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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Nonsense. The ball is in Israel's court and always has been. They have been the occupiers of the West Bank and Gaza since 1967. They control the land, air and water that the Palestinians live on. If they abided by the agreements and actually allowed the Palestinians a viable state in which they could peacefully co-exist, we would have peace. Instead the Israelis want to wipe out the Palestinians.

they need to do that according to their unholy book
Israel had two options. Either allow an independent Palestinian state or absorb the Palestinians into Israel.

It won't do either. 1. Because Israel wants the West Bank for itself, this is why Israel has split the region into bantustans and occupy most of of the territory.
The agreement negotiated under Clinton would give the West Bank and Gaza to the Palestinians with some minor adjustments.
Israel is not a monolith. Some certainly want all the West Bank, some do not.

2. Israel won't absorb the Palestinians because they would threaten the Jewish majority.
Noone wants to be a minority amongst rabid murderers.

So this is why Israel has decided to continue ethnically cleansing the Palestinians as the Likud has always advocated.
Palestinians has not presented any alternative to continuous war.
The core of the problem is that Palestinians want Israel to cease to exist, and Israel begs to differ. The occupation is a result of Arabs starting the 1948 war and Palestinians refusal to change their mind. Israel has made a move to the right as a result. Nethanyahu sees peace with the Palestinians as not viable and acts accordingly.
Palestine has been occupied since 1948 by Jordan, Egypt, and Israel.

Israel never recognized Palestine. Israel wants Palestine not to exist. They call Israeli Palestinians, Israeli Arabs. They obviously don't recognize Palestinians as a people.
The agreement negotiated under Clinton would give the West Bank and Gaza to the West Bank with some minor adjustments.
Israel is not a monolith. Some certainly want all the West Bank, some do not.

Noone wants to be a minority amongst rabid murderers.

Palestinians has not presented any alternative to continuous war.
Dude quit the shit. Israel has aggressively expanded settlements in the West Bank and they have the Palestinians quarantined in bantustans or basically open air prisons where their very movement is monitored daily by Israeli soldiers and they ar harassed every day.

Quit the fucking bullshit dude, I know about the situation more than you do.
Warped? When I received orders to deploy to Desert Storm, our squadron had a briefing where we should expect the Iraqi Army to use human shields. I doubt that you understood the gist of my comment to start. :rolleyes:
Is that your cover story for your crimes? All murdered civilians "were human shields".
This is not true. Palestinians reported nothing. They're doing aerial bombardment and artillery shelling like the usual. They're trying to trick Hamas into moving it's defensive forces through the tunnels. In order to do more bombardment from the air. They're very scared of ground combat and want to enter Gaza without any resistance.

Is that your cover story for your crimes? All murdered civilians "were human shields".
If they were used that way...

Every Western formal military, meaning the ones that have uniforms, know that if they ever have the deploy to the ME for any reason, they should expect the Muslim army to use human shield. This quiet understanding go back to before the internet, and I understand that young pups like YOU thinks the world does not exists before the internet.

Mosul, Iraq – Tarik Hassan and his family became human shields 18 months ago.​

Even your own news outlet knew.

You can call us every insulting name in the book and it would not bother us one bit. But for any of us who actually wore a uniform, the Muslim army using human shields is just outright despicable. :frown:
If they were used that way...

Every Western formal military, meaning the ones that have uniforms, know that if they ever have the deploy to the ME for any reason, they should expect the Muslim army to use human shield. This quiet understanding go back to before the internet, and I understand that young pups like YOU thinks the world does not exists before the internet.

Mosul, Iraq – Tarik Hassan and his family became human shields 18 months ago.​

Even your own news outlet knew.

You can call us every insulting name in the book and it would not bother us one bit. But for any of us who actually wore a uniform, the Muslim army using human shields is just outright despicable. :frown:
But you don't use the same argument for Ukraine or Israel? So when Hamas attacked the Israeli army , the Israeli army used the civilians as human shields hence why a lot of Israeli casualties.

Turkish President Erdogan cancels plan to visit Israel over ongoing Gaza war​

Türkiye has no problem with Israeli state, but would never approve of it committing atrocities, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan​

Gozde Bayar |25.10.2023 - Update : 25.10.2023

Turkish President Erdogan cancels plan to visit Israel over ongoing Gaza war

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that he had canceled a plan to visit Israel in light of the ongoing Gaza conflict.
At the Justice and Development (AK) Party's parliamentary group meeting in Ankara, Erdogan said that before Oct. 7, when the conflict erupted, he had planned to visit Israel but then canceled his plans.
Saying that Türkiye has no problem with the Israeli state, Erdogan added, however, that Ankara would never approve of Tel Aviv committing atrocities.
The Jewish people know well that Türkiye is the only land that has been without antisemitism for centuries, he added, referring to its welcoming Jews driven out of other countries during both World War II and the Ottoman era.
Noting that almost half of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza are children, Erdogan said this showed that "the aim is deliberate brutality to commit crimes against humanity."
"...You cannot find another state or army [Israel] that continues this inhumane action with its tanks, cannons and weapons," he said.
Western countries consider Hamas as a terrorist organization, he said, adding: "Hamas is not a terrorist organization, but a liberation group, a mujahideen group that struggles to protect its lands and citizens."
The conflict in Gaza, which has been under Israeli bombardment since Oct. 7, began when Hamas initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, a multi-pronged surprise attack that included a barrage of rocket launches and infiltrations into Israel by land, sea, and air. It said the incursion was in retaliation for the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and growing violence by Israeli settlers.
The Israeli military then launched a relentless air campaign against the Gaza Strip.
Nearly 7,200 people have been killed in the conflict, including at least 5,791 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.
Gaza's 2.3 million people have been running out of food, water, medicines and fuel, and recent aid convoys allowed into Gaza have carried only a fraction of what is needed.

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I’m sorry but the reason I’ve been absent from this thread is a few opinionated duplicitous trogs on this forum in this thread are trying to play the tiny violin and present the “case for ISRAHELL”.

I’ll tell you what, you can go **** yourself and so can ISRAHELL.

ISRAHELL government has lost the plot, it’s threatened the UN, it’s banned visas for UN officials including the under secretary general, it’s blatantly targeted civilians, journalists, health care workers and UN workers.

It IS using starvation as a weapon of war, LAST NIGHT DUE TO A LACK OF FUEL the incubators in the neonatal unit where premature babies are being housed was temporarily turned off.

I have now lost all objectivity and sympathy for ISRAHELL. So please don’t tag me in this thread if you wish to make a case for that apartheid terrorist mad state.

For all you bloodthirsty idiots in this threat, ISRAHELL carried out the largest ground incursion overnight, scored will have been killed in this.

And if you support ISRAHELL, here is what you can do, go **** your self.

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