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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They are not in Gaza. Trying to push into northern areas and retreating as part of whatever strategy they are following. They can cut Gaza in half easily but no way can they enforce phase 3 of whatever they're claiming that easily.
Details on the expanded ground operation: Israeli forces “went into the Gaza Strip and expanded the ground operation where infantry, armor and engineer units and artillery with heavy fire are taking part,” IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Saturday morning. “The forces are in the field and continue the fighting,” he added, without giving further details.

Hagari’s words confirm the military operation has undergone a significant expansion after what it had earlier described as two “targeted raids,” which took place on Wednesday night and Thursday night. Both those raids saw ground forces withdraw after a few hours. However, it does not appear as though any major ground offensive aimed at seizing and holding significant amounts of the territory is yet underway. In a fresh call for Gazans to move south, the IDF spoke of an “impending” operation.

Lack of footage due to censorship, bro.
I might be ignorant here so don’t take it personally
I won't, because i dont think you are doing it intentionally, we good B.
that I am trolling but isn’t Lebanon economically destroyed pretty much anyways?
Yea....but Lebanon is still at "peace" right now and has probably made considerable progress in building back up after the 2006 war and Syrian war and conflict within it over the past few years. Peace is still valuable and worth alot, it doesnt have a tangible $ value thats easy to see.
And isn’t israel bombing Lebanon ?
Israel is bombing, but its small scale and specific bombing against Hezbollah-related targets, these aren't attacks across all of Lebanon, that would be different, but we might get to that threshold soon. I dont think Israel has the stamina, ammunition, wealth or public support to bomb Lebanon the way it did in 2006, even Hezbollah is stronger today and has more effective air defenses, so IAF doesnt have the freedom to act over Lebanon today that it had when it fought Hezbollah in 2006.
Now let me give my opinion of gaza falls the neighbouring countries should remember next time it will be there turn israel will not stop this is my personal opinion.
Hmm, my opinion on this opinion is to focus on neighboring countries AFTER the Palestinian oppression and nationhood issues are resolved, first things first. I dont think these 2 issues are even linked tbh, but thats jmo. Israel is already treating Egypt like its compliant b*t*h.
I won't, because i dont think you are doing it intentionally, we good B.

Yea....but Lebanon is still at "peace" right now and has probably made considerable progress in building back up after the 2006 war and Syrian war and conflict within it over the past few years. Peace is still valuable and worth alot, it doesnt have a tangible $ value thats easy to see.

Israel is bombing, but its small scale and specific bombing against Hezbollah-related targets, these aren't attacks across all of Lebanon, that would be different, but we might get to that threshold soon. I dont think Israel has the stamina, ammunition, wealth or public support to bomb Lebanon the way it did in 2006, even Hezbollah is stronger today and has more effective air defenses, so IAF doesnt have the freedom to act over Lebanon today that it had when it fought Hezbollah in 2006.

Hmm, my opinion on this opinion is to focus on neighboring countries AFTER the Palestinian oppression and nationhood issues are resolved, first things first. I dont think these 2 issues are even linked tbh, but thats jmo. Israel is already treating Egypt like its compliant b*t*h.

Bro we both know these issues will not be resolved it will eithe be jewish territory because for them it is not land it is their right. I hope I am wrong but my nightmare scenario is Hezbollah waiting until Israel invades Lebanon because of how attached they are politically and socially to Lebanon. Great discussion btw bro!
Syria: Sputnik Agency: American forces in the Al-Omar field fire 3 missiles towards the Al-Mayadeen desert in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor

Details on the expanded ground operation: Israeli forces “went into the Gaza Strip and expanded the ground operation where infantry, armor and engineer units and artillery with heavy fire are taking part,” IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Saturday morning. “The forces are in the field and continue the fighting,” he added, without giving further details.

Hagari’s words confirm the military operation has undergone a significant expansion after what it had earlier described as two “targeted raids,” which took place on Wednesday night and Thursday night. Both those raids saw ground forces withdraw after a few hours. However, it does not appear as though any major ground offensive aimed at seizing and holding significant amounts of the territory is yet underway. In a fresh call for Gazans to move south, the IDF spoke of an “impending” operation.

Lack of footage due to censorship, bro.

