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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I don't think they have a clear endgame goal yet, not a tangible one at least. And most military commentators have mentioned this. If their plan was to turn northern Gaza into a car park whilst killing 10k+ people, injuring well over 22k and displacing over 1 Million in the process... well they have certainly achieved that.

Bro the endgame is anyone's guess, it depends how further Isrealis want to escalate the conflict, by now there would have been a ceasefire since most of Gaza is destroyed with mass civilian casualties, Netanyahu political career is finished that is one of the reasons he wants to prolong the conflict long as possible with the aim of displacing the whole Gaza population outside.
BUT at what cost?
Maintain the mobilisation for 12 months? Don't forget most of tunnels between Gaza and Egypt can be used for smuggling Food And Weapons, Please note that the Israeli pop is merely 9M, with a significant portion of Arab pop. How much time could Israeli society stand the regular rocket fire and running to shelter on daily bases? Meanwhile there are 300k work force removed from their jobs and they will be back in 4-6 Months at least based on Netanyahu. I don't think there will be a quick month long siege victory for murderous Israelis , Hamas plan is going just as planned.
Israelis will lose even more in the PR war, and lose soldiers, and Iron Dome receptors, and civilians, and peace of mind, and investments, and the 'faith' of potential immigrants ---the more this war goes on. Gazans must be helped to ensure Israel comes to a reasonable long term peace or vanish as a nation. It is quite doable! Many pages ago, I had said that the chances of a strategic victory for Palestinians are higher than the Afghan Taliban had against the NATO forces. I stand by that. Israel's very vulnerable geography along with its rich, pampered country full of dual citizens makes Israel a soft target in face of cheap sustained rocket attacks from multiple places.
I don't think they have a clear endgame goal yet, not a tangible one at least. And most military commentators have mentioned this. If their plan was to turn northern Gaza into a car park whilst killing 10k+ people, injuring well over 22k and displacing over 1 Million in the process... well they have certainly achieved that.
Hamas was 'successful' on October 7 way beyond their own expectations and Israelis have not fully moved away from the 'mowing the lawn' strategy. So, yes, Israelis don't have a clear endgame which can be achieved, even if they desire some maximalist goals: Expulsion of all/most Gazans and extermination of militancy in Gaza. But there is no doubt what Hamas would want: A regional war or at least able to survive this conflict and remain a force in Gaza.
Bro the endgame is anyone's guess, it depends how further Isrealis want to escalate the conflict, by now there would have been a ceasefire since most of Gaza is destroyed with mass civilian casualties, Netanyahu political career is finished that is one of the reasons he wants to prolong the conflict long as possible with the aim of displacing the whole Gaza population outside.
Desperate men do desperate things and Bibi is a very small desperate man.
This one is truly horrendous:
The 💩 zionists💩 have killed in just 3 weeks more children than were killed annually in conflicts since 2019.
Jordan is play acting, right now they are absolutely bricking it. This sham gov was almost overthrown in the 70s, they're scared of that again. Any exodus from the West Bank would become their problem and a threat to their government. Puppet government. Jordan just few days ago was hosting US supply planes
....but the pressure from the Jordanian masses must have staaaarted to get to the Jordanian govt...

"..a hit dog must holler.."
I am really confused, why are you people wasting all your precious energy and time on replying to him and Indian trolls? You guys write long essays after essays, why? Esp to Zionist trolls who are not honest.

Put him on your ignore list like I have, so you won't be able to see his posts again. Problem solved

That is what I did. I don't see their nonsense.
sorry. I don't understand what you mean. You mean "Palestinian civilians are not being killed now"? So there should be no nuclear weapons?
Palestinians being killed now pales in comparison to using nukes on Israel which would pretty much kill millions of Palestinians. Get it?

Of course. There are eyewitness accounts of Israelis being fired upon by IDF, as well as Israeli media corroborating the same.
And yet we have Hamas showing off footage of themselves killing Israeli civilians and kidnapping them. So...

America ad its allies have enabled and empowered the genocide against the Palestinian people. Allah (swt) is just. He is hearing the cries and the pain of the defenseless Palestinians who have been massacred in Gaza and the West Bank.

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Well that's Hama's problem. They still have 200 plus hostages. And killed more than a thousand Israelis. So I don't know what you want them to do.

This war is only fought by the Palestinians. With the exception of Houthis launching missiles and drones, no one else has done anything tangible for the Palestinians. Whether Hezbollah joins, it is not present at this point.
Not even Iran is doing anything about it except threatening the U.S. but not going to attack Israel. Shrugs*
Well that's Hama's problem. They still have 200 plus hostages. And killed more than a thousand Israelis. So I don't know what you want them to do.

Not even Iran is doing anything about it except threatening the U.S. but not going to attack Israel. Shrugs*
Prisoners of war aren't hostages. Israel is at a state of war with the Palestinians. They are not hostages by any means. 90% are soldier POWs. The 10% civilian POWs which were captured by civilians, were going to be released by Hamas but Israel rejected taking them.

Netanyahu has to release the 6,000 Palestinian hostages in Israel if he wants the 200 terrorists in Gaza.
Palestinians being killed now pales in comparison to using nukes on Israel which would pretty much kill millions of Palestinians. Get it?

And yet we have Hamas showing off footage of themselves killing Israeli civilians and kidnapping them. So...
One thing I will agree with here is the killing of Israeli civilians and especially the recording and sharing of this was just awful. Also the call for each side to mutually annihilate each other is downright insane. Taking of hostages, killing, maiming civilians was wrong and unacceptable. Those Israeli families who lost lovedones, who's lovedones are presently hostages, their pain is real.

So is the pain of those in Gaza and the west bank.

This is why it is vital that all hostages are released and an immediate cease-fire is implemented. Where do we go from here?
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