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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Police start building Oct. 7 rape cases, focusing on footage and testimonies

‘Not a traditional rape investigation’: Police say they have multiple witnesses, are focusing on gathering circumstantial evidence as physical proof gleaned from bodies is limited


have arrived since the start of the war with Hamas, October 13, 2023. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

Israeli police investigators are currently building several sexual assault cases against Gazan terrorists who participated in the massacres in southern Israel on October 7, with the goal of eventually trying the perpetrators for rape and other crimes.
“We have multiple witnesses for several cases” of sexual abuse, said David Katz, who heads cyber crime at Lahav 433, the Israel Police’s criminal investigation division.
In addition to witness testimony, Katz and police spokespeople said Tuesday, the police have video evidence, testimony from terrorists, and photographs of victims’ bodies that all point toward sexual assault.

Speaking to journalists at the National Police Academy in Beit Shemesh, the officials confirmed Hebrew media reports that Lahav 433 is collecting evidence of Hamas atrocities in preparation for criminal prosecution.

The police would not disclose the number of witness testimonies or active sexual assault cases being investigated. Five weeks after Israel’s largest-ever mass casualty event, Katz said that the police still expect months more work before completing their investigation and shifting toward indictments.

The sexual violence investigation is part of a larger push by Lahav 433 to put together cases of murder, torture and other atrocities committed on October 7. Most details of the investigations are currently under a gag order.

The police confirmed a Times of Israel investigation that found physical evidence of sexual assault was broadly not collected from October 7 victims, amid the still ongoing need to identify bodies and complications posed by an active warzone.

Rape kits, which have a 48-hour window to be collected after an assault, were not prioritized. “In the first 48 hours, there was still an active combat zone” across much of southern Israel, Dean Elsdunne, a police spokesperson, said Tuesday.

“We did gather photographic evidence,” Elsdunne said, taken by forensic workers at the emergency morgue set up at the Shura military base, where the majority of the 1,200 killed on October 7 were taken for identification.

“We have detailed photos of the bodies of victims, and everything is being put together,” Elsdunne said.

Many bodies arriving at Shura were in such bad condition that collecting physical evidence of sexual assault, such as semen or DNA samples, was not possible.

Mirit Ben Mayor, who leads communications for the Israel Police, said that investigating the October 7 crimes “is not a traditional rape investigation.”

Much of the state’s case will rest on “circumstantial evidence,” she said, adding that “it’s enough to indict someone by that.”

Based on “the conditions of the bodies that came in, bodies in the field, by the stories people are telling, by the situation of the bodies that arrived for forensic checking at Shura,” Ben Mayor said, “we say that there was rape, that there was sexual harassment. There is no room for doubt about these events.”

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai similarly said that the police’s ongoing investigation has yielded “evidence indicating rape [and] amputation of organs,” including breasts.

“Many of the victims who survived the massacres are not ready to speak,” Shabtai said.

Ben Mayor said that she was not aware of October 7 rape survivors having made formal complaints to the police.

The Israel Police screened short clips Tuesday of footage gathered from Hamas bodycams, victim dashboard cameras, social media, and cell phones, showing partially clothed, dead women and charred remains of victims who had been bound before they were burned alive.

In one video, a woman is unclothed from the waist down, with her underpants hanging off one thigh. She is lying face down and is dead. In another, a mutilated dead woman has her dress hitched up to her waist, with no underpants.

The police, which arranged a closed-door screening for journalists, said that these videos indicated sexual assault.

“Many of the victims were in conditions too severe to identify, naked, and with clear signs of sexual assault,” read a caption accompanying a gruesome clip of several corpses, in various states of disrobement, stacked in outdoor piles.

The police also screened a segment of what they said was testimony from a survivor of Hamas’s attack on a large outdoor festival, where over 260 — mostly young adults — were killed.

Identified only as “Witness S.,” the survivor said she had seen terrorists gang-raping, mutilating and then murdering a young partygoer.

“He is here raping her,” S. was videotaped saying, “and then they pass her on to another person.” The terrorists were dressed in olive green uniforms, she added. The police showed video evidence that several Hamas terrorists had posed as Israel Defense Forces soldiers in order to get close to victims.

Confirming that the victim had still been alive during the rape, S. said that “she stood on her feet, she was bleeding from her back.”

Next, said S., one of the terrorists “slices her breast and throws it on the road, and they’re playing with it.”

