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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


alysis: Thai govt facing criticisms for being 'amateur' in handling hostage crisis amid Israel-Hamas war​

A Thai mother tells CNA she is upset the government has not given her any updates about her daughter, who’s believed to have been held captive by Hamas since its Oct 7 armed assault in Israel.


Coffins carrying bodies of Thai migrant agricultural workers who were killed in an attack by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel, arrive at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand, October 20, 2023.


Ms Nutthawaree Munkan is among dozens of Thai workers reportedly held captive in the Gaza Strip.

Ms Nutthawaree is on the list of 25 Thai migrant workers held captive by Hamas, which had captured about 240 hostages, comprising Israelis and foreigners.

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IDF commando unit officer Major Isachar Natan, 28, and Staff Sergeant Itay Shoham, 21 killed in overnight botched raid in Gaza- this brings the total number of official IDF casualties to 44.​


Major Isachar Natan​


Staff Sergeant Itay Shoham​

Ah if we're going apocalyptic,then we're talking completely different. As for "wherever white supremacist" blah blah...if that was true,then most of the world would have been white right now. So please,don't give us that childish nonsense.

Shut your fucking mouth..... and read history...... And the first bastard to start this demonization was alexander the gay..... the same supremacist called romans killed jesus...... Then these supremacist killed every muslim in jeruslam when they took it.... The killed jews in europe for centuries... last of them was hitler... Then comes killing of native indian Americas.... You are barbarians who just got industrialized after 17th centuries..... And most important you still only wipe your asses and dont wash it.......
Hey armenian if you want to see a real genocide look at Gaza its happening in front of your eyes and also we didnt forget the genocide of Khojali. We dont forget we dont forgive. We will come again. One night suddenly.

Always remember that.

Are these your religious morals?

Neglecting all complaints against your usurping the equal human rights of non-Muslims, genocides and killings and injustices and not answering a single one of them, and hiding them behind the atrocities in Palestine?

And then you want to silence us by threatening us with more bloodshed suddenly.

I am then forced to see your religious morals as Double Standards and Munafiqah.
Arab leaders are a disgrace, if they were sincere they could have stopped this massacre that is still ongoing.

The arab leadership wants to recognise Israel, establish trade and security relations with them, and they're having problems with Hamas in charge of Gaza, so they want Israel to destroy Hamas, overtake Gaza so then the puppet Palestinian Authority can be in charge by name only. Then Saudi Arabia will recognise Israel and establishment relations. West Bank is already with over 700,000+ Israeli settlements and the plan is to annex Gaza too. Those who are still talking about 2 state solution are either naive or just making propaganda.

If someone overtakes your house and land, then claims let's talk but keeps making up excuses whilst living in your house, spending money on it, building shops and markets in your land, placing your land in their name. Would you really believe they will give your land back? Ofcourse not.
From which more than half were civilians. Or maybe even most of them?

The question is,how the heck is this considered a factor of success?

Besides,Israelis had way more casualties during the Yom Kippur War. And we're talking about military casualties,not civilians in their houses.
Well civilians are very hard to define. If you have a rifle at home and have worn a uniform recently you are not a civilian. If a soldier is only a person in their full kit ready to fight and taking orders from central command, then Taliban didn't lose a single soldier in 20 years. America had a 20 year war again civilians. Perhaps it did.

Let's say you capture a 67 year old lady. Ok civilian, but wouldn't you want to investigate of she ever served in the army? If she did, would it not be wise to see if she committed any war crimes during her service only 15 years ago. I mean there are people being killed today in West Bank by trigger happy ladies in uniform. They will one day get old but their crimes dont get old. So it's not beyond the pale to investigate such matters.

Both sides have soldiers embedded in civilian populations. Thats why Israel has killed 10,000 civilians. the counter attacks by Palestinians also attacked civilian populations that had solders embedded in them. Both sides save taken civilians prisoner. So sad to see.

But at the end of the day, this is war of annihilation. Only one side will win. The aim of both is to destroy the other side or create such casualties that the other side gives up. And both sides see military and civilians as fair game. So so sad. And all that matters to them is the destructive factor of their attacks. This destructive factor can be measured in deaths. So far Pals this year have imposed the single most destructive factor since 1948 proportionally and by any other reasonable measure.

You may not know this, but Israel does and thats why it is engaged in genocide in the hope that the catastrophic civilian losses will weaken the will of the Palestinians to resist. But it wont.

Pals also hope to in the future impose devastating costs to the occupation in the hope that it will weaken Israels will to occupy. We shall see if it has an impact. I dont know how tough the Israeli population is. none of us do. Perhaps they will stay no matter what.

Like you can kill 50 million Russians and they will not submit to your rule. this is for sure. English? very strong headed people. They wont give up. Afghans? even trump said he would end to kill over 10 million to defeat them. Bosnians? well when we were getting genocided and controlled 10% of Bosnia and starving, with no weapons, I was not in a panic at all, during all that time I never met one Bosnian who though we would lose. Not a single one. Not a single one that said, "guys, we are fucked". Nope. If we lost 30% of our population I would start to worry. That would be very concerning. but we lost about 6% of the resident population.

What is the breaking point for Israelis? we simply dont know. What is the breaking point for Palestinians?
Let's say you capture a 67 year old lady. Ok civilian, but wouldn't you want to investigate of she ever served in the army? If she did, would it not be wise to see if she committed any war crimes during her service only 15 years ago. I mean there are people being killed today in West Bank by trigger happy ladies in uniform. They will one day get old but their crimes dont get old. So it's not beyond the pale to investigate such matters.
Sure,shoot an 80 year-old grandpa because he was in WWII once. Nice logic.

