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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

their role is to fight for Lebanon.
AND the interests and priorities of the Islamic resistance in the region, so defending oppressed people of Palestine is fully in the "role" of Hezbollah today. Hezbollah has sent forces and advisers to Iraq during the invasion times by US military and to Yemen, to assist the Houthis- Hezbollah is global and also extraterritorial.
so dont expect too much.
wtf you mean by dont expect too much when Hezbollah has already done "too much" to the IDF's military forces and personnel on the border with Lebanon? Are you a Hezbollah prowess /power denialist?
If they join in now they will betray their own people.
LMAO- Hoooooooow bro?????? Their people are begging for their Iran to "make a military move" to support Palestine, Iraqis are rushing to Jordan border to get to Israel's border, to fight Israel, how would that betray their own people? lol- their people are committed to these same causes, Iranians didnt say too much against the Iranian govt when it used Quds force to support Assad, sent him expensive precious oil tankers during the economic embargo against Syria during the war, so why wont Iranians support their govt if it enters this fight? Hell, Iranians can sign up on an online list to potentially go fight at the front, a volunteer force recruitment.
LMAO- Hoooooooow bro?????? Their people are begging for their Iran to "make a military move" to support Palestine, Iraqis are rushing to Jordan border to get to Israel's border, to fight Israel, how would that betray their own people? lol- their people are committed to these same causes, Iranians didnt say too much against the Iranian govt when it used Quds force to support Assad, sent him expensive precious oil tankers during the economic embargo against Syria during the war, so why wont Iranians support their govt if it enters this fight? Hell, Iranians can sign up on an online list to potentially go fight at the front, a volunteer force recruitment.
Most Iranians and Lebanese do not want to end up like Gaza. The leadership know this will happen.

No one will fight the palestinain war of independence for them. Just saying.
Israelis are stuck in 2003. This stuff is facetious and laughable. Might as well say they were instructed to suck on people's toes you fvckn Jewish pricks .

Iraelis are writing a horrible future for themselves with crimes like these. They have been around for 3000+ years, they should have known better.

No one will do anything to them. Until someone with willpower holds them responsible and takes action.

Most Iranians and Lebanese do not want to end up like Gaza. The leadership know this will happen.

No one will fight the palestinain war of independence for them. Just saying.

So anti-Israel resistance is a lie and these groups are scared of Israel. It's just one excuse after another. Yet after this war they will take credit for what Hamas pulled off and claim they were the ones who fought Israel. Right now they'll say the truth that they had nothing to do with it and are cowards that won't intervene for Palestine and don't actually believe in Jihad for sake of Palestine. Once bombing is done tone will change and we will see ridiculous propaganda.
They should have learnt from Pakistanis, maybe then 93000 would wear bangles like phaggots and surrender 🤣
Teri ma ki pudi


AUGUST 8, 2023​

'Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple,' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year​

Arrival of five red heifers continues to cause excitement and consternation in the Jewish state​

The Torah commands that a red heifer be without spot or blemish, and never have worn a yoke. Rabbinic law gives several additional stipulations to the requirements of the red heifer, or calf, such as being at least two years of age and having no white hairs. ....
On the Hamas-owned “Al-Aqsa” program, Dr. Ahmad Shihab said the heifers were proof that “the Israeli government has a plan to cause a religious war in the region, and the settlers state religious claims regarding the Jews' right to al-Aqsa mosque.”
This happened just a month before the current violence erupted.

Anyone not familiar with the Red Heifer ... it is a major requirement for the development of the Third Temple. The main issue has always been in finding such a heifer that meets all the requirements postulated in the Torah. This is the first time, in Jewish history of 3000+ years, that such an animal has been brought to Israel.

Correction: this is the first time since 70 AD that this specific red heifer has arrived in Israel. Between 1800 BC and 70 AD, it was found 9 times.
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This is a very sad news and I don't know how Munira Mastri and Baglol ended up in a position where we have russia on one side and all the muslim countries on the other. Shells from Pakistan may end up arming Israel. Don't call it missleading. POF manufactures 155mm for Ukraine. The shells are shipped to American warehouses and then to Ukraine. Israel is receiving 155pmm shells from America for Ukraine. Israel may end up being armed by Pakistan. In order to get dollars, these generals are willing to do anything, even sell their mothers.

The generals closed enough with America and then one missile test and sending troops to Gaza cost Pakistan a big loss in missiles. We knew we should close with China instead of America. Take a look at what America did to Pakistan. There is no first time America has done this with Pakistan, but offcourse these generals are only interested in dollars.
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