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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

كتائب القسام تقصف أسدود المحتلة برشقة صاروخية رداً على المجازر بحق المدنيين


Al-Qassam Brigades bombard occupied Ashdod with a missile barrage in response to the massacres against civilians
Israel already is guilty of violating the Oslo Agreement where many countries agreed on the area to settle the 2 State solution with a territorial division, and unfortunately, Israel did not comply, and expanded, and annexed more and more Palestinian lands.

We can continue paying the blaming game for another 17 years.

I can say that Hamas blowiing up buses is what caused people to loose hope in the peace process.

But how does it help us now. ?

The two state peace , is still the only way for a better future in this region,

Those here who preach for a one sided victory , doom the region and maybe the whole world.

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are you thick, it is civilian prisoners of war that were killed by jews, so yes their story is straight
Oh,I`m quite sure Mr ZeGerman knows this,but like all good gardeners in the european garden,he just cant resist the temptation to spread a little extra "fertilizer",ie best quality eu brand 💩bullsh!t💩 around the place.
when said squatters wont even recognize the most basic rights of the indigenous populace,never mind their right to a state on their own lands.

Israel has agreed to the two state peace solution long ago. Can you show us one place where Hamas agreed to that ?

Israel and Palestine as two independent states, coexisting side by side − this was the principle of the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 by then-Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, former chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization.


When there is a will there is a way . . .

Oh,I`m quite sure Mr ZeGerman knows this,but like all good gardeners in the european garden,he just cant resist the temptation to spread a little extra "fertilizer",ie best quality eu brand 💩bullsh!t💩 around the place.
that is why i lost nerves with those scum and not speaking with them in civil manner anymore, they genocide are criminals like nazi jews are.
So tell us how does the two-state 'solution' work in the West Bank Palestinian chicken coop.
1946, un partition plan, rejected by arabs.
1993 oslo accords
2000 camp david proposal.

there is an eb and flow, sometimes both sides get close to a solution. Unfortunately extremists from both sides can easily derail progress.
After the second intifada israel chose mainly likud, this far right party did not want a solution.

Arent the foreign detainees civilians then? 😏
Yeah, civilian hostages, which then must have been guarded by babies…cause there were only children/women there!

Absolutely no hamas right?!
1946, un partition plan, rejected by arabs.
1993 oslo accords
2000 camp david proposal.

there is an eb and flow, sometimes both sides get close to a solution. Unfortunately extremists from both sides can easily derail progress.
After the second intifada israel chose mainly likud, this far right party did not want a solution.
they had nor right to offer others people land at first place, period,
after you acknowledge that fact rest is easy.

Yeah, civilian hostages, which then must have been guarded by babies…cause there were only children/women there!

Absolutely no hamas right?!
for jew nazis all civilians in gaza is hamas, you did not say nothing new, that is official story line by jew nazis.
Israel has agreed to the two state peace solution long ago. Can you show us one place where Hamas agreed to that ?

Israel and Palestine as two independent states, coexisting side by side − this was the principle of the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 by then-Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, former chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization.


When there is a will there is a way . . .

So let me remember some greatests hits of glorious israeli history;

1995 killing of Yitzhak Rabin. ☠️. Hey a white power isreali did it

2004 killing of Yassir Arafat ☠️. Poisoned by IDF/Mossad.

2006-2007 Civil war in Gaza ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️. IDF ate popcorn and saw the palestinian side split in two.


Until 2023 144 illegal settlements on West Bank

And now the Oslo Accords again?.

Hey you must check your doctor first, dude.
I hope pharaoh returns

Egypt you snake

It took 25 days and 10,000 dead babies to open the Rafah border for 8 minutes to allow 81 injured to leave when 30,000 are waiting on the other side

The Rafah border is Egyptian but cannot be opened without Israeli permission and text message to the individuals who want to leave

The text is sent by Israeli permission

I am beyond shocked at the state of Egypt

And we talk about Muslim unity

Israel has agreed to the two state peace solution long ago. Can you show us one place where Hamas agreed to that ?

Israel and Palestine as two independent states, coexisting side by side − this was the principle of the Oslo Accords, signed in 1993 by then-Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, former chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization.


When there is a will there is a way . . .

Yet the palestinians today are even further away from a state of their own,not to mention that there is now even less palestinian land available for that state than there was back in 1993,when that gorgeously staged photo-op pic was taken,funny that eh?
This is very much a case of actions speaking louder,and far more truthfully,than political statements,or maybe its just a case of "fool me once..."
I`ve little doubt that if arafat had been able to see the future,especially his own future and that of the plo,then he sure as hell wouldnt have ever trusted the americans,much less been shaking rabins hand.
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