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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Some of the US lawmakers are now sounding very genocidal. Shows how hollow US morality posture actually is.
Are you really expecting the US to ask Israel to kiss and make up after this??

This is set in stone right after the attack, US or no US they are going to go in barbarian style, I have been saying this since Sunday. they wanted blood, as I said many time, the Israeli are beyond caring at this point, there are nothing other than a bloodbath will quench their thirst, they are planning a 3 pronged attack with both sea-ground invasion, they are doing that intentionally to cause maximum damage.

The only thing we can really hope for is somehow US can talk Egypt into opening the Gaza border and let these people leave. Otherwise 2 millions people stuck in a 460 sq kilometer area with 300,000+ soldier coming in from 3 sides with only one goal in their mind, that's not a pretty picture I can tell you this much...
Cope. Jewish ISIS will be eradicated. All of them. Then Jesus will come down and eradicate them again.
No, I don't think they will.
Israel will likely reign until the days of the Mahdi or Prophet Esa (alayhis salaam)

This is Israel's first step to the position of superpower.
We will see who is right and wrong in 6 months from now
Homes, hospitals, schools, churches, mosques, ambulances, babies, roads, dairy factories, border crossing, medicine supplies . All 'sites' according to Israel.

No, I don't think they will.
Israel will likely reign until the days of the Mahdi or Prophet Esa (alayhis salaam)

This is Israel's first step to the position of superpower.
We will see who is right and wrong in 6 months from now
Put your Hindu flag troll
I believe that Hammas objective is way different then what everyone analyzing, Palestinian will bare heavy casualties and loss of solid infrastructure in ghaza but what I am thinking right now is horrible time awaiting for Israel!
Are you really expecting the US to ask Israel to kiss and make up after this??

This is set in stone right after the attack, US or no US they are going to go in barbarian style, I have been saying this since Sunday. they wanted blood, as I said many time, the Israeli are beyond caring at this point, there are nothing other than a bloodbath will quench their thirst, they are planning a 3 pronged attack with both sea-ground invasion, they are doing that intentionally to cause maximum damage.

The only thing we can really hope for is somehow US can talk Egypt into opening the Gaza border and let these people leave. Otherwise 2 millions people stuck in a 460 sq kilometer area with 300,000+ soldier coming in from 3 sides with only one goal in their mind, that's not a pretty picture I can tell you this much...
us is direct enabler of israel crimes trough history and today also, that is not news, no need to whitewash it and rationalize it for wider audience it is clear as spring water.
us is direct enabler of israel crimes trough history and today also, that is not news, no need whitewash it and rationalize it for wider audience it is clear as spring water.
Well, you can think whatever you want, do you think it's gonna change the situation on the ground?

No, it will only ended up you dying still thinking about this. That's on you, not the US

by the way, it's 360,000 reserve being called up now, not just 300,000

Dude idk where you getting this bullshit from but talking about Israel IDF they can’t even fkn decide when to enter Gaza because they don’t want the world to see IDF potty in pants so keep your 2 cents in your pocket and understand the situation.
Any invasion into a territory as densely packed as Gaza requires massive amounts of planning anyway, I don't see your point.

What I'm saying is that there are a few key points to note:
1) The western world now en masse supports Israel. They are imprisoning people here in the UK for chanting "free palestine" or going on protests. But this voice is now the minority anyway
2) Israel will defeat Gaza. Whether it is with considerable ease or a many years-long battle I don't know. But It ends with a flattened Gaza
3)Israel will soon destroy Al Aqsa and build the Third temple in preparation for the Anti Christ

We will see how much of this is true in 6 months, laugh as much as you want, but I will probably be right
Are you really expecting the US to ask Israel to kiss and make up after this??

This is set in stone right after the attack, US or no US they are going to go in barbarian style, I have been saying this since Sunday. they wanted blood, as I said many time, the Israeli are beyond caring at this point, there are nothing other than a bloodbath will quench their thirst, they are planning a 3 pronged attack with both sea-ground invasion, they are doing that intentionally to cause maximum damage.

The only thing we can really hope for is somehow US can talk Egypt into opening the Gaza border and let these people leave. Otherwise 2 millions people stuck in a 460 sq kilometer area with 300,000+ soldier coming in from 3 sides with only one goal in their mind, that's not a pretty picture I can tell you this much...

So, you want Palestinians to leave their homeland? NOT gonna happen in any case.

Americans have overtly sided with Israelis here so they would be shown the door by Arabs. Do not overestimate American influence.

Secondly, Israelis will be dealt with as there are more Palestinian men are rising up against the occupier regime.

Israelis need to get rid of Netanyahoo if they want all of this to stop.
Well, you can think whatever you want, do you think it's gonna change the situation on the ground?

No, it will only ended up you dying still thinking about this. That's on you, not the US

by the way, it's 360,000 reserve being called up now, not just 300,000

i have no doubt that blood thirsty jew occupier will do everything in their power to do horrible crimes, it is your job here to justify and rationaize why you will participate in that,
yup.. for some reason some clown deleted it...

This guy is an immoral clown who is seldom right or trolling most of the time.

Do not use this man as a source. It reflects badly on one's values.

Find another source.
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