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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Population was 35% and rising, jews have right to a state.

Your terrorist buddies think that

Children, thai, nepali, women, elderly were also killed.
Stop trying to justify barbarity you piece of shit.
You are here abusing other members retard -
Stop it - this isnt one of your shit Indian forums.
You are
Constantly attempting to be more Jewish than the Jewish and it’s becoming boring. You show zero acceptance of the hideous crimes
Committed by the IDF - yet concentrate your abuse on Muslims - pretending to be anti Hamas but really venting your abuse on all Muslims. Oldest trick in the book.
Now stop polluting the forum with low quality shit biased posts and if you want to debate objectively then accept war crimes are being committed - genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Yes, it’s hard to imagine that Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims will accept to live with these murderous Jews any more.

The only solution now is to do to Zionist Israel what was done to Nazi Germany. Inflict total military defeat, disband their terrorist forces, hold Nuremberg style trials of their military and civilian leaders and execute them. Jail criminals for life. Deport settlers to their countries of origin. Only those Jews can stay who are pre-1948 residents and who have committed no crimes.

This is what’s going to happen to them, sooner or later.


Zionists getting disarmed...
Imagine, them integrating or assimilating...

Them confined into disconnected neighborhood, their water cut off...

them deprived of luxuries of electricity, internet and phone!

them confined in a concentration camp like Gaza...

their movement controlled... their people spat on.

their orchids and groves uprooted, burned or destroyed.

their homes invaded, demolished or seized!

them humiliated, tortured or arrested.

them killed for just being a zionist!

Above and more is and has been true for Palestinians since the introduction of these occupiers arrived in this land.

The willful blind equate the two... weigh both on the same scale!

No wonder their mind and worldview is so skewed. No wonder they never empathize with the victim... they are collaborators.
The rest chained witnesses!
It’s obvious that the Muslim masses need to overthrow a lot of tyrants.
That's a tough job to be honest. We tried it in egypt and morsi came, later the faggot army overthrown him and killed him.

The corruption is widely spread among islamic countries. The only solution is a new world order and that won't happen without a huge sacrifice ( major world war).
I think that one of the consequences of what the Anglo-Zionists are doing is that many of the puppet governments they support will be overthrown.

This conflict has revealed the true nature of everyone. Which non-Muslim countries are friends and which are enemies. Which Muslim leaders are traitors etc.

The total disconnect between the people and illegitimate rulers is very clear. It’s obvious that the Muslim masses need to overthrow a lot of tyrants.

I don't really see the populations of the Gulf countries rising up though. Their lives are too comfy. They will probably grumble about it in private while smoking some hookah but that's about it.

Jordan and Egypt, there is a chance the govts might be overthrown but I'd still put it at 20-40%. It takes a lot to overthrow a govt unless you have a powerful actor, whether internal like the Muslim Brotherhood or external like the CIA, to coordinate a rebellion. Egyptian society has the most organized opposition so Sisi will be vulnerable if this continues.
That's a tough job to be honest. We tried it in egypt and morsi came, later the faggot army overthrown him and killed him.

The corruption is widely spread among islamic countries. The only solution is a new world order and that won't happen without a huge sacrifice ( major world war).

Same with Pakistan. We have a butt ugly Anglo-Zionist backed MF sitting in power. Pakistanis need to concentrate their energies on getting rid of him and his gang.

Each Muslim needs to focus on getting rid of their Anglo-Zionist tyrant and bringing elected representatives to power. Only then will the condition of Muslims change for the better.
It seems that Hezbolah will finaly enter into war, some telegram channels are saying to expect message to resistance in Gaza later this evening

It s unavoidable, the only thing can stop broader war it s Israel stopping bombing and getting out from Gaza, unconditionally.

Hezbollah is not going to make an unsubstantial speech this time, it doesn t look that way this time.
Can you provide evidence of such claims ?
The leader of DPRK (Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea) has made up his mind. He is going to support the Palestinian resistance. Way to go!

The free world is uniting. Shame on the so-called Sunni Muslim nations who watch Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank butchered.
Good move if its true however how he gonna deliver assistance to gaza without the fag motherfucker elsisi opens the tunnels or rafah crossing?
This Friday will be very important. Both Iranian and Israeli news sites are reporting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to deliver a speech on Friday, his first public address since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. We should get a clear picture if Hezbollah will finally get into a full-scale conflict. I pray he does not backstab the Palestinians like the spineless Arab leaders.
Hezbollah fully entering the conflict is very likely lead to Third World War. I believe the door to WW III was already opened by the Russia-Ukraine war.
The reality is that the leaders of Israel have psychological problems because of this ptsd and the Palestinians have had to pay the price for their psychopathy because europe exported all of it to the Middle East. If they didn’t go elsewhere they would be causing strife and problems in Europe now.
You are right!! Just ask our German friend @Ich about it!
Wtf is wrong with these Emiratis?

You don’t talk of peace when they are literally genociding Gazans. You talk of peace when Israel is moving towards peace.
$$$. Cushioned life. The GCC used to support Palestinians a lot but they are resigned to the reality: A regional war will destroy them. So why bother for a couple of million Palestinians?? In that sense, I can't blame them but then they should know they are and will remain at the mercy of the corporate interests in Washington/Tel Aviv forever.
Netanyahus rhetoric around Israel being a homeland for the Jewish people is abit of a fallacy given both Jews and Palestinians share 60 to 70% of their DNA from the cannanites which inhibited the area before. What this shows is racially both of them are very close, you could consider like cousins. If you take this racist claim out then both Palestinians and Jews can live absolutely fine in a single state.
This is about race! Wherever white settlers go, they build walls around them. Even in Mexico the Gringo community is often walled in. Part of that is for protection but part is to keep away from darker people. Even in Israel, I hear a darker Jew is not the same as the European Jew. Deep down, under the guise of religion, it is the skin color which is a major driving factor in Zionism. They think they are superior. It is not coincidence that the Global South, which is darker in skin tone, is more supportive of Palestinians as well as even the Latinos/Black communities in America.
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