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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I am guessing there were Hamas tunnels inside these ambulances?

Analysis: Why Biden is pressuring Israel on Gaza ‘humanitarian pauses’​

The US counts Israel as its closest ally in the Middle East. But it needs Arab partners, too.

FILE PHOTO: A placard depicting U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is held during a pro-Palestinian protest, after hundreds of Palestinians were killed in a blast at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza that Israeli and Palestinian officials blamed on each other, in Amman, Jordan, October 18, 2023. REUTERS/Alaa Al Sukhni/File Photo

A placard depicting US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is held during a pro-Palestinian protest in Amman, Jordan, October 18, 2023 [Alaa Al Sukhni/Reuters/File Photo]
By Zoran Kusovac
Published On 10 Nov 202310 Nov 2023

Over the past weeks, dozens of countries and leaders have asked Israel, directly, indirectly and through the United Nations, to temporarily cease assaults on Gaza. Pleas were ignored or turned down; the UN talks drowned in technicalities and semantics.
In a surprise announcement on Thursday, the White House claimed that Israel would allow “limited pauses” in its military operations “for humanitarian reasons”. None has happened so far, but a promise is a promise.


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At least 25 people killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza City school

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Photos: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators blockade military suppliers in UK, US

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In defence of international law

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Health centres in north Gaza under siege in ‘day of war against hospitals’

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At the same time, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Gaza should not be re-occupied by Israel and that Palestinians who fled Gaza City should be allowed to return.
All of this, even as the US has bolstered its military presence in the region, with two aircraft carrier battle groups deployed in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, and additional air and land forces reinforcing friendly bases throughout the region. Some of the 3,400 US troops in Iraq and Syria have nevertheless come under isolated and unprecise missile and drone attacks, apparently from various sub-state armed groups. The US has also rushed massive air and sea deliveriesof weapons and ammunition to Israel.
So what is really happening?
Israel is the traditional, strongest and guaranteed American strategic partner in the Middle East, and it is unlikely that, whatever the differences between their administrations may be, that position will ever change. But the US needs its Arab strategic partners, too.
In deciding on its Middle Eastern policies and strategies, Washington has many factors to consider. They include, among other things, regional and global security, its relations with Iran, security and cost of oil and gas supplies, freedom and security of international shipping lanes, and containing the influence of Russia and China. It is a complicated mix, even at the best of times.
When policies are formulated and implemented by amateurs guided by the partiality of private inclinations, it often spoils years of hard work. Such was the case during the four disastrous years of the Trump administration’s off-the-hip approach to the Middle East. The president’s main “expert” was his then 37-year-old son-in-law. His proposed “peace plan” was fodder for Israeli hawks, but stunned and angered Palestinians.

Stepping back from current Gaza-related issues, it is obvious that most American problems in the Middle East originate from two fundamental reasons: the end of the bipolar world and Washington’s relations with Iran.
For 50 years after World War II, the division between the American-dominated West and Eastern Communism led by the Soviet Union directed political allegiances.

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In the Middle East, Israel was in the American camp, as were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf states; Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Libya were on the Soviet side. Convincing Egypt to change its allegiance from East to West and sign the peace accord with Israel in 1978 was one of Washington’s major strategic victories in the Middle East during the Cold War.
Under the rule of the shah, Iran probably had the most pro-American regime from the Mediterranean to the Pacific, but that equation flipped on its head after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Overnight, the US became Iran’s biggest enemy.
In the best tradition of pragmatic foreign policy, the US encouraged and helped Saddam Hussein’s Iraq to invade its bigger neighbour, Iran. The war that dragged on for almost 10 years was practically, if not directly, a US proxy war against Iran. The US fought another proxy war through the mujahideen against Soviet-controlled Afghanistan.

While the Cold War was often hard and unfair on the interests of individual small countries involved, the bipolar strategic paradigm had its advantages: Both big protectors took care not to allow local troubles to explode into major wars, usually with success.
When communism caved in, the West allowed itself to proclaim “the end of history,” believing that it had won its big strategic struggle once and forever, and that future confrontations would be small and easily controllable. What a mistake.
In less than a decade, the US allowed its regional oversight and insight into potential trouble spots to wilt.
With much weakened analytical capabilities, the United States ignorantly, arrogantly and overconfidently let itself be led into three successive wars that ended in embarrassing setbacks for Washington.
After years of being bogged down in Iraq, the US hastily pulled out when it realised that continuing there cost too much in soldiers’ lives, money and especially its reputation in the Middle East and Islamic countries. In a similar fashion, it pulled out of Afghanistan a decade later.

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Washington repeated the mistake it made in Iraq by getting involved in the Syrian war, although this time it did not invade openly. Its support for anti-government factions ended up helping, of all factions, the pro-Iranian armed groups gain influence and strength. Syria also cemented its ties with Moscow. The end result: Iran spread its regional influence, and the US failed to check it.
Other regional conflicts, too, have shown the limits of US power and influence — whether in its failure to stop the war between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis in Yemen, or to end the impasse in Libya.
It is then understandable, that in the year prior to the 2024 elections, Biden wants to appear active in the region with a more balanced approach, aimed at demonstrating that the US still does have the ability to mediate peace.
If that means mentioning some things that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his hardline cabinet don’t want to hear — let alone heed — so be it.
I do agree that Americans are not honest when dealing other peoples or nations.

These Imperialist bastards, they got their punishment:
because without the west theyre nothing

they have no way to defend themselves

they have no technology or intellectual base

the only thing. they have is desert and oil

the royal family only care about its own interests which is understandable considering how everything can crash down in an instant

they put themselves in this situation

Muslim people are weak and so are their states. Everyone have their own excuses, Saudia, Uae, Qatar, Kuwait rely on Usa for their defence and economy, Turkey is nato members and best pals with them, African states are poor, Pakistan survives on loans and the rulers retire in the west. Iran is anti west but is under extreme sanctions.
Sad state of affairs. The change can only happen when the people themselves change, then change the leadership and work towards unity.
It seems the only way for a ceasefire will be for hamas to inflict significant losses against the IDF child killing forces or for Israel to kill 100,000 civilians including 50,000 children and say they were hamas.

Looking at those two options even those against hamas would end up supporting them.
I am guessing there were Hamas tunnels inside these ambulances?
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As i said once before, Hamas operation was legal according to Anglo-Saxon Petraeus rules.

One way of looking at this is, Axis can take these precedents as repeated to use them against Nato, who are acting like it's legal. Rather than being upset about it while the west sits in air conditioned government offices drinking wine at tea parties and meeting the arab 5th column at Harrods and Disney World, this can all be used later.

That allows Axis to do all this in Nato.
I have been to USA, I can say I am definitely not "culturally" American. I am not even an American anyways.
Remember what allies did to Dresden. This is what the Allies silence is based on.
AJN: Palestine Health Authority - Due to the number of ambulances damaged in strikes, there are not enough to reach and transport all the patients still laying on roads or partially buried under rubble.

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