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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All these are known well to us and more so to Hamas leadership.
While planning this operation they should have also worked on the optics of it. In this connected world, optics and public opinion can be as lethal and effective as a nuclear device. The impact is seen without the actual blast like a nuclear device.

This kind of attack is unlikely to be replicated for foreseeable future and would remain the only sight and sound for some time. Same visuals would be rotated again and again.

They could have changed the optics completely in their favour.

Which they didn’t.
What is the need for all this armchair analysis of 'optics'? They should have thought about simple things like what if they blow up electric and water lines. Trust me, without electricity and water, population can be greatly hurt in a desert.
I will remind you of this when you're crying about genocide in Gaza in a few days
Genocide will be met with genocide. You keyboard warrior think Jews are willing to take such a risk. They will literally get killed everywhere around the world. In one day. All of them. Stop your keyboard warrior bullshit.

Is Israel destroyed? Have you prayed in Jerusalem?

Are we supposed to clap for the diaper army? Obviously Hamas with tiny limited resources wasn't trying to liberate Palestine. It was doing a operation to wipe out Israeli military bases around Gaza and free Palestinian prisoners. It achieved its objectives.
call me whatever you want. These people are fucked.

80 years of struggle, got fucked into the dirt by a 10 second video.

BUT BUT BUT Israel killed so many people
doesn't matter.

You will never recover from this

There are dozens born daily; hold your blue balls for 18 years.
As far as I can tell, United Nations and all its organs have decided to look the other way. Most countries except a tiny number of Muslim countries have gone on long vacation. They will wake up when they think Israel has done what is permissible. That is a clue to how the world sees Hamas's actions.
Excatly, once Hamas killed the innocent Israelis... They lost the vocal support from the most of the world community.
Good bless Hamas freedom movement
I`m sure that the south africans cant help but remember just how cozy zionist israel and apartheid south africa were back in day.
Racist colonizers of a feather flock together... 💩
What actual policy change has there been? The US has always been ardently pro Israel and American media will only broadcast pro Israeli imagery.

So yes, I agree that Hamas is absolutely foolish and terrible with their image consciousness, it has not led to any real change in policy. The US has always been pro Israel and that hasn’t changed.

The main thing that has changed is inside Israel.

There is a unanimous demand from the public to change the reality from the base.

In the past Israel tried to avoid entering Gaza or topple Hamas , cuase if we do , we will have a humaniterian crises on our hands and the responsibility of 2 million palestinians.

The images of death squads dragging people from their homes and shooting them is a reality that no one here is willing to live with.

If for years we got used to consrant rounds with Hamas , now the demand is to make sure something like this never happens again.

Whether something like this can be accomplished is another matter.

But let me be clear , for sure something like that would be attempted , this is not going to be just another round with Hamas as we have seen before.

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Are we supposed to clap for the diaper army? Obviously Hamas with tiny limited resources wasn't trying to liberate Palestine. It was doing a operation to wipe out Israeli military bases around Gaza and free Palestinian prisoners. It achieved its objectives.
May the blame be upon you for the children killed by the Israeli bomb in Palestine.
You're too stupid to understand it too, even the countries who supported Israel, always had a vocal minority advocating for Palestine. Now they are utterly silenced and can't do anything.

Look I don't even like Israel. I think it's one of the worst dystopian countries on earth. Bu Palestine is fucked.

It's over.

The countries that supported Palestine haven’t been doing much have they? They were all busy trying to get a deal signed between the Gulf monarchies and Israel, totally ignoring the condition of the Palestinians.

Even the traitor Pakistani generals overthrew an elected government on American and Saudi orders so that a pro-Israel deal could be signed.

You need to stop watching the controlled government media. It’s just an official propaganda machine. If I formed my opinions based on official media I too would be cheering the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians, like some people on this thread.

Right and wrong may be different from what CNN or BBC tell us.
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