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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

US Navy and Army should refuse to participate in the genocide of the weakest and poorest people in the world, it is beyond their dignity and honor, to participate at the behest of vile apartheid loving Israelis.
That's not true. This is a country that was built on genocide, systemic discrimination, racism and violence. It has indulged in far worse atrocities than what the Israelis have done so far, the prime examples being the genocide of native Americans and dropping nuclear weapons on civilian population centers multiple times.

Before the nukes, the standard practice was indiscriminate dropping of incendiary and chemical bombs on civilian which occurred frequently in Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, Laos, and Korea (the most bombed nations of on earth).

In Vietnam, American soldiers used to cut off the ears and scalps off their victims (including babies), put them on a string, and wear them as trophy necklaces.

After annexing the lands, and subjugating the natives, of many Pacific islands, the US subjected them to nuclear weapons testing, to learn the effects of WMD on humans and environment. A total 105 nuclear weapons were tested in the air and underwater. The people of Guam, who are exposed to far worse radiation than anywhere on earth, an American Pacific territory, are not allowed to vote in general elections.

In Haiti, the US Army justified the execution of women and babies, on a mass scale, by US Marines because these victims were "auxiliaries of rebels".

There was a community much poorer than Palestine that was ethnically cleansed by US & UK: [Chagossians].

In 247 years of US history, the country has experienced only 11 years of peace. That is, 95.5% of it's existence spent in war and violence.

Violence runs through this country like blood runs through an artery. Domestically, it is plagued with mass shootings, school, mall, and church massacres.

War criminals in this country are decorated with medals. Soldiers convicted in human rights abuses roam free or are pardoned after serving short sentences, such as the perpetrators of Abu Ghraib torture, Raymond Davis, and the soldiers who killed hundreds of Korean refugees in broad daylight at the No Gun Ri Massacre in South Korea.

And the most despicable part of all this is that this nation is proud of its violent history, refuses to apologize. You can find today, Americans who will proudly justify these atrocities, even at the state level. That means, essentially, they do not see the problem in such conduct and it's soldiers are given a guarantee that 'you will not be penalized' for crimes.

Don't ever confuse this country with honor and dignity. It doesn't exist. And when required, they will resort to such despicable crimes if it benefits them. The support for Israeli crimes is peanuts in comparison to the history of this country.
Shehab correspondent: The Israeli bombing of Gaza and the northern Gaza Strip has been continuing for two hours without interruption
This genocide on Gaza has exposed every one of these liars:

Erdogan (allowing oil to go to Israel)
Sisi (publicly stating he has no trouble with destruction of armed groups in Gaza )
MBS (self explanatory coward who wants relations with Israel)
MBS (self explanatory)
Khameni (Empty rhetoric and baseless threats)
Hassan Nasrallah (said we won't leave Gaza and Jerusalem alone but disappears from scene and sacrifices some dozen fighters to throw anti tank missiles at empty fields and hill )

Well, agree with all of them, except Hezbollah. They did engage in skirmishes so far. Today IDF acknowledged "1" IDF soldier dead, which means the number is probably greater.

They did say initially they would engage if IDF launches ground offensive. So I will hold on my judgement until then.

As for our Sunni leaders - Allah is watching.
Believe me, they will only do small scale skirmishes even in event of a ground invasion.

They are sacrificing low ranking soldiers on purpose to make it seem like they're deep in the battle. They're ordering them to not actually do any serious damage. Even to point of firing a anti-tank missile at a empty field. There's literally a video of it.
Someone with background in military operations may chime in: This bombing by air, entering 3rd week, seems wasteful for a strip 25 miles by 5 miles. There can't too many 'strategic' targets anymore to waste those 'precision weapons'. Why don't they use artillery and at least target with more accuracy at lower cost? They can easily cover any point by lining up guns on the long side.
Arty is 'in-theatre' meaning 1-15 miles away, whereas, air strikes can be launched from a couple hundreds miles away -- safety.

Arty can be sort of 'blind', whereas, air strikes you have 'eyes-on' on the targets. You can also cancel some targets and switch to new targets.

Just high level points.
Breaking: Israel just bombed the outside of the Al-Quds hospital

This is terrorism:

The brutal occupation bombs around Al-Quds Hospital, brutality beyond that..Allah is my suffice, and the best deputy!Intensify your prayers for our people in Gaza

This account is probably pro-iran thus not reliable however i shared the alledged report with some big accounts lets first see if they confirm.
I hope it's not true. Please update us when you're able to.
There is intense shelling in Gaza right now:
Arty is 'in-theatre' meaning 1-15 miles away, whereas, air strikes can be launched from a couple hundreds miles away -- safety.

Arty can be sort of 'blind', whereas, air strikes you have 'eyes-on' on the targets. You can also cancel some targets and switch to new targets.

Just high level points.
So bombing those babies and children with airforce was not enough now you want artillery?
I don't understand why they went after civilians and took them hostage? Bit of a sh*t idea tbh.
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