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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Looks like this is what NATO is thinking of. I told people about Anglosaxons so many times.

So all this bulshit is about pre-1930 Angloids going back to the 30s and their policy hasn't changed for the whole time. Shows they're liars and no one should trust them. Europe should not be with Anglosaxons.
Oh no,you are so smart,you have uncovered my whole family tree. Ohhh majko moja!

I asked about unit and where,before you replied to tutle. But which unit,what role? What's the deal?
Mountain Igman
You where?
Just to stick to someone for a conversation?????
Hahaha also , you want the confession????
Are you a Catholic friar?
My elementary school was next to Catholic cluster I never seen you there ????
In any event I find you a very disagreeable person. From your posts, I think in your personal life you are violent and irrational. And thank God we have people like you. People like you are the backbone of Bosnia's defence and a guarantee any enemy will suffer greatly if they attack us.

This thread is so grim, with the Zionists slaughtering women and children and the enemies gloating in happiness. But Mehmed has defended us courageously from the pajeets, Zionists, neo-Nazis, and assorted enemies. He is the vanguard of Islam.
Mountain Igman
You where?
Just to stick to someone for a conversation?????
Hahaha also , you want the confession????
Are you a Catholic friar?
My elementary school was next to Catholic cluster I never seen you there ????
Nah,I'm not Catholic and I'm not from Igman and not even anywhere near Bosna i Herzegovina
Using a combination of religious and secular knowledge I can say with a high level of certainty that within 50 years both Britain and Germany will be Muslim.

The Quran predicts that Islam will supersede all other religions (61:9). In (5:54) it says that if Muslims don’t follow Islam then God will replace them with another people who will.

There is a Hadith that says that one day Muslims will be like the foam of a sea—vast in numbers but weak because of fear of death and love for this world. There are many Hadith that predict that Jesus will return.

For the first few hundred years Islam was led by Arabs. After the Mongol invasions, by around 1250, leadership of the Muslim world got transferred to Turks, which lasted till around 1918. Transfer of control from one people to another has happened before.

With the above information in mind, I think that Muslims of today have failed and there is another change in leadership due. The arrival of Jesus will be the critical point. People of European descent will become Muslims and assume the leadership of Islam for the next few centuries. The British and Germans will be an important component of that.
Can it be the Afghans?
This happened when the shaheen 3 missile test was canceled on American pressure, three Chinese companies were banned, and the Munira Mastri knee jerking cabinet clarified the statment on deployment of troops in Gaza and recent missile tests.
Dragon looks pissed off at Munira Mastri.
No, I definitely wasn't there. I was too young,
Mt Igman fell to the serbs. So if you were there, thank you for fighting for us, but you lost the mountain. The UN had to give it back to us if I remember correctly.
We kinda returned it .

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