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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

With all due respect it can be a stupid question I am not claiming to be a genius or the one who knows it all. Itnwould have been nice if you chose better language to relay the message.
Apologies, brother. It can be hard to tell if someone is trolling or not. Your line of questioning seemed very similar to trollish comments made by anti-Hezbollah propagandists in recent days.

I have no doubt they are killing zionists. Just my opinion that they should up the ante rather than target surveillance sites for 2 weeks. But me and you both know the answer to that question brother and the answer is a whole carrier strike group floating in the Mediterranean. I am not a general so I don’t much about strategy. I was genuinelt curious.
Lebanon is in dire crisis and Hezbollah does not control Lebanon in the way Hamas controls Gaza. Hezbollah has a lot to take into consideration before it escalates and takes Lebanon to a destructive war with Israel (for example, a large Christian population which strongly opposes such a war).

Hezbollah is ultimately a guerrilla force best suited to defensive operations where they resist and repel an invading force. In recent years they have added some, limited offensive capability with their experience in Syria and the Ridwan Unit. It is not clear what their military goals would be if they were to escalate, fire thousands of rockets and missiles into Israel, cause a lot of damage, then get invaded by Israel and have their cities carpet bombed? There is not much military utility in that.
Apologies, brother. It can be hard to tell if someone is trolling or not. Your line of questioning seemed very similar to trollish comments made by anti-Hezbollah propagandists in recent days.

Lebanon is in dire crisis and Hezbollah does not control Lebanon in the way Hamas controls Gaza. Hezbollah has a lot to take into consideration before it escalates and takes Lebanon to a destructive war with Israel.

Hezbollah is ultimately a guerrilla force best suited to defensive operations where they resist and repel an invading force. In recent years they have added some, limited offensive capability with their experience in Syria and the Ridwan Unit. It is not clear what their military goals would be if they were to escalate, fire thousands of rockets and missiles into Israel, cause a lot of damage, then get invaded by Israel and have their cities carpet bombed? There is not much military utility in that.

I can assure you that I am not trolling. I am a Shia but I am also objective case in point I don’t folllow khamenei in taqlid but I follow sistani. Thats irrelevant. The main point is I will not troll any member and if I do will always let them know I am trolling. I am just feeling like gaza being bombed day in day out and under seige, they cannot expect anything from Muslim countries but Hezbollah should up the ante, but alas like I said previously we know the answer. Lastly no need to apologize it’s the internet anything goes lol
Brother I don’t mean to frustrate you I get what you’re saying but looking at the losses is it sustainable versus degrading surveillance sites? What is the end goal of targeting these sites are they going to invade? Don’t they have more of a missile arsenal than Hamas ? Something is not adding up to me.
Theirs a gag order on IDF military losses and injuries at the moment. Zero reporting. Things may be going on behind the scenes that we aren't aware of. From the perspective of Hezbollah, I presume they do not see 2-8 casualties per day to be unsustainable if it means they can achieve their objectives and prepare the ground.

Regardless these sites would have to be taken out of service, the means they are doing it however is very risky. You have to also consider the obligation of Hezbollah to the people of Lebanon which I think is the biggest limiting factor. If Israel were to just pound sand and rock and grass in Southern Lebanon and Beeka Valley, that would be one thing. But they are criminals who like collective punishment and will kill people and destroy infrastructure arbitrarily in order to punish the entire society. These are not my words, it's their own words. I imagine this is giving pause to full blown escalation.
Theirs a gag order on IDF military losses and injuries at the moment. Zero reporting. Things may be going on behind the scenes that we aren't aware of. From the perspective of Hezbollah, I presume they do not see 2-8 casualties per day to be unsustainable if it means they can achieve their objectives and prepare the ground.

Regardless these sites would have to be taken out of service, the means they are doing it however is very risky. You have to also consider the obligation of Hezbollah to the people of Lebanon which I think is the biggest limiting factor. If Israel were to just pound sand and rock and grass in Southern Lebanon and Beeka Valley, that would be one thing. But they are criminals who like collective punishment and will kill people and destroy infrastructure arbitrarily in order to punish the entire society. These are not my words, it's their own words. I imagine this is giving pause to full blown escalation.

💯agree except for I feel it’s my opinion don’t shoot me lol that these sites are standing targets and should be taken out alot sooner. Hezbollah has taken losses and each of those members are worth a lot just as hamas is are. You guys are the only ones resisting the rest of the Muslim world isquiet including my country
I can assure you that I am not trolling. I am a Shia but I am also objective case in point I don’t folllow khamenei in taqlid but I follow sistani. Thats irrelevant. The main point is I will not troll any member and if I do will always let them know I am trolling. I am just feeling like gaza being bombed day in day out and under seige, they cannot expect anything from Muslim countries but Hezbollah should up the ante, but alas like I said previously we know the answer. Lastly no need to apologize it’s the internet anything goes lol
I am not Muslim, so I don't care if you follow Khamenei or Sistani or anyone else.

I am curious why you think it is Hezbollah's obligation to escalate, and what you think their escalation could achieve. Unfortunately, they were not aware of this attack by Hamas, so they cannot be expected to go to war with Israel in these circumstances. Nonetheless, they continue to keep the IDF busy on the northern border, and this alone is a bigger contribution than every other Muslim/Arab nation combined.
Qassam Brigades Spokesman earlier today:

“The resistance does not ask the leaders of the Arab countries, God forbid, to enter into the battle to liberate their lands and their Arab and Islamic lands. But have you reached such humiliation and humiliation that you are unable to bring humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people?”

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