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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Hamas uses Palestinians as shields and propaganda tools. Israel is bigger and more powerful so every time Hamas goes in and does some insane murderous terrorist stuff like this Hamas runs back and hides underneath the city and among the populace they are supposed to be governing and protecting with their video cameras in hand to start the propaganda cycle as the inevitable counter-attack comes. Then, Hamas supporters or all the low-information people start protesting over what they're seeing on TV and try to make it out to be Israel's fault. It's a win/win for the terrorists who never really cared about any Palestinian people in the first place. Hamas isn't seeking peace and prosperity for their people. They are seeking power.

Israel is a occupational state

Let me guess you family was busy providing prostitute's to the American soldiers during the Vietnam war?

The Palestinians are a occupied people and resistance is essential, the pressure on Israel is ramping up
They will be decimated and turned into a pit
The U.S can obviously hit Iranian targets s,, but In response Iran will destroy any American targets within reach
Iran will take damage, but without a staging area and months upon months of U.S and coalition buildup which need to go untargeted by the Iranians, the U.S has NO HOPE beyond a actual nuclear strike

Yup. Conventionally Iran can't be beaten by even America. The casualties for Americans would be too high to absorb and even a false flag to rally domestic support in America would not last long when body bags start coming to America.
If Iran wants to assure its survival it should have a great power like Russia and China deploy their personnel and nukes in Iran. I know it sounds drastic but that's what the Americans did against the Soviets during the Cold War: Nuclear umbrella given to Western Europe.
Enemy has presence deep within Gaza, they are threatening to cut in two, fights are fierce, now it is becoming difficult for Hamas but also promising, as they pure in more men and material into the urban area more targets for them.
Much higher I’m sure of.
This is what Hizbullah is claiming.

Hezbollah released Israeli losses:

-120 soldiers killed
-9 Tanks
-105 Military sites
-33 Radars
-1 Drone
-69 Communication systems
-140 Cameras
-17 Jammig systems
-27 intelligence systems
-65,000 Settlers evacuated
-2 APCs
HGV was lying about Hamas truly accepting a two state solution.

They did not, they still rejected an israeli state, stating they would eventually keep fighting for every inch of palestinian lands/palestinian return.
Sammuel pointed this out using quites of HGVs own link.

But it seems having people blatantly lie matters not, that was ignored while other posters jumped on him with a “whataboutism” fallacy.

To which Sammuel responded that Israel, in its history, did at times propose a two state. With the Oslo accords as example.

You then pile ad hominem on him, mentioning netanyahu does not want a two state (which is true, but has SHIT to do with the Oslo accords and the discussed claim that israel NeVER supported two state).

Just piling on, while ignoring the initial point, HGV trying to sugarcoat hamas.
Very tiring, and quite a dishonest way of debating.
Hamas put in their charter acceptance of a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders although not officially recognising Israel during the trump admin era. What this shows is they are not hell bent on destroying Israel only they have come to terms with reality. Their support along the Palestinians is also based on a two state solution along 1967 borders.

Israel can no longer peddle a lie that they can't negotiate a settlement with all Palestinian factions, Netanyahu has used that as an excuse to ensure there never can be a 2 state. The issue has always been Israel who have never stopped land grabbing since the inception of itself.

Hezbollah details Israeli ‘losses’ on Lebanese border since Oct. 8​

Attacks killed, injured 120 Israeli soldiers, says Lebanese group​

The Lebanese group Hezbollah said that during the current round of fighting, it has killed or injured 120 Israeli soldiers.

The Lebanese Al-Manar channel, which is close to Hezbollah, late Tuesday published an infographic attributed to the group’s military media including the toll of Israeli army losses on the Lebanese border, over a period of 23 days, since Oct. 8, one day after Palestinian group Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel.

“Hezbollah has carried out 105 attacks since Oct. 8, targeting intelligence and communications systems, jamming systems, and 33 radar (probes),” according to the channel.

Hezbollah “destroyed two troop carriers, two Humvee (military vehicles), and nine tanks, in addition to targeting 120 soldiers who were killed or wounded, in addition to targeting 105 military sites, and destroying 69 communications systems, in addition to destroying 140 surveillance cameras and 17 jamming systems."

Hezbollah was also able to "destroy 33 radar and 27 intelligence systems, and shoot down a drone. As a result of the resistance operations, 28 settlements were evacuated and 65,000 settlers were displaced into the occupied interior," according to the channel.

Hezbollah previously said that on Tuesday afternoon, it had targeted an Israeli infantry force near the Israeli Al-Jardah site with artillery shells, causing confirmed casualties.

It announced that its fighters targeted the Israeli Al-Marj site with weapons. They also targeted a Merkava tank with guided missiles as it moved in the vicinity of the Pranit Barracks, and they targeted an Israeli force in the vicinity of the Israeli Orontes site.

Border clashes since Oct. 7 have been the deadliest since Hezbollah and Israel fought a full-scale war in 2006, when the Lebanese group struck major Israeli cities with rockets, causing significant damage.

The border tension comes as Israel widened air and ground operations in the Gaza Strip following a cross-border attack by Hamas on Israeli border towns.

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