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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You Shall Not Pass !


Why is this guy so confused? Border with Israel is right next to him. Why does he want to go to fight in Saudi Arabia?

Currently Iran-backed secterian Shiite militias are trying to bring Arab Syrians under their control in areas they control to expand their geographic and demographic influence over the region.
Rafidi terrorist cults are erecting and planting terrorist monuments to Qassem Soleimani in Deir ez-Zor region and countryside. This infidel regime pays lip service to the Palestinian for “resistance in Gaza” but their regime Farsi Mullah has funded the invasion of Muslim Syria by the Persian Dajjal Shiites. At the same time, in cooperation with the Zionists, they marketed "resistance against the Zionists" as they tried to invade the Arabs in Syria. The Syrians will chop puff Abdullahian Rafidah, cut off his hands, and sent deciever to Suleimani's criminal in Janam and Syria will have to destroy all the shrine Iranian farsi built.
Innocent Muslim blood has been spilled, Cyber Hezbies are fighting for the conspiracy of Soohyuni and cryptio Iranian deceivers are worst traitors.
Why is the Islamic world in tatters?

Well, when Russia went into Ukraine, The whole of the west/NATO united and placed sanctions on Russia.
On the hand, whilst Israel is carrying out a genocide:
- A no fly zone for Israeli civil & military aircraft hasn't been established. In fact, Arabs & Turks are facilitating military aircraft and supplies for Israel.
- Trade is continuing with the illegal entity of Israel. The Sultan of Turkey refuses to turn off Azeri Oil heading the the Zionist state. Business is in full swing. UAE (The Whore State of the Zionists) along with the rest of the Arab states continue to trade and work towards normalisation of ties behind closed doors. These Scum have no shame and don't fear the punishment of God for not supporting the oppressed.
- To take the pi$$, Saudi, Jordan, Egypt are acting as the first level of defence for the disgusting Zionist state. Any missiles fired towards Israhell are shot down by their cousins sitting in Arab lands. How low can we get?

Israel is laughing and of course will take advantage when there is no real repercussions for it's hideous actions. A 12 year old could have thought of a better course of action to take to deter this haraamzada state of Israel .It doesn't take rocket science.

1) Place a No fly zone for Israeli aircraft over Arab lands (Civil or otherwise)
2) Place energy sanctions on them. Let Uncle Sam/NATO deliver Oil to these disgusting rats.
3) Send a multination force to Gaza under the UN umbrella to restore peace and ensure a ceasefire.

above are just example steps, but it seems like the "Ummah" are too busy eating, Camel Biriyani to care whilst their brethren are being slaughtered. Wow unto the Arabs, for a destruction is soon going to be upon them. And when it does happen as prophesised, they'll be screaming like Palestinians yet there will be nobody to help them.
Hate arabs with passion.
#Urgent | A massacre in Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip, after targeting a residential square inhabited by the families of “Nabhan, Qarmout, Shaaban, Saad, and Qaddoura.”
The references are not
Those references do not prove apartheid in Muslim countries, TRY AGAIN
Apartheid was a system to separate between races in South Africa.
Separating between religions is the same concept,
You idiot the term apartheid has not been used in religious context you just made that up now. Always been for race, South Africa, Europe, the US in the 60s. Your nonsense claim does not stand.

Whataboutism does not change the argument
Your argument is invalid per above.

Videos have already been shown that the intent was to kill civilisns.
Taking hostages is a war crime, and intent does not enter the picture.
Launching unguided missiles on population areas is a war crime.
All these are proven war crimes.
So good we agree Israel are commiting war crimes

And food, water and fuel is being let in.
Is Hamas hoarding food, water and fuel?
In that case, they are the war criminals.

No food or fuel or water is being let in, a warcrime has already been committed even if they start supplying now.....its happened dummy.
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