They went in yesterday night and then pulled out. Now they're making another incursion into the same area. They can definitely get in, I'm not doubting that. Gaza is too small and mostly defenseless. But, more importantly, they're comitting genocide to achieve it.
Gaza will fall and west bank will be next to be cleansed from Palestinians . Today Muslims are only good in conducting protest and making useless speeches . For instance gaza is currently being bombed while saudi is hosting a big boxing event in the arabia.

Messenger of Allah said: "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food." It was said: "Will it be because of our small number that day?" He said:

"Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah! What is wahn?" He said: "Love of the world and the hatred for death."
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See your video at 6:30. What you said above was not the Palestinian position.

Not sure I understand what you mean? Are you referring to the part where I said the Palestinians have the same thought process as the zionist; it's all for one and one for all, no exceptions? That most certainly was the thinking then and I bet you the overwhelming majority of Palestinians today feel the same way. Can't blame them.
Bro we both know these issues will not be resolved
it will eithe be jewish territory because for them it is not land it is their right.
yea...and this is also the thinking that led Israel into its current war.
I hope I am wrong but my nightmare scenario is Hezbollah waiting until Israel invades Lebanon because of how attached they are politically and socially to Lebanon.
Hezbollah has been waiting until Israel invades Gaza, but Israel has also been waiting a while now before commencing the actual ground invasion. let us now set "high" goals for Israel now until Israel earns that privilege of competence- let Israel enter Gaza and perform well with a serious mission and fight, but we are yet to see that, and if it happens, other resistance forces will enter the war and Israel, they are auto committed to doing so if Israel enters Gaza. US and Iran might enter an actual war through "commitment to defending their allies and what is right"sort of thinking/ideology/belief system, who knew?

Also, you know why Palestinians are beating Israeli spoiled brats azzes? they're just more determined! If there is nothing to do and no internet in Gaza, then the only thing to do is load shells and mortars, day and night.
Great discussion btw bro!
Same here bro, cheers!
Not sure I understand what you mean? Are you referring to the part where I said the Palestinians have the same thought process as the zionist; it's all for one and one for all, no exceptions? That most certainly was the thinking then and I bet you the overwhelming majority of Palestinians today feel the same way. Can't blame them.

Bro I get your patriotic towards your country it is commendable and expected but don’t say what Palestinian “feel” today bro they are gettting bombed. I have nothing against Egypt I want to visit it one day. But the problem is geography if it was any other country nobody would be mentioning Egypt o completely understand the restrictions of going to war but atleast let the aid through?
"Israel says fighting in Gaza will be ‘long, difficult’ as Gulf states condemn ground ops"

So, these blood-thirsty Zionist war-criminals are getting disappointed and feeling defeated despite targeting the Palestinian residential buildings, hospitals, and schools. That coward war-criminal Netanyahu was threatening for the ground attack for several days now. Last night these Zionist cowards tried ti invade the den of Allah's lions. 311 of these terrorist Zionists were sent to the hellfire, 268 coward Zionist soldiers were made captive, and 37 tank destroyed. These Zionist cowards had to use dozens of helicopters to evacuate their dead and wounded. Israeli Channel 14 saying that group operation was a total disappointment.

The only thing that these coward Zionist war-criminals can do is kill Palestinian babies, children, and women in Gaza residential buildings, hospitals, and schools. Shame on these lowest of the lows of the human kind.
What are the sources confirming the casualty numbers of the IDF?
Bro, I am not saying hezbollah to conquer israel tomorrow I am a Shia and Ofcourse I am affinity towards Hezbollah just like the Palestinian is sunni and he has affinity towards Hamas. I am saying if hamas went into Israel took hostages, then Hezbollah can do a little bit more. Also don’t get frustrated because you only expect more from those who you care for.

Also my whole point is to have a stimulating discussion and it to learn. Not to argue or fight.
Hamas took hostages and now they are being decimated. There is no reason for Hezbollah to try to emulate what Hamas did, they operate under different ROE and conditions and with different goals.

Hamas represents an occupied territory and people, it is natural they are more desperate than Hezbollah, which only represents part of a sovereign state and thus has different factors to consider.

Yeah, I see people saying it was hit today. The red alerts were issued as well. That means their AD systems can't stop it. The Yemenis have found a way to beat their occupation's AD systems. 👇
Red alerts mean a hostile target has been detected, not that it has evaded AD.
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