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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Probings small skirmishes and responses to israeli attacks is something expected in Labennon even in Golan heights but opening another front without anti air is too risky. Israel will continiously bomb and take out any ground element in a matter of time. Whole resistance cannot be sacrificed for uninformed Hamas operation without waiting for anyone else to be prepared.

What can be done is Iran should find ways to beef up ad in Syria then Labennon. Thinking building missiles and stuff and everything is perfect somehow made Iran neglect or not emphesise this issue enough for about maybe 10 years that I have wrote many times about it after every conflict. Nothing is going perfect and never will be whatever you do or believe but it can just get better with time if you use your head to make it better.one option is to use Russian supply ships to beef up Syrian defenses transfering sams. First low altitude anti cm defenses then more expensive heavier long range anti aircraft sams.Iran can supply high altitude drones secretly to Russia as well. If they fly scout elint missions in Ru controlled areas looking for Ukr targets radars etc. even if they are downed in Ru controlled areas it cannot be proven as Iranian drone by Ukies. Iran should have thought many times about this Syria Labennon anti air upport issue before but better late than never to fix mistakes.

If there is the risk of losing planes in Syria or Labennon the risk of opening new fronts for israel would be too risky. Now there is almost no risk for israel but just a matter of time to bomb all targets
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Well said.

I think PDF offers some fair amount of relief where people can vent their pent up anger, there should be a forum section labelled catharsis.

A place where you can just scream till you are blue in the face and then say “okay I’m done now”. 😂

Make it so @LeGenD
People are too emotional, and I am being pragmatic, I don't see things like what you want to see, I see thing with "action and reaction", readiness, public and private available information. Do I like the outcome I predict? No, that's a human tragedy, I have said it time and again, that this is pointless, but this is how this is going to end when you put the following together

  1. The scale of attack
  2. The troop being called up
  3. The preparation and footwork that put into it (Or the 1-5)

I mean unless you think Israeli is calling up 360,000 reserves for a vacation in Gaza, they are going to get in with those amount (probably 1/3 because you still need blocking force and strategic reserve) all gun blazing, You don't need that amount of troop for this tiny bit of area, if all you want to do is hit and run, that is a massive infantry intensive operation to have a force like Israel to call up 360,000 troop, I mean they aren't Russia, they don't do human wave tactics, all that are going to point to only one single logical conclusion.

And this being a defence forum, I don't see why predicting a military operation is wrong and people have problem with this, I mean, people may not like what I predicted but aren't this what we do here as a defence forum??

As I said, if people want to rant or revenge, I am not stopping anyone to try and go join the fight on either side, but this is not the platform for it. We learn from this stuff and I consider what I predict here a piece of knowledge.
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And firing into cities would lead to what exactly ?

You don't live here nor in Gaza and are very brave at the expense of others .

My vision is a two state peace solution . Yours and Hamas , is the continuation of this conflict forever.

My vision would lead to peace and prosperity for the two nations. Yours , rivers of blood.

My vision would lead to investments from the rich Golf countries in improving the life in Gaza. Yours , would lead to Gaza in rubbles.

But again , it is not you who will pay the price so you can be brave at other people expense.

Do not lie, it was never option for you beside in purpose for deception and land grab.
The irony is that the West has tried to adopted a kind of Judeo-Christian civilization as its model, but such a base does not exist, and never has existed, neither theologically nor politically. And even with the phase of de-identification and rejection of Christian morality that the West is going through, it is already impossible to speak of a theological base. In other words, the picture is that millions of brain-dead Westerners, in their pyramid schemes topped by Zionist titans, have become defenders of Zionism without even questioning why.

There is a video of Netenyahu, even he jokes that 80% of the US are idiots, beceasu of that.
Are you really expecting the US to ask Israel to kiss and make up after this??

This is set in stone right after the attack, US or no US they are going to go in barbarian style, I have been saying this since Sunday. they wanted blood, as I said many time, the Israeli are beyond caring at this point, there are nothing other than a bloodbath will quench their thirst, they are planning a 3 pronged attack with both sea-ground invasion, they are doing that intentionally to cause maximum damage.

The only thing we can really hope for is somehow US can talk Egypt into opening the Gaza border and let these people leave. Otherwise 2 millions people stuck in a 460 sq kilometer area with 300,000+ soldier coming in from 3 sides with only one goal in their mind, that's not a pretty picture I can tell you this much...

Without US, Israelis will screech like bitches and be wiped out like ants. If there is no US, there is no Israel.



Yes, over there they are Ruths and Moishes. Somewhere else Pierre and Ann , so they are taken for the fraudulently identifying themselves. I can see some Irish there. Probably UFF members
And yet you rationalise their position as that on other side robots, it will not work and never did.
Since when did I rationise their position?

