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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Things are heating up in the UK , might head for civil war:-

lets be serious please

Civil Defense in Jabalia to Al Jazeera: We recovered 30 martyrs, most of them children and women, from under the bombed buildings in the camp.
This is a lie. Hamas did not tell them that. They just refuse to help Gaza and militarily intervene. Hamas has been calling on them since the beginning to help.

These liars want to see Hamas and Gaza fall. It's in their interest for Israel to continue to exist. Hamas has been asking them to help since the beginning. All they do is throw a mortars and anti-tank missiles on the same hill for the past 15 days.


Civil Defense in Jabalia to Al Jazeera: We recovered 30 martyrs, most of them children and women, from under the bombed buildings in the camp.
They misfired on the parking lot (if it wasnt a hamas misfire).

Also Hamas just performed a 9/11 like terror attack before that. Does not stop you from seeing them as your “freedom heroes”?

But anyway. israel are not going to risk another misfire now, that will cost them all public support.
You talk endless amount of nonsense. The nonsense is in the base of we can tenniously call your reasoning.
Let me make it short for you
F off as no one here has any will to show you any understanding. The logic is pretty simple here. Do you honestly believe that someone here would entertain your ideas which we can in simplistic way describe, " Hey guys we f hate you, why don't you worship us, you are really bad for that "
Even today in the practical terms you lamented the fact that the Crusede wasn't waged in Bosnia. You are paradoxe on paradoxe, contradicto in objecto. You are so deranged and led by the lowest instincts and desires that you would cinfuse the staunchest islamophob of old.
It is all so stupid that you confuse me really. Yes I get it, you hate us and would love that we vanish, it is not anything new. It doesn't bother me a bit , the feeling is mutual but you think that we should be happy about it and at the end clap to your stupid joke.
You are such donkey that even the most stupid donkey would think that he is fake donkey.
Get the f out of here you deranged kyke.
You are not a German but a Kyke. If you feel comfortable in your setting , you wouldn't play the role.
You are nothing but a dirty offspring of Odessa watchmaker. P of shit
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