“Afterwards,” S. continued, “someone really penetrates her and shoots her in the head before he finishes. It’s not like he ejaculates and picks up his pants… He shoots her in the head while he’s still inside of her,” she said.

Ben Mayor confirmed that police have identified the rape victim in this incident, now deceased.

The police declined to say how many rape cases are being looked into.

Police are working on developing “a case against every terrorist, every Hamas member” in custody, Katz said, for the broader set of atrocities committed on October 7.

Katz said that there are “a few hundred” October 7 terrorists in Israeli custody.

Did USA, U.K. nato followed rules of war in Iraq and Afghanistan

We are watching in horror west and Israel rules of war on Gaza
I am not on here advocating the murder of anyone whilst backing a movement that claims that religious identity as one of its core values. I am not supporting other wars or the conduct of other countries either.
What's the point of these kind of debates? Just people shouting and creating a scene. Does not inform. It's a form of entertainment for some. It's bollocks.
I rarely watch such 'debates'; they can be useful but time is in short supply. I concentrate on blogs about Western/White people exposing Israel, about people like Nader suggesting ways to beat AIPAC, which is the main force behind this war, about what's going on the ground in Gaza...
The issue with the muslims is we our selves are weak minded and have no strategic thinking. Looking at the Gaza Israeli genocide, we all should have known it's coming so why didn't the muslims unite? We may have 1000s of excuses and they may even be correct but the fact is we failed to unite on one platform and so we are suffering due to it. In Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria we are fighting amongst ourselves. The ummah should reject fighting amongst themselves and this alone could open the doors to unity. Dealing with the traitor leadership is another one. When we have the time we dont act and when its too late we point fingers.

Nobody expected the Gazans to launch an operation like on October 7; otherwise, except for the 'mowing the lawn' every few years, Gaza was to be forgotten and even Israelis would have left the Gazans alone had there not been a threat from Gaza.

About the Muslim unity, it is not as bad one might think. Actually, after the Western block, led by the Americans, the Muslim block is globally the most united one. They just don't have the financial and military muscle to fight the Zionist occupied America--yet. And one message from the recently concluded OIC Extraordinary Summit meeting was at least a unanimity on some red lines: No expulsion from Gaza would be allowed. Also, Alexandar Mercoulis (spelling) is saying that the Arab World during the OIC Summit has decided to gradually move on from the American block and are biding their time; he is a very careful person in his assessments.

Doctor says Israeli forces ‘found nothing’, supplies low at Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital


DUBAI: A doctor at the Gaza Strip’s Al Shifa hospital said on Friday Israeli forces had “found nothing” during searches of the hospital complex, and that food and water were running out.

Doctor Ahmed El Mokhallalati told Reuters by telephone that despite the “difficult” conditions at the hospital, no babies had died there since Israeli troops entered it on Wednesday.

Israel says Hamas has a command centre underneath the hospital, an assertion the Hamas denies. Reuters has been unable to verify the situation at the hospital independently.

“It’s a totally terrifying situation, here the Israeli tanks and the Israeli troops have been moving within the hospital area, all over the hospital,” said Mokhallalati, a surgeon born in Ireland who trained in Cairo and practiced in London.

“The situation is totally difficult. They are shooting all the time, all the areas.”

The Israeli military said on Thursday it had uncovered a Hamas tunnel shaft and a vehicle with weapons at the Al Shifa hospital complex. It also made public videos and photographs to support its statement.

Speaking in English, Mokhallalati said: “They have found nothing. They have found no single resistance. No single gunshot, against them within the hospital area.”

The hospital, packed with patients and displaced people and struggling to keep operating, has become a focus of global concern.

Mokhallalati said the Israeli military had provided some supplies since entering the hospital but that it was insufficient.

“What happened is that the people, we run out of food, we ran out of drinking water,” Mokhallalati said. “And then, yesterday, they arranged some, just some food and water, which is very, very minimal, which doesn’t cover, maybe 40% of the number of people around here.”

Dr Mohamed Tabasha, head of the paediatric department at Al Shifa, said on Monday three newborn babies had died as problems mounted at the hospital, and that the 36 remaining newborns were at risk.

“As of yesterday they were 36, luckily no one has lost their lives,” he said on Friday.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but why do you think they needed to take rudimentary flying lessons in America. They could have obtained the same training in their home countries cheaper.

Maybe they did. For all we know this was not their first flying lessons.
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BBC ...


