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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Video shows Gaza civilians shot by Hamas as they were trying to evacuate to safety, New York post Reports

Disturbing footage shows northern Gaza street strewn with bodies of Palestinians, allegedly gunned down by Hamas snipers; 'They want to use them as human shields and will kill anyone who attempts to leave,' journalist claims​

A disturbing video posted on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) supposedly depicts a street in Gaza with at least 12 Palestinian civilians lying dead on the ground after Hamas opened fire at them for trying to flee from their homes in the northern Strip, the New York Post reported Friday.

Satellite images indicate that IDF forces were positioned at least two kilometers from the location where the video was filmed. An aircraft struck an ambulance in the Gaza Strip on Friday, which, according to intelligence was being used by a specific Hamas unit closely positioned to the combat zone. On Saturday, Hamas terrorists attacked IDF soldiers who secured a humanitarian corridor on Salah al-Din Road in the Gaza Strip for the civilians of northern Gaza who haven’t yet evacuated to the Strip’s south for their safety.

The video source had sensitive content, which is why I didn't upload it. As you can see from the post, the usual one to blame.

They said, "airstrikes"? Does this look like airstrikes ?



Hamas now shooting Palestinains trying to leave :

Video shows Gaza civilians shot by Hamas as they were trying to evacuate to safety, New York post Reports

Disturbing footage shows northern Gaza street strewn with bodies of Palestinians, allegedly gunned down by Hamas snipers; 'They want to use them as human shields and will kill anyone who attempts to leave,' journalist claims​

A disturbing video posted on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) supposedly depicts a street in Gaza with at least 12 Palestinian civilians lying dead on the ground after Hamas opened fire at them for trying to flee from their homes in the northern Strip, the New York Post reported Friday.

Satellite images indicate that IDF forces were positioned at least two kilometers from the location where the video was filmed. An aircraft struck an ambulance in the Gaza Strip on Friday, which, according to intelligence was being used by a specific Hamas unit closely positioned to the combat zone. On Saturday, Hamas terrorists attacked IDF soldiers who secured a humanitarian corridor on Salah al-Din Road in the Gaza Strip for the civilians of northern Gaza who haven’t yet evacuated to the Strip’s south for their safety.

The video source had sensitive content, which is why I didn't upload it. As you can see from the post, the usual one to blame.

They said, "airstrikes"? Does this look like airstrikes ?

In the video itself, a resident is filming himself arriving on the gruesome scene on his bicycle, mourning the loss of civilians as he focuses on the various bodies strewn on the street. The original poster argues that the civilians were killed in an Israeli airstrike.

According to the New York Post, author and journalist Amjad Taha made a separate post following the video in which he reported that the victims were a few of “dozens” of Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza who were killed by Hamas snipers because they “did not want citizens to leave.”

“They want to use them as human shields and will kill anyone who attempts to leave. Hamas terrorists in Gaza will, as usual, blame #Israel because it is easy and there is media that accepts this propaganda,” Taha wrote on his X account


Footage purportedly showing Palestinians shot by Hamas
(Photo: Screengrab)


In a follow-up post accompanied by the original video, Taha dismisses claims that Israeli bombardment caused the carnage, pointing out the absence of cratering or evidence of exploded ordnance in the footage.

As you can see from the post, the usual one to blame. They said, 'airstrikes'? Does this look like airstrikes?" he wrote.

The video comes following Israeli reports that the terrorist organization is threatening residents in Gaza and placing roadblocks on main roads along the northern Strip in an attempt to limit the movement of Palestinians from their homes to safe areas in southern Gaza.

This dude is a known propagandist

He normally blows smoke up the hindus *** about hinduism, Kashmir etc
I have no idea but

..maybe he's a for real contrarian, heavens knows we (at least here in India) and an army of current ruling dispensation haters, Pak population is divided too...

it could be some within the arab/muslim world are divided and support Israel for reals.
Man vs Man Palestinians win every time

But when Israel starts to lose they start hitting hospitals and schools

To make up for their dead they kill children

May Allah give the victory to the Palestinians they are fighting on empty against with worlds top donated military

Glory to the resistance fighter

Jannah or victory for brothers

May Allah enlighten your faces on the day of judgment

And turn the so called kings of Arabs hyenas and dogs

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