I comment on what they will do, there aren't any point for me to comment on what Hamas will do because they are already doing it, you just need to watch the news. Did I say Palestinian is asking for it? Hell, I didn't even condemn what the Hamas did, so how am I rationalise Israeli position and I even repeatedly said Israeli was wrong in all those previous killing, but then does that mean 2 wrong automatically be right?

I simply put information from what I get from open source and private source and provide a full picture of what is going to happen, does that mean I am on Israeli side? You don't like it, you don't need to read, I am posting a military analysis on a Defence Forum, what was the prediction and how this prediction was made. I failed to see how inappropriate that is. I mean if you think this is inappropriate because you don't agree/like my prediction is on you.

Man, you are not just naive, but also funny.

Looks like Netanyahu, who prided himself on normalisation with Arabs and relegating Palestinian issue to bottom of list, will not survive in his role very long.
Depends on how this operation going to turn out.

Remember Bush was in the shit before 9/11, EVERYONE hated him, and after 9/11 he is a hero and get elected. So. will this be his saving grace or his demise, we probably will know once this operation concluded.

Without US, Israelis will screech like bitches and be wiped out like ants. If there is no US, there is no Israel.
depends on what is the task, pretty sure they can manage Hamas and/or Hezbollah without US support, anything bigger than this, then maybe not.
Probings small skirmishes and responses to israeli attacks is something expected in Labennon even in Golan heights but opening another front without anti air is too risky. Israel will continiously bomb and take out any ground element in a matter of time.
Disagree - this did not happen in 2006 and there is no reason to suggest it will happen in 2023. Even Israel realises the limitations of aerial-only campaigns in Gaza as it is now forced to launch a ground invasion. And you know very well the differences in geography and size etc of Gaza and Lebanon.
Whole resistance cannot be sacrificed for uninformed Hamas operation without waiting for anyone else to be prepared.
Agreed - if others were not informed, they cannot be expected to join this war for Hamas at a time which may not suit them.
What can be done is Iran should find ways to beef up ad in Syria then Labennon. Thinking building missiles and stuff and everything is perfect somehow made Iran neglect or not emphesise this issue enough for about maybe 10 years that I have wrote many times about it after every conflict.
Iran has tried to build up AD network in Syria but Israel has excellent aerial prowess (and total air superiority in that region) and has been able to effectively intercept most of these attempts.

Where I agree is that Hezbollah should be equipped with the latest Iranian MANPADs in huge numbers, we have seen the effectiveness of these against modern attack helicopters in Ukraine.
Nothing is going perfect and never will be whatever you do or believe but it can just get better with time if you use your head to make it better.one option is to use Russian supply ships to beef up Syrian defenses transfering sams.
Russia cooperates with Israel in their strikes against Syrian targets, this is not realistic.
Iran can supply high altitude drones secretly to Russia as well. If they fly scout elint missions in Ru controlled areas looking for Ukr targets radars etc. even if they are downed in Ru controlled areas it cannot be proven as Iranian drone by Ukies.
Iran doesn't have many high altitude drones on that type. Maybe Shahed-171 but that is top of the range of Iranian capabilities and not suitable for export.
Iran should have thought many times about this Syria Labennon anti air upport issue before but better late than never to fix mistakes.
Syria is in a war with USA, Turkey, rebels and terrorists. Hezbollah doesn't control Lebanon. It's not that easy.
If there is the risk of losing planes in Syria or Labennon the risk of opening new fronts for israel would be too risky. Now there is almost no risk for israel but just a matter of time to bomb all targets
If there was no risk, they would have done it already.
Depends on how this operation going to turn out.

Remember Bush was in the shit before 9/11, EVERYONE hated him, and after 9/11 he is a hero and get elected. So. will this be his saving grace or his demise, we probably will know once this operation concluded.
A better example is Golda Meir. She was blamed for the massive intelligence failure of the surprise 1973 attack/war, even though (again with huge US support after huge initial Israeli losses) Israel ended up winning that war, and she ended up resigning 6 months later. Israelis talk about this Hamas attack as being a worse intelligence failure than 1973.


Unveiled by Qassam brigades
View attachment 960421
That photo is from Yemen not Palestine
A better example is Golda Meir. She was blamed for the massive intelligence failure of the surprise 1973 attack/war, even though (again with huge US support and huge initial Israeli losses) Israel ended up winning that war, and she ended up resigning 6 months later. Israelis talk about this Hamas attack as being a worse intelligence failure than 1973.

That photo is from Yemen not Palestine
Golda Meir is more like Churchill, she turn into a dictator in order to win a war, her and Churchill and most likely Zelenskyy is not going to survive their first peaceful term as leader, that's just how it goes, people remember stuff, just because we are now bending together and fight does not mean they would forget
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