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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

#Urgent Reporter Shehab| Targeting by warplanes near the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip
Looks like Israeli infantry are refusing to accompany tanks. The notion remaining in the mind that a tank is invincible to individual soldiers is false. The mujahideen RPG/tank killers bring parity between the infantryman and the tank, at least on the battlefield.
Different generation,different tactics,different enemy.

This isn't the Hamas of 2008 or 2014.
Urgent: Arrival at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital: 9 martyrs and dozens injured in bombing on Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip
When there is an awakening in America, there will be a global awakening. There is already a big awakening in the Global South but not enough in Europe; Europe is basically America's vassal and European tune will change about this conflict when America changes its policy. You can count on that!!
BTW, NY Times has definitely a pro-Israel bent but, it is such a globally important news outlet, it has to try to appear 'balanced'

Thousands Across U.S. Protest Israel’s Retaliation in Gaza​

Marches in Washington, New York, Las Vegas and other cities are extending a stretch of loud calls for a cease-fire and lifting of the siege.

Thousands of demonstrators filled the streets of Washington and other cities across America on Saturday to protest the scope and scale of Israel’s retaliation in Gaza for last month’s terrorist assault by Hamas.

Saturday’s marches, organized in cities including New York, Nashville, Cincinnati, Las Vegas and San Francisco, extended a stretch of loud calls for a cease-fire and lifting of the siege, following vast demonstrations a week ago in Asian and European capitals.

Most Americans express support for Israel in its fight against Hamas, but as Israel escalates attacks on Gaza, U.S. support for Palestinian civilians has surged as well.

In a poll released by Quinnipiac University on Thursday, 84 percent of voters said that they were concerned that the United States would be drawn militarily into the Middle East conflict. Nonetheless, a 51 percent majority supported sending more military aid to Israel for their campaign against Hamas, and 71 percent supported humanitarian assistance for Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

The demonstrations on Saturday reflected the constellation of causes and groups that have long connected themselves to the Palestinian cause, including student organizations, labor unions and antiwar campaigns.

In Washington, the number of attendees was not clear Saturday afternoon, but the streets swelled with demonstrators, and the crowd was dense. Some of the areas of the rally were rowdy, while others were more sedate.

At one spot, a man wearing a Palestinian flag as a cape climbed up a traffic light and yelled, “Free, free Palestine!” to a drumbeat down below. A calmer segment of protesters sat quietly at the World War I Memorial, holding up signs and Palestinian flags and looking on at Freedom Plaza, where chants and cheers abounded.

Some protesters on the edges of the demonstration sat on a ledge outside the White House Visitor Center, their message to President Biden clear. “Stop U.S. military aid to Israel,” their signs read. Another said, “You lost my vote.”

Well before the protest’s scheduled start, many lifted placards high, broadcasting messages like “Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living” and “Let Gaza live!” A coffin shrouded in a Palestinian flag rested on the ground, not far from where more than a dozen adults and children stretched out another flag. Around 1 p.m., a Muslim call to prayer sounded through the plaza.

Many of the demonstrators, who had been milling about, turned still.
Clearly the criminal IDF are aiming for operational encirclement of Gaza, however this lacks due consideration for the significance of the well established underground tunnel network.
The obvious flaw in this operation is the difficulty Israel murderers will have occupying any territory they gain. Then if they don't and withdraw, they've just created thousands more radicalised enemies thru their barbaric bombings who can be easily mobilised by Israel's adversaries in Lebanon and Iran.
It's for these reasons that I consider this military operation to be one of the most stupid, self-destructive operations in recent times.
If they'd simply done nothing, they actually would have won by preserving newly established cooperation with sellout Saudi Arabia.
It will be the big cake for Israelis if Egypt join because both Israel and US will destroy that country industries.

Nonsense! What will destroying Egypt give to Israel?? Yes, it would be a huge disaster for Egypt but no gain for Israel--on the contrary, even the western borders of Egypt will be too hot, as if Gaza is not hot enough. Israel couldn't hold on to south Lebanon in the 1980s and Gaza in the early 2000s and so occupying Sinai is out of question.
People like you are still living in 1967!!
No, if and when Hezbollah truly enters this war, we will all know then. Tel Aviv will burn in a big way. Iron dome is mostly/all depleted, depending on the regions in Israel. But for sure, Hezbollah is keeping the pot boiling with ever slightly more heat, while there is intense diplomacy going on. Blinken is not in the region for nothing.
Hezbollah is not a party to the conflict. Nasrallah said that himself in his speech and gave assurances that they won't enter the war. Hezbollah has no effect at all on this conflict.

The brutal reality is Gaza has been left to itself and what determines the outcome of this is how long Hamas can put up a fight and defend Gaza until a ceasefire is achieved.

If you believe otherwise, please share facts or your opinion to suggest otherwise.
Seems like Hamas is getting toppled (slowly). Wonder what excuse the mullahs will have from now on to ''fight'' Israel from the Palestinian territories.
Hezbollah is not a party to the conflict. Nasrallah said that himself in his speech and gave assurances that they won't enter the war. Hezbollah has no effect at all on this conflict.

The brutal reality is Gaza has been left to itself and what determines the outcome of this is how long Hamas can put up a fight and defend Gaza until a ceasefire is achieved.

If you believe otherwise, please share facts or your opinion to suggest otherwise.

SubhanAllah, the Palestinians have something the rest of the world does not have. Courage, Resilience & the ability to still stand tall, strong in their belief in the Creator.

May your Flag never fall.
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