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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The media narrative is crazy this time. Even supporting Palestine being called lot of things.
Large twitter spaces even which claim they are neutral you will freakin find one or 2 handlers trying to continuously build the narrative.
Western media has forgotten that 2 million people live on the other side.
No media house is willing to accept deaths in Gaza as human deaths.
From whats coming from Gaza sadly its being erased to the ground.
They used to get warning those have stopped comings no water, electricity for days already.
Multiple journalists are dead
And cuck islamic leadership has gave up already.
From whats being said aroung this will be going for atleast month and Western media is already mentally preparing people for large civilians casualties which can few thousands to world war 2 ish levels.
By AQ Khan who later got backstabbed by Pakistan Army.

Syria’s civil war is still ongoing.
Backstabbed or took the fall for the sake of the nation. His last patriotic act was to live out the rest of his life in house arrest to protect the arsenal. May his sacrifice be honored and not treated cheaply, ever.
Thankfully through social media (and not just Mainstream media) and young people in the west looking for nuance; a fully story is getting out to the people and some people that want to maintain the old status quo don’t like it.

Yes we got to give credit to Elon Musk. Twitter is shifting public opinion on Israel. Jewish ISIS is being exposed to the world.

Let's not forget when Netanyahu revealed his true targets. "The first is called Iran, the second is called Pakistan". Go to 25:55-27:00 of the video to hear the quote.

While Israel is now set on expanding territory, we must be on our guard now and get Imran Khan back to power as soon as possible with whatever it takes.

These dirtbag Faujis… If IK was in office right now, he’d be shitting on Israel on every diplomatic forum available. Unlike rest of the Muslim countries, Pakistan would have stood on the side of justice.
Backstabbed or took the fall for the sake of the nation. His last patriotic act was to live out the rest of his life in house arrest to protect the arsenal. May his sacrifice be honored and not treated cheaply, ever.

He did get backstabbed.

It’s not a scientist’s job to protect an arsenal. It’s the Army’s job.

But this is the same Army that’s interested in political engineering, DHA’s, and Papa John’s!
Scott Ritter discussing the incompetence of IDF

I have watched just 5 minutes of this video so far and Scott Ritter echoes just about what I said above!
1) Peace in that region is come when Israel faces a bloody nose from the Hamas-Hezbollah combine!
2) Americans are going to intervene when the Israeli lust for the Gazan blood is satisfied--happened before.
The media narrative is crazy this time. Even supporting Palestine being called lot of things.
Large twitter spaces even which claim they are neutral you will freakin find one or 2 handlers trying to continuously build the narrative.
Western media has forgotten that 2 million people live on the other side.
No media house is willing to accept deaths in Gaza as human deaths.
From whats coming from Gaza sadly its being erased to the ground.
They used to get warning those have stopped comings no water, electricity for days already.
Multiple journalists are dead
And cuck islamic leadership has gave up already.
From whats being said aroung this will be going for atleast month and Western media is already mentally preparing people for large civilians casualties which can few thousands to world war 2 ish levels.

You should see the narrative;
Even food aid is said to be “dual use” because the empty bags can be used to make bunkers. So basically he’s saying the food shouldn’t be sent because they will use the packaging.

He did get backstabbed.

It’s not a scientist’s job to protect an arsenal. It’s the Army’s job.

But this is the same Army that’s interested in political engineering, DHA’s, and Papa John’s!
When governments abdicated their responsibilities onto the people ….
Livestream of Gaza. Genocidal carpet bombing everywhere :


Let's not forget when Netanyahu revealed his true targets. "The first is called Iran, the second is called Pakistan". Go to 25:55-27:00 of the video to hear the quote.

While Israel is now set on expanding territory, we must be on our guard now and get Imran Khan back to power as soon as possible with whatever it takes.
Thanks for sharing. Indeed, even though there is NO way a “Taliban” Pakistan will ever emerge, the TTP (and TTA’s governance) made sure to show what that could look like, we can see the narrative building skills at work in this power hungry psychopath’s mind. Hopefully now that he has been exposed to his people and the world, and hopefully Pakistan gets its act together, it can better protect itself through better governance, economy and PR.
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be overjoyed to see he still got a chance to go harass her.
Betting may be your forte but I
guess you wouldn’t have done very well in that seeing your attitude and thinking
His heart was bleeding tears profusely yesterday over this girl.
Yes it was. I see happiness and glee over plight of a girl being harassed as she menstruates. Must be in your syllabus at Madarssa.

he's infatuated, obsessed, in love...
I see a Mullah projecting his imagination on others. Mullah who has been stalking a girl from a fest to a hospital. I hope you aren’t one of the grooming gangs type ?
And sicko leave the girl and other girls alone. Sicko, don’t trivialise death and devastation in Gaza by your cheap stunts.
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