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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel with the full approval of NATO has decided it will invade all of Gaza . America and Western Europe are sending tons of weapons everyday to Israel, thousands of volunteers from Western countries have also arrived in Israel. Sisi will soon open the border to allow Palestinians to get out of gaza.

The problem with muslims is that they have rulers who are traitors and slave of America.
Iran is a traitor and a slave to America because they also aren't going and attacking Israel.
Prisoners of war aren't hostages. Israel is at a state of war with the Palestinians. They are not hostages by any means. 90% are soldier POWs. The 10% civilian POWs which were captured by civilians, were going to be released by Hamas but Israel rejected taking them.

Netanyahu has to release the 6,000 Palestinian hostages in Israel if he wants the 200 terrorists in Gaza.
Really? Rejected but yet we see them being released. That's grasping straws. In other words, you expected Hamas played right into Israel's hands.

Houthis claim new drone launch against Israel​

The Yemen based group said it had launched the drones at targets inside Israel, according to a statement from their armed forces broadcast by TV channel Al Masirah.
The statement said the targets of the drones were “varied and sensitive” and led to halting the movement in the targeted bases and airports for hours.
Israel’s military did not immediately respond to the claim.
The Houthis have launched missiles and drones at Israel throughout the conflict, but analysts say their relatively limited capacity does not risk another major front opening in the conflict.
US (and to a lesser extent Saudis) are only telling us how many Houthi projectiles they intercepted, not how many penetrated through, and some Houthi missiles have definitely hit Eilat.
Really? Rejected but yet we see them being released. That's grasping straws. In other words, you expected Hamas played right into Israel's hands.
Yes, rejected. You cannot safely release those terrorists without a humantarian ceasefire. Netanyahu rejected this. In any event, the wellbeing of those 200 terrorists is not a concern to anyone. Not even the Israeli terrorist government which bombed 60 of them to smithereens. We're more concerned about the genocide taking place. And the 5,000 children murdered by Israel..
Iran is a traitor and a slave to America because they also aren't going and attacking Israel.
Actual traitor is UAE the descendants of Ibn Zayed Dajjal... Look it up...
What have UAE done?
Host snakes ?
Give refuge to killers traitors and murders of Muslims?
Remember the mosad operation in UAE to assisnate Palestinian in UAE...
UAE actually sent relief to Israel lol not Palestinians but Israel.... Wow just wow
Iraqi Resistance reveals Iranian "Fath-360" ballistic missile and new drone for first time
This precision-guided missile (<30m CEP) has a 120km range, 150kg warhead and mach 4 terminal velocity. This missile was used by Iraqi resistance for the first time against illegal US military occupation bases in Syria today. The US does not have any BMD systems in Iraq or Syria so this definitely scored direct hits.

Iraqi Resistance now confirmed to possess Iranian Qods LACM (700-1500km range) and Iranian Fath-360 tactical ballistic missiles.

Hezbollah releases video showing direct ATGM hit on Israeli vehicle near IDF military base - Israeli crew almost certainly liquidated

Jordan is play acting, right now they are absolutely bricking it. This sham gov was almost overthrown in the 70s, they're scared of that again. Any exodus from the West Bank would become their problem and a threat to their government. Puppet government. Jordan just few days ago was hosting US supply planes
I suspect the jordanian vassals are not the only ones currently worried about that,I suspect that right now many of the arab vassals are sweating,they no doubt remember the fates of gaddafi and saddam.
Thats the problem with being a vassal,you have to serve the interests of your foreign overlord while at the same time trying not to anger and alienate your own populace to the point that they finally decide to get off their arses and get rid of you.
At times like these it must be a bit like walking a tight-rope.
A militia wins by not losing. Hezbollah won in 2006. And this time they are much more prepared. I hear they added to their battle skills fighting in Syria in last few years. Plus more lethal weaponry. Look at Israel: Needing the US weapons within days of the October 7 conflict.

I am very impressed by the Turkish public support for Palestine. I had not expected that much.

Indeed, just as much as weapons, Israel needs Jewish immigrants AND fine, fertile land to inhabit them. What a bunch of sick tribal people!

Indeed. I saw a video today where Senator Manchin was questioning Sec. of Defense and Sec. of State whether Israel can survive without American help. After repeated pointed questions, Sec. of Defense Austin said 'Can't' which he immediately tried to backpaddle. Blinken gave a more diplomatic response. Basically, both didn't want to convey to the world that the 'tiny' Israel can't stand on its own but didn't want to deny the aid money to Israel. Such hypocrites and jokers!! Well, the tiny Israel can't even stand against Hezbollah and other militias in a multi-front war, let alone against Iran!!! The tiny Israel needs its American vassal state!

Israeli general visited idf soldiers in Gaza and said that this is much more complicated that it seemed to be. I saw the visit on video on youtube and his face is constantly worried.

Both sides decided the battlefield. The battlefield is the Gaza Strip because Hamas couldn't sustain any of its 29 border incursions. They either fell or fell back across the border, so now the fighting is inside their own borders.
It's still going to be a bloody business for the IDF. To do what? Idf are going to take huge casualties from Hamas mujahideen hit and run ambush’s tactics

All I can say is that this Hamas mujahideen in the tunnels have been training for this exact moment. looks like they even did the math on on everything Israel has as far as number of soldiers and their weapons. They made Israel look really bad by being able to go in the way they did with low budget gear. And some how some way Hamas managed to get all the Palestine people and ummah United.
A militia wins by not losing. Hezbollah won in 2006. And this time they are much more prepared. I hear they added to their battle skills fighting in Syria in last few years. Plus more lethal weaponry.
Hezbollah won a defensive war in 2006, they are not an offensive army, so it's not clear what their military strategy ought to be

Iraqi Resistance reveals Iranian "Fath-360" ballistic missile and new drone for first time
This precision-guided missile (<30m CEP) has a 120km range, 150kg warhead and mach 4 terminal velocity. This missile was used by Iraqi resistance for the first time against illegal US military occupation bases in Syria today. The US does not have any BMD systems in Iraq or Syria so this definitely scored direct hits.

Iraqi Resistance now confirmed to possess Iranian Qods LACM (700-1500km range) and Iranian Fath-360 tactical ballistic missiles.

Hezbollah releases video showing direct ATGM hit on Israeli vehicle near IDF military base - Israeli crew almost certainly liquidated

US hiding casualties from Iraqi Resistance rocket/drone strikes on illegal US military bases in Syria and Iraq

What's new? I remember Trump did the same thing after Iran rained ballistic missiles on terrorist US soldier heads, causing 110 casualties (which they only admitted many months later).
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Here, let me simplify that our for you.

You do not cheer when people are dying. Not palestinians and not Israelis. As some allow themselfs here.

You do not scream " Allahu akbar " when you murder someone . Nor when you see rockets falling on civilians . As some allow themselfs here.

That is simply using God's name in vian. Not to mention justification for fanatical vilany. What has God got to do with people's stupidity ?

And I am going to comment when i see people doing this.

Sorry if this ruins the taste of the sweet ' pot " for some..

Anything else bothering you ?

Who the funk are you to attempt to simplify anything you twat?
You are killing children - you are committing genocide and warm crimes on a daily basis and you want to come on here telling us what’s ok and not ok?
You are the lowest form of human
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