to you. Except the random song lyrics. And the handwritting is bad,I had just started learning to write arabic on my own (I found a teacher later)

Indians have a hard-on for Israeli Zionists and bootlick them despite being mocked by them because they wish to replicate their actions.

These mushrikeen need to be annihilated.

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