What the ****.

You may not know this, but Israel does and thats why it is engaged in genocide in the hope that the catastrophic civilian losses will weaken the will of the Palestinians to resist. But it wont.
And Hamas loves this,because the more "martyrs" the more attention to their cause and the more condemnation of Israel.
There you did it again

Israel is a lesser culprit to you even though it has enforced a BRUTAL apartheid occupation for 75 years and disproportionately slaughtered Palestinians
Bro, you didn't give non-Muslims equal human rights of preaching and converting for the last 14 centuries. Your Muslim ancestors did perhaps hundreds of times worse things what Israel did in Palestine, and that too for 14 long centuries.

Israel is wrong in its illegal settlements and the whole world was standing with Palestine and raising voices against Israel's claim of god-promised land. But the emergence of Hamas, and its Islamic Jihad and suicide bombings of civilians changed a lot. Israel used it as an excuse for its illegal settlements.

If it was only al-Fateh, then surely Israeli extremists would have been defeated under International pressure. That is why Hamas is playing the part of bigger evil here.

I say it loudly, .... YOU and all those who support Hamas, or even consider it a lesser evil, they have absolutely no roadmap for peace.

Please present your roadmap if you have any (which does not go through the destruction of the whole of Israel).

Peace cannot be achieved (or even initiated) till Hamas is not eliminated or agrees to lay down its weapons.

It's never about morality or right and wrong, it's about Power
It is a MIX of all things.
We are not living in a 100% IDEAL world.
The role of Might is Right has been REDUCED in the modern civilized word, but it has not been entirely eliminated.
Still, it cannot be compared with the past, where whole nations were colonized, enslaved, slaughtered, raped etc.
We have already made progress, but we as humans must become much better.
Unfortunately, sometimes I fear that under Western Right-Wing and Religious Fanatics, we are moving in the opposite direction.

The quicker people understand this the better, so cribbing and crying about Palestine won't help, it's only went you are strong enough to create consequences for your enemies will you be able to defend yourself and your people
I will go for a peaceful resistance as in South Africa.
Islamic Jihad by Hamas in the form of suicide bombings and killing of civilians will not benefit the cause, but it will only weaken Secular Liberal Human-Friendly voices, and it will only strengthen the Western far-right.

On the flip side, we we need to target our enemies like murtads or Armenians or Jews or anyone else, they do t care about us, why should we care about them

Very sad.
You have just acted as a religious fanatic here.
I just hope you one day you realise your mistake and reform yourself.

A change will happen, whether anyone likes it or not, civilizations who endure go through periods of weakness and strength, so strength will return to the Muslim world and our enemies will face the consequences

These are the dreams of those who cannot co-exist in peace with others.
Hopefully, secular forces also become stronger in Muslim countries, and we can get rid of fanaticism.
Sure,shoot an 80 year-old grandpa because he was in WWII once. Nice logic.

What the ****.
Thats everyones logic, they are putting some guy age 98 on trial because he was a guard in some work camp in Poland. They guy admitted it because he doesn't even know his own name anymore. Israel has killed former soldiers long after they have put down their guns. look at Eichman and that doctor guy mengele. the doctor wasnt even a combat soldier. he worked as a doctor in a camp and they hunted him down while he was a civilian, for some war crimes. Of course, dropping nukes wasnt a war crime that was ok.
And Hamas loves this,because the more "martyrs" the more attention to their cause and the more condemnation of Israel.
yes they do.

Is this Hamas capturing more civilians? Why take civilians?
Shut your fucking mouth..... and read history...... And the first bastard to start this demonization was alexander the gay..... the same supremacist called romans killed jesus...... Then these supremacist killed every muslim in jeruslam when they took it.... The killed jews in europe for centuries... last of them was hitler... Then comes killing of native indian Americas.... You are barbarians who just got industrialized after 17th centuries

Yes, and we openly condemn all these crimes against humanity and don't turn these figures into our Heros and Role Models.

But do you have the courage too to condemn the killings and enslavement of your Muslim ancestors and deny taking them as your role models?

It is true that British colonial rule was wrong. But it indeed captured all Islamic countries, but it was not so CRUEL as the rule of Muslim ancestors was, and the British colonizers indeed abolished slavery from its colonies, and didn't rape the native women in those Islamic countries, and didn't enslave small children.

This is the truth. It would be unfortunate if you start reacting angrily after hearing the truth, instead of accepting it wholeheartedly.

..... And most important you still only wipe your asses and dont wash it.......
What does that have to do with the topic?
Moreover, do you know that your religion also allows wiping the *** with 3 stones only which is an even worse method than cleaning the *** with toilet paper?
I hope one day western people also learn to use bidets.
Yes, and we openly condemn all these crimes against humanity and don't turn these figures into our Heros and Role Models.

But do you have the courage too to condemn the killings and enslavement of your Muslim ancestors and deny taking them as your role models?

It is true that British colonial rule was wrong. But it indeed captured all Islamic countries, but it was not so CRUEL as the rule of Muslim ancestors was, and the British colonizers indeed abolished slavery from its colonies, and didn't rape the native women in those Islamic countries, and didn't enslave small children.

This is the truth. It would be unfortunate if you start reacting angrily after hearing the truth, instead of accepting it wholeheartedly.

What does that have to do with the topic?
Moreover, do you know that your religion also allows wiping the *** with 3 stones only which is an even worse method than cleaning the *** with toilet paper?
I hope one day western people also learn to use bidets.

Keep your mildness and your excuses to contend ur self.... I speak facts...... U know jackshit about colonal era massacares .... Wtf are u upto _ the same shit is behind it now....
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