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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All these Jewish ISIS Nazi terrorists can do is bomb civilians and throw bombs on a concentration camp. What a cowardly terrorist people.

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: 10 martyrs and more than 50 wounded in Israeli raids that targeted 3 homes in Khan Yunis

All these Jewish ISIS Nazi terrorists can do is bomb civilians and throw bombs on a concentration camp. What a cowardly terrorist people.

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: 10 martyrs and more than 50 wounded in Israeli raids that targeted 3 homes in Khan Yunis
So why lie about the contents of a video which everyone can watch.

What are the interesting facts revealed in this video?

  1. israel has treated wounded members of Al-Nusrah (not Al Qaeda) in their hospitals.
  2. ISIS has. to the knowledge of the interviewed person, never attacked Israel and would be treated as well at hospitals.
  3. Hezbollah has attacked Israel and if wounded Hezbollah members approached the Israeli border begging for medical care, they would be sent packing.
There is no mentioning of arming anyone.

This is an old interview, and ISIS/ISIL has claimed attacks on Israel since 2016.
Al-Nusra was part of al-Qaeda.

The point you are ignoring is that Israel supported terrorists in the region.
Another example Another confusion.
These Euro Lackey of the Jewry. The real right wing is the based on the race and some other things. Completely Secular. Or as it is the Case with Franco on the proper European religion Catholicism and Spanish nationalism, there wasn't much racism there if at all. De Gaulle Republic, Strength of France a bit religion etc.
But this cucks are Zionists, so as the Europeans you are ra racist towards me ( European) on the account of the Asians ( Jews) ??????? And that hate which is called Zionism is based on the religion which is not yours and you're mostly atheists????!!!!
Do you understand why i am calling you Zeros , nobodies? What choice do I have.
Almost all classic right wing, consetvatirves of old would clearly understand what I am talking about
This happens to the people who are totally empty and manipulated. Obviously
The Turkish vlogger Cenk Uygur really poured his heart out!! His solution: A Two State Solution along the 1967 borders and the tallest walls that can be built between them.
I agree! And I think Pier Morgan seemed moved by Cenk's fiery speech! As seem many of the people who Commented to this video.

Cenk passionately defends the Palestinians on the Piers show. You can find more interviews in the video section:

He mentions Pakistan at 8:04
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Tet offensive.

Tet offensive says hi.
What????? So stupid that it really confuses me. Just in the last few minutes I have written two messages, which explain why I don't understand morons like you. Seemingly you read my messages, so I don't need to repeat.
come on bro we all support Palestine, but who has done more for palestine than Iran's resistance axis ? gulfies are just giving verbal condemnation.
I'm not asking about the Gulf. I'm asking about the so called 'Resistance-axis'. Are you comparing them to the Gulf ? Will they just sit and watch Gaza be destroyed ?
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