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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I have no idea but

..maybe he's a for real contrarian, heavens knows we (at least here in India) and an army of current ruling dispensation haters, Pak population is divided too...

it could be some within the arab/muslim world are divided and support Israel for reals.

No man,, he is a propagandist

He normally blows smoke up hindus *** about hinduism or Kashmir
As I said, the IDF is terrible and incompetent on the ground. How do you send tanks and APCs without infantry support? Especially when you know your enemy has no tanks but just light infantry? How would the IDF do against a regular land army? The only thing they can do it bomb from the skies, but as time progresses these jets will also not be safe. Today their famous MERKAVA is not effective, tomorrow it will be their American supplied jets.
Well they've fought 4 major wars effectively and proved to be skilled on the ground as well. Urban combat is always deadly. Germans in Stalingrad,American in Fallujah,Russians in Grozny. One thing I wonder is,why didn't they send their Merkava equipped with Trophy? It's weird. On the other hand,Hamas has an advantage with the tunnels,being able to hit the Israelis from different spots and then retreat. It's similar to the Vietcong tactics and what Hizbollah did in 2006.
Reportedly? Who said that? 😂 Come on guys,post reliable sources. Some people count all armored vehicles as "tanks".

from 1 video alone we can see 6 direct hits on the Merkava

there is Internet black out by Israel so not to expose its true loses

so we cant have drone footage and aftermath like we see in Ukraine, they cant upload 4k footage from phones they are blocked

but you have to wonder after 43 warships from 16 nations and 600,000 soldiers still after 27 days cant reach the Gaza centre

because Men of God dont win by numbers they win with faith and strategy
t seems Israel have learned nothing from the last conflicts, Israeli forces are still progressing without infantry support, making armored columns blind to infantry squads armed with RPGs.
Like a retired officer said at an article on Ptisi: "What has Israel learned and forgotten from the 2006 Lebanon War?"
but you have to wonder after 43 warships from 16 nations and 600,000 soldiers still after 27 days cant reach the Gaza centre
What does that have to do? What are the warships doing? There's some American drones flying over Gaza from what I heard,but the rest...what? You make it sound like Hamas is fighting against 43 warships,16 nations and 600,000 soldiers at the same time.

Wow! Incredible footage! I mean after taking all those hits, the Gazans are still able to fight like that. Tells you they are fighting for their homes and their homeland, which is a far cry from the Israelis leaving in droves from the Tel Aviv airport within hours of the October 7 conflict. There is a footage of that on You Tube--I think on MSN or CBS, some mainstream American channel and the Comments to that video are not so friendly toward Israelis.
They simply have nowhere to go,there's no land behind. The only thing behind is the sea. So they either fight or die or hide in their tunnels forever. There's no retreat.
Zelensky has jew'ed enough money out of the U.S, but Israel has its Jew tentacles deep into the U.S

If Israel asked for 10,000 American babies to be sacrificed for the greater glory of Israel, Congress would probably approve it
But he wants more 😂 He wants more money,more weapons,more men,basically he wants NATO to start WWIII for him.
Like a retired officer said at an article on Ptisi: "What has Israel learned and forgotten from the 2006 Lebanon War?"

but this is the IDF that we have clearly seen that without its air force is relatively and equal opponent for Hamas, which is something Israel doesn't want. And Hamas is clearly not going to be too affected by the Israeli air force. If Israel didn't like the casualties it took in the long war against Hezbollah in their invasion of Lebanon imagine how bad it will be against mujahideen Hamas that has clearly taken lessons in modern urban and guerrilla warfare
Yair Lapid: Israel will kill every Hamas leader in the world, even outside of Gaza

Saleh Al-Arouri lives in Lebanon under Hezbollah's protection after Turkey expelled him in 2015 to reconcile with Israel

What I wish for is irrelevant. Time will tell.

Is Israel really able to eliminate Hamas in its entirety? That is wishful thinking. Not only that, Hamas was created by Israel to eliminate PLO. Today the US, Europe and Israel are using the Hamas excuse to wage war against Palestinians. LOL suddenly PLO is again the side that the Israelis, Europeans and Americans want to negotiate with.
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