  1. Israel's war cabinet says it will allow two fuel trucks into the Gaza Strip each day for the UN to continue aid work
  2. An Israeli official says fuel will give "minimal" support for water and sewage systems, and will be tracked to make sure it doesn't reach Hamas
  3. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says any fuel must go "hand-in-hand" with restoring phone lines, warning that otherwise any aid operation is "impossible"
  4. Israel says its troops have found the body of a second woman held hostage by Hamas, during a search close to Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza
  5. Noa Marciano, a 19-year-old soldier, was one of about 240 people kidnapped by Hamas gunmen during the 7 October atrocities, which killed 1,200 people
  6. Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted Israeli forces have not been "successful" in minimising civilian casualties in Gaza - but blamed Hamas
  7. More than 11,500 people have been killed in the territory since Israel began its retaliatory strikes, according to the Hamas-run health ministry
Articulate? I bet you like Jerry Springer and Jeremy Kyle too. Why is anyone people disagree with on this site automatically an Indian?
Your posts stick out like a sore thumb. No content - critical of Islam - spamming -
Circular arguments and generally writing shit hence the deduction you must be Indian . Now stick to the topic and don’t veer.
Killing innocent children - carpet bombing - genocide and war
Crimes committed by Israel - are you going to condone this?
On the different note, Israel need to clearly think about its military capability, They use to take over 4 countries in 6 days and now they are fighting for only a small 45x15 Km piece of land since 38 days.
What you need to learn is that Israel is not fighting against conventional military.It's fighting a war with a Militia that is hiding underground and is operating behind civilian cover.
In previous war, it was a direct military to Military combat.That's not a case here
I am not on here advocating the murder of anyone whilst backing a movement that claims that religious identity as one of its core values. I am not supporting other wars or the conduct of other countries either.

In the West religious fundamentalism is only considered a bad thing when you have dark skin. Netanyahu's rhetoric should terrify us.
What you need to learn is that Israel is not fighting against conventional military.It's fighting a war with a Militia that is hiding underground and is operating behind civilian cover.
In previous war, it was a direct military to Military combat.That's not a case here

And that's perfectly fine: Weaker parties always do that. Israelis did the same to the Brits in the 40s.

Here, in case you want to know more about the asymmetrical warfare, a great mind like the American Col. Wilkerson talking about exactly this in the first 10-15 minutes of this video:

The big difference is Jerusalem. I remember an Arafat interview after Camp David 2000 about 'Barak's Generous Offer'. Arafat said 'There is no Muslim born yet who'd give up Jerusalem!' (in those words). And look up Barak's offer then. There is no comparison with Bosnia with territorial integrity given to the Bosniaks AND Bosniaks were supported by NATO. Palestinians are basically on their own except for some tangible support from Iran and its proxies.

Unlike most pro-Palestinian here, I tend to think Israelis would have allowed Gaza near total independence if Gaza would be peaceful toward Israel. But Gaza would not be peaceful because Gaza is closely tied with the West Bank and the larger Palestinian cause. Any Turkish or other troops inside Gaza would be just a band-aid for a few years: The Gazans would regroup and launch even deadlier attacks against Israel. And Israelis know that quite well!!

Some Westerners keep bringing up Pakistan's nukes in the context of this Israel-Gaza conflict. Most seem to think Pakistan will supply nukes to Turkey upon Turkish request--although transporting them without getting into serious Israeli/NATO counter measures would be a huge deal. Some Westerns say that in case of an Israeli nuclear strike against Iran, Pakistan would nuke Israel--that's hard to do given the distance and the presence of the American eyes on Pakistan.
Why should Pakistan be involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? This is not our problem.

We can give moral and financial support to Palestinians, but to fight in their wars, ummm...no.

Until Arab Muslims fight in Pakistan's Kashmir cause, why should we fight in Arab Muslim causes?
Iran isn’t going to get dragged into a war because someone in Hamas screwed up and did this stupid operation without consulting with Iran first. See my full post in thread about Hamas miscalculation.
Correct. Kudos for your rational take, a rarity here.
Hamas official Ahmad Bahar killed in Israeli strike in Gaza

Bahar, 76, previously served as vice president of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Israel has not confirmed he was targeted or killed.

In 2012, he delivered a televised sermon in which he prayed for Allah to kill "the Jews and their supporters... [and] the Americans and their supporters... without leaving a single one". This statement has been characterized as incitement to genocide.

you extrajudicially assassinated a 76 year old non-combatant, well done, now go cry that Hamas took old settlers prisoner

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