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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I am not Muslim, so I don't care if you follow Khamenei or Sistani or anyone else.

I am curious why you think it is Hezbollah's obligation to escalate, and what you think their escalation could achieve. Unfortunately, they were not aware of this attack by Hamas, so they cannot be expected to go to war with Israel in these circumstances. Nonetheless, they continue to keep the IDF busy on the northern border, and this alone is a bigger contribution than every other Muslim/Arab nation combined.

One main reason is because nobody else will! Honestly I am sure Hezbollah does not share the same opinion as you bro it is bull to say I am not going to fight because it’s not my fight when you will be the next target. If zionists succeed here they will not stop here they will be emboldened to further. Why was this myth that was recently broken of Israelis being invincible it wasn’t because of the Americans it was because they defeated arabs in wars. Americans can send weapons but you have to ultimately fight.
Theirs a gag order on IDF military losses and injuries at the moment. Zero reporting. Things may be going on behind the scenes that we aren't aware of. From the perspective of Hezbollah, I presume they do not see 2-8 casualties per day to be unsustainable if it means they can achieve their objectives and prepare the ground.

Regardless these sites would have to be taken out of service, the means they are doing it however is very risky. You have to also consider the obligation of Hezbollah to the people of Lebanon which I think is the biggest limiting factor. If Israel were to just pound sand and rock and grass in Southern Lebanon and Beeka Valley, that would be one thing. But they are criminals who like collective punishment and will kill people and destroy infrastructure arbitrarily in order to punish the entire society. These are not my words, it's their own words. I imagine this is giving pause to full blown escalation.
Well said. On average, Hezbollah is giving 2 martyrs per day. People can mock Hezbollah "attacking the same tower every day" but this ignores the reality: Israel has 41 separate surveillance tower sites across the border, and each one is truly massive (just look at the size of these towers compared to the already huge wall in front of them). IDF forces are in hiding and Hezbollah's systematic degradation of Israeli surveillance/intelligence capabilities across the border is very clever from two perspectives: (1) it draws IDF soldiers out to repair the damage, leaving them open to Hezbollah ATGMs and (2) it makes Israel more vulnerable in the event of escalation on the border.

Your point on Hezbollah's obligation being to the people of Lebanon is a very good one. They are already taking huge risks by doing what they are doing.

💯agree except for I feel it’s my opinion don’t shoot me lol that these sites are standing targets and should be taken out alot sooner. Hezbollah has taken losses and each of those members are worth a lot just as hamas is are. You guys are the only ones resisting the rest of the Muslim world isquiet including my country
See above. Go look at some videos of these sites. The towers alone are massive. At least 40-50m tall. Each radar/communication ball being destroyed is at least 2-3m wide. There are 41 of these huge tower sites spread across the border. How do you propose Hezbollah, with no air force, destroy these "sooner"?
Well said. On average, Hezbollah is giving 2 martyrs per day. People can mock Hezbollah "attacking the same tower every day" but this ignores the reality: Israel has 41 separate surveillance tower sites across the border, and each one is truly massive (just look at the tower compared to the already huge wall in front of it). IDF forces are in hiding and Hezbollah's systematic degradation of Israeli surveillance/intelligence capabilities across the border is very clever from two perspectives: (1) it draws IDF soldiers out to repair the damage, leaving them open to Hezbollah ATGMs and (2) it makes Israel more vulnerable in the event of escalation on the border.

Your point on Hezbollah's obligation being to the people of Lebanon is a very good one. They are already taking huge risks by doing what they are doing.

See above. Go look at some videos of these sites. The towers alone are massive. At least 40-50m tall. Each radar/communication ball being destroyed is at least 2-3m wide. There are 41 of these huge tower sites spread across the border. How do you propose Hezbollah, with no air force, destroy these "sooner"?

Because they have been supplied with sufficient weaponry by Iran all of these things would have been taken into account decades ago. Good bless Iran for helping the forces but like I said before you have to ultimately go and fight.
Because they have been supplied with sufficient weaponry by Iran all of these things would have been taken into account decades ago. Good bless Iran for helping the forces but like I said before you have to ultimately go and fight.
How do you propose Hezbollah, with no air force, destroy these "sooner"? Using which weapons? Remember they have to stay within the ROE to avoid escalation and the destruction of Lebanon.
And where does Gaza stand in this bilateral peace?

When Sadat offered peace, he asked Arafat and the Palestinian people to join him since his terms with the zionists were not only the full return of Sinai to Egypt, but withdrawal to pre-1967 borders for the Palestinian nation and the zionists at the time were very close to agreeing to that. It was only a matter of working out the full details at Camp David. At the time, the consensus was the Jews were most likely not going to give up full control of Jerusalem as it was pre-1967 when it was under Jordan's full control, being they wanted security and complete control of the Jewish religious sites. But he was adamant about finding a solution. Arafat refused. He spoke for the Palestinians and that was perfectly fine, it was and still is their prerogative. So did Hafez Al Assad and King Hussein and even Elias Sarkis adamantly rejected the offer.

You asked where does Gaza stand in this bilateral peace and that was it. The Palestinians have the same thought process as the zionist; it's all for one and one for all, no exceptions and if that's what they've chosen, God bless them a zillion times. I don't hold that against them for a millisecond.

But how is full ownership of this holy land ultimately going to happen? How many innocent people have to die for either side to lay full claim? Would an agreement at the time of Sadat's attempted peace gave everyone an opportunity to live and prosper without all this death and destruction and ultimate sacrifice we've seen for the last 56 years?

Now please, yourself and every member on this thread; please take roughly 8 minutes of your time and watch these brief snippets of the interview by BBC of President Sadat in 1977 when he had made the offers of peace in exchange for ALL -- and I reiterate ALL -- occupied lands pre-1967. That included the West Bank/Jordan, the Golan Heights even Lebanon and of course, Sinai. How he really understood the essence of the land and its importance to ALL the Arabs and Muslims. More importantly how he wanted to include all. This will enhance everyone's perspective about the history and how we are where we are today, all of us.

How do you propose Hezbollah, with no air force, destroy these "sooner"? Using which weapons? Remember they have to stay within the ROE to avoid escalation and the destruction of Lebanon.

Bro, I am not saying hezbollah to conquer israel tomorrow I am a Shia and Ofcourse I am affinity towards Hezbollah just like the Palestinian is sunni and he has affinity towards Hamas. I am saying if hamas went into Israel took hostages, then Hezbollah can do a little bit more. Also don’t get frustrated because you only expect more from those who you care for.

Also my whole point is to have a stimulating discussion and it to learn. Not to argue or fight.
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