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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israelis do not have exslusive right to crimes, i condemn every crime by resistance forces but you will not find that in official western narrative, that is huge difference
First of all, you ain't, you need to stop pretending to be a non-partisan

Second, you can't see the west condemn Israeli war crime is another evidence that you are institutional biased.

Take your pick, The GUardian, BBC or MSNBC

Muslim nations need to say something about this quickly. Say they won't tolerate US attacking tiny impoverished Gaza. US claims to be human rights leader and is threatening a tiny impoverished strip of land. That's way worse than anything Russia or China or anyone else can do. US would become a pariah state.
Do you have the same position on Russia and Ukraine 😂??
I always said, it's A-OK for Russia to invade Ukraine, the problem is Russia is doing the square root of jackshit in Ukraine, that's the problem, not whether or not Russia have any right to invade Ukraine.

If you can't finish a war, then don't start it.
They already tried to build up salafi terrorist groups in Syria to checkmate Syria, which is done mostly, the government of Lebanon is pro Saudia and when the time comes they will become anti Hizbollah.

So the Syrian war made hizbollah alot weaker.
thats propaganda- maybe Initially hezbollah took losses, but it recovered, enlarged, acquired and produces many precise guided munitions, and gained priceless battlefield experience, so much so that it made Israel and other Hezbollah adversaries more scared. hezbollah today is much stronger than before the Syrian war started.
If Israel is under any real threat, Usa will certainly send in 500,000 troops to protect Israel, they even did it for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
lmao- if US can send 500K soldiers to Israel then why hasnt it sent even 5,000 soldiers to help Ukraine? please stop making these ridiculous jokes.
First of all, you ain't, you need to stop pretending to be a non-partisan

Second, you can't see the west condemn Israeli war crime is another evidence that you are institutional biased.

Take your pick, The GUardian, BBC or MSNBC

Look at these Jewish terrorists our country is supporting :

Have u seen how Armenians treated azeris in karabakh n adjoining areas? This was payback and now armenians crying. War and occupation was a normal thing in the past and if anything, muslim invaders were considered most merciful. After 1000 years of rule in india, muslims are still in minority. On the other hand, ur so called secular wesrerners wiped out whole indigenous civilizations. Murdered whole civilizations by gifting them infected blankets, that is the worst barbarianism ull ever find. In modern times, ull not see muslims conquering other lands and forcing locals to live in open air prison, u wont find muslims in modern times invading a country based on lies of WMD. So maybe ppl were cruel in past but now the in modern times, the so called civilized world is the most cruel.

Offtopic but thoughtful post.
Indeed, the long Muslim rule in the 'IndoPak Subcontinent' (that's the term my schooling in Pakistan taught me!) could have erased Hinduism from that region but, instead, there were several attempts to learn to live peacefully by Muslims and others. Similar could be said about the Moors in Spain for a long time.
First of all, you ain't, you need to stop pretending to be a non-partisan

Second, you can't see the west condemn Israeli war crime is another evidence that you are institutional biased.

Take your pick, The GUardian, BBC or MSNBC

To be fair on socials the usual voices are Angry at BBC, CNN and SkyNews coverage for giving airtime to Palestinian voices. AJN offers great coverage on the ground but there are some indy journalists who are working for NYT and other syndicates who are presently based in Israel and Gaza offering some great coverage of both sides, very balanced and very sharp.
Holyshxt what type of weapon did they use to destroy that tank. It got grilled immediately

Really, again ...
That is - even more pathetic than the Mi-24/35 from a video game.
It's a T-90M.
EVERYBODY who can't see the difference between Merkava III / Merkava IV series and a T-90M from Ukraine, should be quiet.
But can't nothing expect from somebody who thinks that yesterday was a conventional battle. :D
It was asymetric as it can be.
Some units of Hamas wear regular uniforms (Geneva convention) but most were just in civilian clothes and acted as partisans (no rules against this type of enemy is morally ok).
Conventional warfare is something like North Vietnam (ARMY) vs South Vietnam (ARMY). Russians vs Ukrainians.
In the hot American Phase - 1965-1969 (and therafter when they were active on the ground) was ASYMETRIC warfare.
LMAO, stupidity knows no bounds here it seems. :D
Putin was talking about German tanks (Leopard 2) and the war in Ukraine and that "Nazi Elements" will die like their forefathers etc.
Yeah they did WARN them before, even called them on their phones.
When HAMAS forced them to stay there, getting killed and then portray them as victims.
Which military WARNS when shooting from a roof occurs? They just raze that position.
HAMAS NEVER warns, shooting rockets and mortars on civilians indiscrimately.
Israelis will maybe now that angry that they became a little bit more like real Nazis but only a little bit.
The most critical class in the IDF who quit in protest against the judicial review were fighter pilots. To be honest, I don't remember the details of this news now, but I remember that there was a need for more than 100 pilots.Keep this detail in mind.

The other thing is that the Mossad is one of the few intelligence services that is actively engaged in the conflict in Ukraine, an intelligence service that is directly killing Russian soldiers. That's the second detail to keep in mind.

We can relate these anecdotes to the US decision to make a hasty and strong presence. There may be a problem with Israel's air force, and at the same time there may be information that Russia is preparing to make a move (or has already done so).
Israel cannot compromise with Hamas on the issue of kidnapped hostages.
A bit late for that, they have negotiated to release hostages many times

What's your solution?
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