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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This Friday will be very important. Both Iranian and Israeli news sites are reporting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is set to deliver a speech on Friday, his first public address since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. We should get a clear picture if Hezbollah will finally get into a full-scale conflict. I pray he does not backstab the Palestinians like the spineless Arab leaders.

Hamas is saying Israel has no right to exist.

Do you see me saying Palestine does not have a right to exist ? No.

If Hamas has any solution to this conflict that involves mutual recognistion , I would love to hear about it.

So far we have seen nothing of the sort , they only gets more extreme.

As for breaking the ceasefire, so you think that murdering 1300 of our civilians and kidnapping 240 of them , does not constitute breaking of the ceasefire ?

For two years we had a ceasefire.Money was transfered from Qatar , workers from Gaza started to come and work inside Israel again.

And all that time Hamas was keeping a low proffile , planning his attack.

They took all the money aimed at rebuilding Gaza and wasted it all on tunnels and rockets.

How do you sum up the 17 years of Hamas rule in Gaza now ?

Can you say that people's life in Gaza are much better now , after 17 years of Hamas rule ?

After what you disgusting people are doing to the Palestinians like the Nazis you have no right to exist. You have forfeited your right to exist and you should go back to whereever you brought your Nazi ideology from. Curse you people and those who support you.
No, un proposal at first place was nat fair, west wanted to get rid of jews and poke muslims in process, mission accomplished.
Population was 35% and rising, jews have right to a state.

We established already that green line is meaningless
Your terrorist buddies think that
and there are no civilians in occupied teritories by their own doctrine,
Children, thai, nepali, women, elderly were also killed.
Stop trying to justify barbarity you piece of shit.
Hamas is desperate.

They hope that using civilians as shields and pressure from the international community will make Israel accept a ceasefire

But their strategy this time lost its effectiveness

Hamas hostage videos are cruel, manipulative, revealing. Experts expect more.

The latest hostage video released by Hamas is disturbing, manipulative and revealing. Three women sit on cheap plastic chairs pushed against a tiled wall, somewhere in Gaza. It looks like a waiting room for some fearful appointment.

Are they underground, in the militants’ vast tunnel network? Unclear. There’s an electrical outlet. The lighting is bright. The captives are dressed in clean clothes. They appear uninjured, physically at least.


The woman in the center, Danielle Aloni, 44, speaks directly to the camera. She begins, “Hello, Bibi Netanyahu, we are in captivity, in Hamas captivity, 23 — how many days? — 23 days … ”
This helps establish when the video was made — or when their captors planned to release it, on Monday. In the short clip, Aloni delivers a harsh message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, describing his “failures.” By the end of the video, Aloni is shouting, her voice rough: “Free, free us now! Free their civilians, free their prisoners, free us, free us all, let us return to our families now. Now! Now! Now!”

Aloni was captured along with five other family members, including 3-year-old twins, from the Nir Oz kibbutz during Hamas’s attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7 — the deadliest day in the country’s history.
The release of the 75-second video Monday created a rush of emotions in Israel. It was a gut punch. The Prime Minister’s Office called the video “cruel psychological propaganda” and again compared Hamas to ISIS.
Still, one father was ecstatic to see his daughter alive.

Well at least their arms aren't being broken at the elbows like waht the Nazi Israelis did to Palestinian women and children.
Population was 35% and rising, jews have right to a state.

I agree Bavaria seems most natural choice
Your terrorist buddies think that

Children, thai, nepali, women, elderly were also killed.
Stop trying to justify barbarity you piece of shit.
No, i am not buddy with nazi jews, many reports that civilians were killed by nazi jews army, in contrast to that, testimonies of people encountered Hamas spoke in high regard of their treatment by them
You are nazi shit, trough past and evidently in present, some habits never change
Hamas is desperate.

They hope that using civilians as shields and pressure from the international community will make Israel accept a ceasefire

But their strategy this time lost its effectiveness

Could you provide evidence of them using Sheilds or have you simply prostituted yourself to this claim ?

This is what evidence looks like:

After what you disgusting people are doing to the Palestinians like the Nazis you have no right to exist. You have forfeited your right to exist and you should go back to whereever you brought your Nazi ideology from. Curse you people and those who support you.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine that Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims will accept to live with these murderous Jews any more.

The only solution now is to do to Zionist Israel what was done to Nazi Germany. Inflict total military defeat, disband their terrorist forces, hold Nuremberg style trials of their military and civilian leaders and execute them. Jail criminals for life. Deport settlers to their countries of origin. Only those Jews can stay who are pre-1948 residents and who have committed no crimes.

