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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Sad just sad, Hamas overdid it by killing civilians and completely lost a large chunk of support base in the world who were 100% supporting Palestinian.

I still 100% believe that two state solution with Israel and Palestinian living peacefully side by side is the only solution. Until Iran does not accept Israel right to exist, there wil not be peace in Middle East.

Seems like Arab states and Israel were coming closer hence Hamas attacked to derail this peace talk and they are greatly successful. Every time there is war Palestinian will lose more territory and more hate on both sides.

Also loss of family and anger goes on both sides but hate will never get them peace. Alas they are fighting for ever and will keep doing same.

Piss off Hindu
Your senses do not work, right? Same for those who like at your posts and laugh at facts.

1. Al-Qaeda Network is DEFEATED.
2. Afghan Taliban have agreed to not support Al-Qaeda Network in a deal that was reached in Doha Accords.

What else? US should conquer and annex Afghanistan? Declare it the 51st state or something?

One must talk about these matters with logic and reason.

The American taxpayers should be so proud that Ashraf Ghani stole $169 million of their tax money while a lot of Americans sleep on the streets. Great job Uncle Sam.
GCC is very quiet, when they are the main target of this Made in USA script.

I guess they dont need to talk publicly because they are not democracies and they dont need to deceive anyone like the Americans liars do.

But this is like Hormuz strait tensions one decade ago, if it escalates, the main damaged will be GCC.

Stop listening to Bibi’s channels and your fellow country men’s twitter posts and get a reality check. All the carpet bombing in the world with B52s didnt neutralize North Vietnam. They got to S. Vietnam. And you had USAF with its 1000s of airplanes wreaking all sort of damage.

You have 400 fighter jets and not enough ammo to last you for more than 7 days so nowhere close. Just because Israel has prevailed over spineless feminine armed forces of Jordan, Egypt, Syria in the post is not a precedence to cower Iran’s proxy.

Saudis have also been bombing the crap out of Houthis but the Houthis can target Israel.

What you should be thinking about that Turkey in the north is rising up against you (by virtue of its population). Iraq, Syria both had coward monarchs under colonial fist that got kicked out by people. So don’t assume the spineless bunch of Arab leader around you will stay. Their people or army will topple them.

This is not strategically good for Israel. I am not Hamas so don’t hold the view that Israel should be wiped out. But this is why Israel should have negotiated long-term peace for a 2 state solution instead of manipulating even more Arab leaders (now the equally pussy GCC Emirs) to get your acceptance.
🐈 and the oscar for kitty internet worrier gose to 🤣
You look beautiful in pink. Gandu pink in your case. You can now either go back to your pakora stand in Mumbai or activate one of your other accounts - 😂
He told musk the only way Israel will aloud it if all the hostages are freed otherwise Israel can block starling also. Furthermore we have the backing of both the democrat's and republicans and they will not accept this ( musk is dengers itself and the FBI can arrest him if he will help hamas)
Musk is a genius he will want to get arrested. Then he can run for presedient and he will win. And then Starlink all around Israel and no weapon replenishments. Then to quote Top Gun ‘Israel will be a land full of rubber dog sh*’….

Remember Musk is of South African heritage. I don’t think he is going to respond well to a Zionist threat.
Stop listening to Bibi’s channels and your fellow country men’s twitter posts and get a reality check. All the carpet bombing in the world with B52s didnt neutralize North Vietnam. They got to S. Vietnam. And you had USAF with its 1000s of airplanes wreaking all sort of damage.
Indeed, Israeli leaders face a day of reckoning when they have to admit to their population they were not able to destroy Hamas. Even if they do somehow remove Hamas, they have radicalised more Palestinians in Gaza to join the armed resistance than Iran could have done in its wildest dreams, ensuring even stronger ranks of resistance for the next 30+ years.

Even after dropping 10,000+ bombs in tiny Gaza, the resistance is still able to launch large barrages of rockets at any target in Israel every day. The only thing this barbaric carpet bombing campaign is doing is (1) turning world populations against Israel (and in the process exposing Western double standards in how they react to war crimes and the loss of life generally) and (2) turning Palestinians in Gaza even more against Israel. Genius!
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