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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


WHO warns disease spreading more rapidly than expected​


The World Health Organization (WHO) says cases of disease in Gaza are significantly higher than expected as a result of people crowded together in shelters. It’s also warned of worsening epidemics as winter approaches.

More than 70,000 cases of acute respiratory infections and over 44,000 cases of diarrhoea have been recorded in the densely populated enclave, according to Richard Peeperkorn, WHO Representative for the West Bank and Gaza.

"We are extremely concerned about the spread of the disease when the winter season arrives," he says.

A lack of fuel in Gaza has shut down desalination plants, which means people are drinking contaminated water, significantly increasing the risk of bacterial infections like diarrhoea.

Rubbish collections have also stopped in Gaza, creating environments for insects and rodents that can carry diseases to thrive, the WHO says.
but the Palestinians lost in a war against the Zionists. Who's fault is that.

'Lost in a war' --you mean like FOREVER??!!
Do you know that in the Korean War, twice Gen. McArthur had to retreat in humiliating ways when America was at the very height of its power? Losing a battle is not losing the war. Ask the Jews: For thousands of years they were exiled, brutalized, killed but they never gave up and found a homeland. Palestinians are no less determined to get their homeland back and I believe they will get that in 10 years, max!
'Lost in a war' --you mean like FOREVER??!!
Do you know that in the Korean War, twice Gen. McArthur had to retreat in humiliating ways when America was at the very height of its power? Losing a battle is not losing the war. Ask the Jews: For thousands of years they were exiled, brutalized, killed but they never gave up and found a homeland. Palestinians are no less determined to get their homeland back and I believe they will get that in 10 years, max!
Yes, all over the world there are Pro-Palestinian rallies. May justice hopefully be served.

You fool, I am not for "Israhell." I too am against the Zionist scums.
Why should Pakistan be involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? This is not our problem.

We can give moral and financial support to Palestinians, but to fight in their wars, ummm...no.

Until Arab Muslims fight in Pakistan's Kashmir cause, why should we fight in Arab Muslim causes?

Yes, all over the world there are Pro-Palestinian rallies. May justice hopefully be served.

You fool, I am not for "Israhell." I too am against the Zionist scums.

We get it. You’re against Zionist scums as long as Pakistan doesn’t get involved. No worries. Your view is the official view of Whiskey & Company.
While this entire interview is well worth watching about the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, the last 10 minutes or so reminded me of what you said: America doesn't have the industrial base anymore to do the mobilization like was done in WW 2.

We get it. You’re against Zionist scums as long as Pakistan doesn’t get involved. No worries. Your view is the official view of Whiskey & Company.
We need "burn the ships" type of people in this ummah.
Not saying Pakistan should jump by overselves but gather like minded countries and get down to buisness. After all its just worldly life to sacrifice.
Not bad.

On a side note, Turkey is run by quite Islamo-nationalist people still they are afraid to act aggressively to stop Israel from Palestinian genocide.
Same is the case with Iran.Loud but empty voices

Pakistan even if run by genuinely nationalist people will never involve itself militarily in Middle East unless we have SuperPower ambitions.
The issue with the muslims is we our selves are weak minded and have no strategic thinking. Looking at the Gaza Israeli genocide, we all should have known it's coming so why didn't the muslims unite? We may have 1000s of excuses and they may even be correct but the fact is we failed to unite on one platform and so we are suffering due to it. In Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria we are fighting amongst ourselves. The ummah should reject fighting amongst themselves and this alone could open the doors to unity. Dealing with the traitor leadership is another one. When we have the time we dont act and when its too late we point fingers.
Tell this to Arabs, especially Gulf Arabs. They will look at you weird, like you are from another planet. They don't think in terms of 'we Muslims' to begin with.
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