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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


Know the enemy: The first IDF vehicle is cargo/ammo carrier called Alfa based on APC M-113 chassis. The second tracked vehicle is artillery M-109 A5 upgraded to Israeli standard with paper firing range of 22km but I suspect that Israelis use range extended projectiles (REPs) so the range could be 30km or more. Last one is Humvee.
...what I can't justify is either side saying "it's a war zone" and bombing houses or shooting at people who have nothing to do with the fighting.
Yes, we can.

What is a 'war zone'? Never mind the rhetorical aspect of the words. A 'war zone' is an area where combat occurs. In the old days, we had armies literally arrayed themselves in front of each other and proceed to charge, and later shoot, at each other. Today, we have something call 'urban warfare'. But that begs the question, how did that kind of warfare or 'war zone' got started? It means one side decided to chose a city or an urban area to fortify themselves, thereby compelling the other side to engage in the same environment. So now, whether civilians like it or not, they were dragged into combat. Yes, we know the civilians, or non-combatants, have nothing to do with the fighting, but someone has to FIRST using civilian environment for combat. This justification is one that no formal military want to make but the moment one side chose to use civilian areas to conduct warfare, the justification is automatically engaged.
Serouisly , have you checked how many buses ful of people Hamas blew up with soicide bumbs , when we started talking with Arafat about the two state peace solution ?

Obviously not enough you mf child killer.

Yes, we can.

What is a 'war zone'? Never mind the rhetorical aspect of the words. A 'war zone' is an area where combat occurs. In the old days, we had armies literally arrayed themselves in front of each other and proceed to charge, and later shoot, at each other. Today, we have something call 'urban warfare'. But that begs the question, how did that kind of warfare or 'war zone' got started? It means one side decided to chose a city or an urban area to fortify themselves, thereby compelling the other side to engage in the same environment. So now, whether civilians like it or not, they were dragged into combat. Yes, we know the civilians, or non-combatants, have nothing to do with the fighting, but someone has to FIRST using civilian environment for combat. This justification is one that no formal military want to make but the moment one side chose to use civilian areas to conduct warfare, the justification is automatically engaged.
What a warped sheepish argument you have. Let us record what you say so when one day some enemy of yours murders your family with the same argument you use we all be blind and deaf to your screams of pain and anguish.
We love you Hamas. This planet deserves to be obliterated by God if you didn't exist. Thank you Allah for Hamas.

@Windjammer Who told you the resistance forces, especially Hezbollah dont have air defense systems? Hezbollah has downed a few Israeli drones in this war, and just because AD systems arent active doesnt mean they aren't present.
No they haven't. Post sources. Hezbollah isn't even a party in the war. It's just making a small war with the pillar on the border.
Turkey has moved an LHD/small aircraft carrier towards Gaza, but what will it do with it? What US did? (send 2 ACs quickly to East Mediterranean, but they didnt actually stay in the east Mediterranean, they stayed close to Cyprus, then now are heading to the middle east to support US troops? smh)

Deployment status as on 16-10-23


Deployment status as on 23-10-23


Further shifts are expected but not disclosed yet.
The only truth to that is Egypt does have the ability to mobilize and move even more than 100K troops (closer to 5 infantry & armored divisions) that can be inserted into Sinai in apprx. 6 hours. The Rapid Deployment Forces along with the current presence of troops which exceeds the peace treaty's allowable allotment and the infrastructure (tunnels under the Suez Canal) that was planned &built since 2005 would make it even faster.

But interesting stuff, nonetheless.

U.S runs a war economy... effectively a short on it's opponent. In resources, deployment, armaments, logistics and supply chain are all geared to choke the opponent. The financial institutions and world supply chain are all instruments to sanction the opponent for desired results.
U.S pays it's labor in IOU's called the greenback... whose mere relevance is predicated upon U.S hegemony and it's ability to have it's paper accepted as a genuine substitute for someone's labor or resource.

The reason I mentioned that whole backstory was to impress upon the futility of going head-on in a large capacity in opposition to the juggernaut. The answer is sustainable deployment to achieve objectives against a known capacity, Isreal.

Which effectively remains an outlet to practice, produce or experiment with novel techniques, technology and advancements in gadgets, platforms and methods of war.

Egyptians hands are tied though... when issued an IOU to fill your belly, buy candy or items of need or luxury. It is not the product that has changed hands but loyalty and dependence, to achieve the same... again... the opium of our times.

The blood that we see then is one of our inabilities, of our tied conscience and bought prerogative. It's not that our hands are tied or our hearts don't ache... we show remorse, empathize... but simultaneously rue our predicament.
We the bottom of human conscience, faith and hope... reflect our hopelessness.

100k in 6 hrs is thus not our primary disadvantage... It is the least of our worries!
What is Hezbollah doing? 44 men gone to fight a pillar on the border for two straight weeks? They killed probably 3-4 Israeli soldiers. I thought Hezbollah was some elite force. Is the political heads of Hezbollah holding back the military wing ? This is embarrassing for the 'resistance-axis' guys. Can you do something else besides hitting this stupid pillar on the border ?

you’re always giving israel the benefit of the doubt and constantly framing events like Hamas initiated this conflict when in reality the core problem of this conflict is the occupation and disenfranchisement of the Palestinian people.
The core of the problem is that Palestinians want Israel to cease to exist, and Israel begs to differ. The occupation is a result of Arabs starting the 1948 war and Palestinians refusal to change their mind. Israel has made a move to the right as a result. Nethanyahu sees peace with the Palestinians as not viable and acts accordingly.
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