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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Any particlar post that disturbs you , sherlock ?

you can tell us who you really are by answering the following question honestly.

You are in an erupting volcano and see an Arab oil sheikh and a cow stranded in a ditch, and you only have time to save one. Arab says, "please save me brother I will give you millions", and the cow looks at you and says, "Mooooooooooo".

Who do you save?

Think of all the money you can hoard, $$$ $$$ $$$ that sweet sweet money. You can buy politicians with it and buy media outlets. Maybe even start a franchise of bakeries and bagels. Make even more money.


Save the precious cow, it's sweet sounding "Mooooooooooooooooo".

Who do you save?
Any particlar post that disturbs you , sherlock ?



Difficult to point just 1 as to be fair - all are questionable.

Perhaps the one crying about a dog being shot?
Perhaps the ones ignoring the fact that Israel is an occupier?
Perhaps the one asking you to condone innocent children targeted?
Perhaps the ones asking why is Israel committing genocide on a daily basis?
Perhaps the one that you wont accept war crimes are being committed?

Bombing a hospital and killing babies was the lowest of the low.
THEN you say - look we supplied 300 litres of fuel and they wouldnt accept it - that would have lasted 20 minutes - utter disgraceful.

How do you live with yourself young man? Internationally - Netanyahu has degraded your citizens to the point of you lot now being known as the lowest form of human.
Are these your religious morals?

Neglecting all complaints against your usurping the equal human rights of non-Muslims, genocides and killings and injustices and not answering a single one of them, and hiding them behind the atrocities in Palestine?

And then you want to silence us by threatening us with more bloodshed suddenly.

I am then forced to see your religious morals as Double Standards and Munafiqah.
1. Look armenian this is a list of Turkish diplomats and their families murdered by armenian terrrorist ASALA.

2. Genocide of Khojali

3. Some parts of Karabakh and Nakhjevan is still occupied.

We are not done here the case is not closed yet.

UK PM Sunak sacks interior minister Suella Braverman over comments on pro-Palestine protests

Reuters | AFP
November 13, 2023

Suella Braverman walks outside her home, in London, Britain, November 13, 2023.—Reuters/Toby Melville

Suella Braverman walks outside her home, in London, Britain, November 13, 2023.—Reuters/Toby Melville

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sacked his interior minister Suella Braverman on Monday after her criticism of the police’s handling of a pro-Palestinian march divided his party and threatened his authority.

Under fire from opposition lawmakers and members of the governing Conservative Party to eject Braverman, Sunak seemed to have brought forward a long-planned reshuffle to bring in allies and remove ministers he felt were not performing.

Following her dismissal, Braverman said “it has been the greatest privilege of my life to serve as home secretary”.
“I will have more to say in due course,” she added.

Last week, Braverman defied Sunak by publishing an article accusing the police of adopting “double standards” in its treatment of protests — an argument opposition Labour said inflamed tensions at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on Saturday.

Suella Braverman with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as he hosts a policing roundtable at 10 Downing Street, London, Britain October 12, 2023.—Reuters/file

Suella Braverman with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as he hosts a policing roundtable at 10 Downing Street, London, Britain October 12, 2023.—Reuters/file

Then more than 140 people were arrested after far-right counter protesters skirmished with police, who tried to keep them away from the 300,000 pro-Palestinian marchers.

Sunak is expected to carry out a wider number of changes in his cabinet, bringing in allies and removing some ministers who his Downing Street office say have not been performing as well as he wanted in their departments.

Cameron in surprise return as foreign secretary​

Meanwhile, former British leader David Cameron was named as the country’s new Foreign Secretary, in a surprise appointment made by Sunak.

David Cameron, 57, served as British prime minister from 2010 to 2016, resigning after the outcome of the Brexit referendum, when Britain voted to leave the European Union.

His unexpected return to the front line of British politics comes after he spent the last seven years writing his memoirs and involving himself in business, including Greensill Capital, a finance firm which later collapsed.

Greensill’s demise fuelled questions about the extent to which former leaders can use their status to influence government policy after Cameron repeatedly contacted senior ministers in 2020 to lobby for the firm.

Sunak’s office said on Monday that King Charles had approved giving Cameron a seat in Britain’s upper chamber, the House of Lords, allowing him to return to government as a minister despite no longer being an elected member of parliament.
To be honest Hezbollah now doing the number on Israel
And lsrael not responding is a sign of weakness
Go Hezbollah
US is not doing much after the attacks on their bases

Yes! That's what I have been thinking!! Clearly shows Israel doesn't have the resources and/or the courage for a real hot war in the north. I mean look at how many 'unprovoked attacks' Hezbollah has done and look at the 'measured responses'. If there was no front in Gaza then you can count on massive bombardment of at least south Beirut and Hezbollah facilities.
Israel is naked in front of the world as a paper tiger!! They are not responding fully to Hezbollah despite having Uncle Sam / NATO nearby to help.
But they will go after Hezbollah once Gaza is subjugated.
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