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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent| Leader of the Jihad movement, Daoud Shehab, told Al Jazeera: The enemy is stationed in empty areas on the outskirts of Gaza and is receiving attacks from the resistance.
The US GDP will soon surpass 30 trillion. You don't know what you're talking about. US isn't Iraq or Afghanistan 3 billion a year for Israel is peanuts.
Americans are the kind of people who throw out the elderly from their homes when they are not economically viable.
What makes you think they will continue feeding Israelis forever?

Its not about $3 billion, its about supporting a group of people with parasitic tendencies who take more than their share of wealth and cause cultural and moral corruption. That can never go for long.
All Hezbollah is doing is hitting the same pillar over and over again
How did they kill the IDF soldier yesterday, his name was pillar? I have debunked this lie ("the same pillar/tower") so many times that at this point you are just purposefully spreading anti-Hezbollah misinformation.
Biden ended up being a bigger fool than Trump and ended up alienating large swats of American Muslims and effectively killing democratic support in key purple states that can sway the elections in their favor, with Michigan being the most significant price. Words from my political Muslim contacts involved in American politics say, at least the Republicans were openly honest about their opinions and told us what we were dealing with. I told them at the time supporting the black clown was a mistake as well a second time as he screwed multiple more countries and destabilized things, after hearing Hillary Clinton saying how she wakes up in the middle of the night to vote yes. What more you need.

As the saying goes it's best to deal with an enemy you know than you don’t.

A lot of college aged Muslim women and moms are not gonna vote for Biden. A lot of these women canvassed and did massive campaigns for Biden to get elected.

All the Muslim women in my college are saying they will vote for Cornel West lmfao. This senile f*ck nuked his own support base in crucial battle ground states when he said Palestinians were lying about the death count.
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Urgent| Mushtaha’s house on Lababidi Street was targeted, and there were dozens of martyrs and injured
All "great Muslim warriors" from Britain,USA,Canada,Australia,Netherlands,Denmark demand Arab countries to go to war with Israel. Of course neither they nor their countries of origin will actually fight alongside Egypt or any other Arab army that will risk trying to save Gaza from the Israelis.
I don't think any Muslims are urging the west to go to war with Israel.
They want the west to stop arming Israel.
They are so loud and you still missed their message.
You have to give slack, he just wants to see zionist defeated as we all do and eagerness to see that often bring up and downs which could cloud clear judgements and some harsh realities non related directly to palestinian cause.
I understand him completely even when he says harsh things about Hezbolah and Iran it is because of that whish, at least i think it so.
I agree, but said user has a certain history and agenda which you probably know about and which I won't go into.

How Hezbollah managed to knock out Merkava with APS

Easy a two stage ATGM

First one activated the APS and second annihilates the tank

The time between firing the two ATGMs < the time needed for Israeli Trophy APS to reload. Very effective.
How did they kill the IDF soldier yesterday, his name was pillar? I have debunked this lie ("the same pillar/tower") so many times that at this point you are just purposefully spreading anti-Hezbollah misinformation.

5 Israeli soldiers killed over two weeks. And constant targeting of a pillar on the border. Hamas killed 1400+ in one day. These are face-saving attacks by Hezbollah for their image. This face-saving stuff is no longer going to be tolerated by anyone.

I don't only call out Hezbollah and Iran. I also called out Egypt, Jordan, Saudi and Turkey. From tomorrow, anyone not actively intervening or helping Gaza in any way is going to be considered a evil Jew.

I'm done with respecting people's feelings. I don't care about anyone's feelings anymore. There's a genocide going on thanks to these pricks in the region that are appear more Jewish than the Jews themselves.

Stop hiding behind people of Lebanon. Just admit this organization doesn't have a fight with Israel past propaganda. That's why it sent it's Lebanese politician allies to go on TV to assure the West they won't get involved in the war.

I'm not a huge fan of HezbAllah, believe me, but I do admire their courage and tenacity, how could anyone not, right? They're not fighting for Hamas by any stretch of the imagination since they don't want to see another murderous annihilation of their cities in southern Lebanon. I'm sure their quite apprehensive about that starting with Nasrallah. But who drew first blood in this round? Was it the zionists or HezbAllah?
A lot do college aged Muslim women and moms are not gonna vote for Biden. A lot of these women canvassed and did massive campaigns for Biden to get elected.

All the Muslim women in my college are saying they will vote for Cornel West lmfao. This senile f*ck nuked his own support base in crucial battle ground states when he said Palestinians were lying about the death count.
Who u gonna get infront of biden. That hindu guy who wants hamas on sticks.. Republicans are crazy evangilical zionists. Democrats are liberal faggotish zionists.. Anyone who votes for anyone is simply stupid
You have to give slack, he just wants to see zionist defeated as we all do and eagerness to see that often bring up and downs which could cloud clear judgements and some harsh realities non related directly to palestinian cause.
I understand him completely even when he says harsh things about Hezbolah and Iran it is because of that whish, at least i think it so.

You're absolutely right. Well said.
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