This is what’s going to happen to them, sooner or later.

Islamic scholars issue fatwa saying Arab regimes must intervene to save Gaza​

5Pillars (RMS)
1st November 2023

The influential International Union of Muslim Scholars has issued a fatwa saying that Arab regimes and armies are required by Islamic Shari’ah to intervene urgently to save Gaza from genocide and mass destruction.
The body of scholars singled out countries bordering Palestine – Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon – and said that military intervention is a Shari’ah obligation upon them.
It also said that leaving Gaza and Palestine to be annihilated and destroyed is a betrayal of Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) and is one of the greatest sins before Allah Almighty.
The International Union of Muslim Scholars was founded by Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradhawi and is headquartered in Qatar, but is comprised of leading scholars from around the globe.
Here is a translation of the fatwa from the original Arabic:
Fatwa regarding the duty of Islamic governments towards the Zionist invasion of Gaza
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Supporter of the mujahideen, the Helper of the oppressed, the Answerer to the prayers of the distressed, the Merciful to women and children, the orphans and the needy, the Defeater of occupying tyrants, the One who shakes the foundations of the aggressing infidels, the Disappointer of the hopes of the hypocrites and the discouraged, and the Reviver of the consciences of the discerning:
As to what follows:
The Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee of the International Union of Muslim Scholars is in a permanent and ongoing meeting to follow up on this brutal aggression by the criminal Zionists against the people of Gaza. This is to proclaim the truth and explain the duty of the Ummah towards what is happening to our people in Gaza, and based on that legal duty of scholars towards the Ummah’s first issue, the issue of Palestine, it issued a fatwa as follows:
1. It is legally required for the ruling regimes and official armies to intervene urgently to save Gaza from genocide and comprehensive destruction, in full commitment to the duty of supporting Palestine religiously, politically, legally and morally, in accordance with international covenants and the strategic interests of the region and the Ummah, and in accordance with their legitimate mandate over the peoples.
2. The duty of military intervention and supply of military equipment and expertise is legally binding, according to the following:
a) First, on the Palestinian interior at the level of the Palestinian Authority and all the resistance factions in the West Bank and 1948 areas.
b) On the surrounding countries, starting with Egypt, then Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
c) On all Arab and Islamic countries, in coordination with the Palestinian interior and the four surrounding states, within an urgent alliance that overcomes the state of hesitation and weakness that has lasted for decades, which led to the occupier continuing its unlimited crimes, which have become a warning of a general and comprehensive holocaust, and a comprehensive collapse of the region and the surroundings.
A funeral in Gaza. Pic: AA
3. It is the legal duty of scholars, elites, and all kinds of bodies to take urgent action to carry out their duty. From the pressure on the ruling regimes, official armies, and legislative, parliamentary and judicial political institutions to intervene urgently and act quickly, and to bear their religious, historical, constitutional and strategic responsibilities.
4. The most dangerous thing that afflicts people is the state of despair in achieving their rights and repelling injustices against them, which may herald general unrest whose extent and outcome only God knows, especially in the face of the recent Zionist aggression with full, scandalous and provocative Western support, and the betrayal of the resistance and the hundreds of millions who support it, and work to uprooting every organ, imprisoning every voice, and silencing every soul, for the purpose of general annihilation, comprehensive destruction, and replacing land with something other than land, as well as in the face of paths of futility, procrastination, lying, and betrayal, for decades and decades, to no avail, but rather with more destruction, displacement, settlement, and continued aggression and corruption.
5. Regarding, the comprehensive Western support – military, financial, media, diplomatic and strategic. It is imperative for Arab and Islamic countries to reciprocate militarily, financially, in the media, diplomatically and strategically, in order to achieve international balance and prevent tyranny that may be met with unrest which may herald collapse. It is inconceivable that the official armies, which number four million, and on which $170 billion are spent annually, remain confined to their barracks, their weapons rust, their systems collapse, the nation collapses, and the world collapses.
6. Jihad and supply of equipment in Palestine are a legitimate duty and an Islamic and humanitarian responsibility. It is forbidden by Islamic law to remain silent about aggression and not repel it with the movement of ruling regimes and official armies. Leaving Gaza, Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Palestine for annihilation and destruction is a betrayal of God, His Messenger, and the believers, and among the greatest of major sins and the greatest of sins. With God Almighty.
Issued by the Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee of the International Union of Muslim Scholars


B@stards are crying for their killed militants
They need a bigger wall to wail at.

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